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Title page for etd-0816104-153156
The effects of training systems and the perceptions of training on the job abilities improvement, organizational commitment and job involvement after training.
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Training system, perception of training, job involvement, organizational commitment, job abilities improvement
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The objectives of this research are, first to comprehend how the training system influences the job abilities improvement, organizational commitment and job involvement after training, secondly to comprehend how the perception of training influences the job abilities improvement, organizational commitment and job involvement after training.

In this study, a questionnaire is conducted on 140 employees who were trained in one year. The data is used to analyze the influence of training system and the influence of perception of training over the job abilities improvement, organizational commitment and job involvement by regression analysis.

The findings of this study include the following five aspects. First, employees who have decision-making power will contribute to the job abilities improvement. Companies evaluate the effects of training will contribute to the job abilities improvement. Second, the period of training has positive effect on organizational commitment. Companies evaluate the effects of training will also contribute to organizational commitment. Third, the training systems do not affect the employee’s job involvement. Fourth, the perception of training is employee benefit that has positive effect on job abilities improvement and organizational commitment. Fifth, the perception of training is the investment of human capital that has positive effect on job involvement.
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