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Title page for etd-0817110-235239
Procedural justice, distributive justice on supervisory trust and job involvement of the effect - Moderating effects of performance appraisal values
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distributive justice, supervisory trust, procedural justice, job involvement, values
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1. 高重視績效考核價值觀的人因在乎過程的公平性及分配獎酬的公平性,表現出來的行為和態度也比較正面,認為結果和付出是等比的,所以相對的付出及投入程度會比較多。
2. 對於升遷制度是否完善或是加薪與否較不重視的人,就是對整個結果較不在乎的人,如果主管給予公平性的競爭機會,會對此部屬有激勵的作用,進而會提升其表現。
3. 主管不管進行任一種操作行為,對於本來就高重視績效考核過程的人,均有較佳的工作態度和產出,並不會因主管的行為而有所改變,而對於高重視績效考核分配資源的人,反而無較明顯的影響。
4. 在高分配公平裡重視程序公平價值觀對主管信任的影響程度微乎其微,而在低分配公平裡產生明顯差距的影響。
In this study, procedural justice, distributive justice and performance appraisal values to explore and understand the workplace in organizational justice (procedural justice, distributive justice) and the degree of emphasis on the staff performance appraisal values to job involvement and supervisory trust’s influence, in addition, recognized individuals in their work performance evaluation of values, procedural justice, distributive justice, supervisory trust and job involvement are also included in the scope of regulation.
The design of this questionnaire is divided into two parts, first part was in charge of the staff performance appraisal to the implementation of the program is consistent with principles of procedural fairness, the respective high and low procedural justice two kinds of situations. The second part of the assessment results for the charge of the staff can feel a fair, competent staff there to the list of recommended salary increases for the results of the judgments of the respective high and low equity allocation of a fair distribution of two kinds of situations. By these two factors, staggered to form four kinds of different situations, but the questionnaire asked the same item.
The 242 valid questionnaires were collected, results are as follows:
1. High attention to performance appraisal values of person who cares about the fairness of the process and the fairness of reward distribution, shown more positive behavior and attitude that is a geometric results and paid, so the relative level of pay and the investment will more.
2. Whether it is good for promotion or pay less attention to whether or not the person is on the results than those who do not care if the charge given to the fairness of the competition, will have the role of subordinates have incentives, in turn will increase its performance.
3. Competent to conduct any type of operation regardless of behavior would have on our high importance for the performance assessment process, people will have a better work attitude and output, and will not be competent to act and change the emphasis on performance assessment for high allocation of resources of people, but no obvious effect.
4. In the high attention to procedural justice, distributive justice values in the trust's impact on the charge of little, and in the low distributive justice in the gap produced significant effects.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 ................................................ 1
第一節 研就動機 ............................................ 1
第二節 研究目的 ............................................ 2
第二章 文獻探討 ............................................ 3
第一節 組織公正(分配公平、程序公平)與績效評估 .............. 3
第二節 主管信任 ............................................ 7
第三節 工作投入 ............................................11
第四節 價值觀 ..............................................14
第三章 研究方法 ............................................17
第一節 研究設計 ............................................17
第二節 研究對象與資料收集 ..................................18
第三節 研究工具量表之信度分析 ..............................18
第四章 研究結果 ............................................23
第一節 樣本基本資料 ........................................23
第二節 變項間之相關 ........................................26
第三節 績效考核公平性對主管信任和工作投入之影響 ............28
第四節 績效考核價值觀調節作用 ..............................29
第五節 本研究之假設結果驗證 ................................38
第五章 結論與建議 ..........................................40
第一節 研究結果討論 ........................................40
第二節 管理實務建議 ........................................41
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 ..............................42
第六章 參考文獻 ............................................44
一、 中文部份 ............................................44
二、 英文部分 ............................................45
附錄一 問卷 ................................................48
參考文獻 References
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