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論文名稱 Title |
訓練制度與訓練認知對員工職能提升、組織承諾與工作投入之影響 The effects of training systems and the perceptions of training on the job abilities improvement, organizational commitment and job involvement after training. |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
57 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2004-07-28 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2004-08-16 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
訓練制度、訓練認知、職能提升、工作投入、組織承諾 Training system, perception of training, job involvement, organizational commitment, job abilities improvement |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5840 次,被下載 4197 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5840 times, has been downloaded 4197 times. |
中文摘要 |
本研究的重點在於了解訓練制度對員工參訓後的職能提升、組織承諾與工作投入的影響,以及員工對訓練的認知對員工參訓後的職能提升、組織承諾與工作投入的影響。 本研究係以民國九十二年四月一日至民國九十三年三月三十一日期間內有接受訓練的員工為研究對象,進行問卷發放,共取得有效問卷140份。根據所得樣本,以聯合檢定分析訓練制度與對訓練的認知對員工參訓後的職能提升、組織承諾與工作投入的影響。訓練制度包含的變項有訓練時數,訓練辦理方式,課程類別,訓練補助,員工對訓練的自主權,對成效進行檢核。對訓練的認知包含認為訓練是員工福利與認為訓練是人力資本投資的認知。 研究結果顯示訓練制度對訓練後職能提升有顯著的影響。當員工對於參加訓練有自主權,有助於職能的提升。另外,公司對於員工參訓後的成效進行檢核,亦可增進職能提升的成效。訓練制度對訓練後組織承諾有顯著的影響。當受訓練時數越長,員工對組織的承諾增加程度越高。當公司對於員工參訓後的成效進行檢核,將可增加員工對組織的承諾。訓練制度對於參訓後工作投入的改變沒有顯著的影響,亦即員工工作投入的程度,並不會因員工所被規範的訓練制度的不同而有所改變。 不同訓練認知對員工職能提升有顯著的影響,當員工傾向認為訓練是員工福利,有助於職能的提升。不同訓練認知對員工訓練後組織承諾有顯著的影響,當員工傾向認為訓練是員工福利,有助於增加組織承諾。不同訓練認知對員工訓練後工作投入升有顯著的影響。當員工傾向認為訓練是人力資本投資,會增加其訓練後對工作的投入。 |
Abstract |
The objectives of this research are, first to comprehend how the training system influences the job abilities improvement, organizational commitment and job involvement after training, secondly to comprehend how the perception of training influences the job abilities improvement, organizational commitment and job involvement after training. In this study, a questionnaire is conducted on 140 employees who were trained in one year. The data is used to analyze the influence of training system and the influence of perception of training over the job abilities improvement, organizational commitment and job involvement by regression analysis. The findings of this study include the following five aspects. First, employees who have decision-making power will contribute to the job abilities improvement. Companies evaluate the effects of training will contribute to the job abilities improvement. Second, the period of training has positive effect on organizational commitment. Companies evaluate the effects of training will also contribute to organizational commitment. Third, the training systems do not affect the employee’s job involvement. Fourth, the perception of training is employee benefit that has positive effect on job abilities improvement and organizational commitment. Fifth, the perception of training is the investment of human capital that has positive effect on job involvement. |
目次 Table of Contents |
第一章 |
參考文獻 References |
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