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Title page for etd-0818104-170844
The emergences and consequences of intra-organizational social networks--social capital perspective
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social capital, personality, contextual performance, citizenship behavior, intra-organizational social networks, knowledge sharing
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本研究結合了社會網絡、社會資本及組織行為三個研究領域,探討組織內部社會網絡的形成影響因素,以及所造成的影響,並分別以對偶、個人及網絡等三種分析層次提出研究架構及研究假設。社會資本議題在組織與管理領域中已相當受到重視,但由於其資料蒐集及分析方法的特殊性及困難度,而使相關的實証研究相對較少,國內學術研究中更是少見。針對國內十七家公司進行訪談及社會網絡調查過程中,由於需要受訪公司高度的配合,且問卷採記名方式,而使資料蒐集面臨許多困難,發出的645份社會網絡問卷,最後共回收了505份。本研究運用社會網絡量表及UCINET VI社會網絡軟體,經統計分析後,對偶、個人及網絡三種層次的分析各得到以下結論:



Social networks and social capital issues have been combined with organizational behavior scope for decades. Nevertheless, the difficulty of methodology and data collection causes the rareness of related empirical study. In this dissertation, multi-level research structure and hypothesis, including dyadic-level, individual-level, and network-level, are proposed to be examined respectively. 505 questionnaires were collected from 17 companies providing a great deal of support to be analyzed by social network analysis technique of UCINET VI for windows. The following are results and conclusions of each research level:

For dyadic level, “cognition-based trust” and “affect-based trust” are core variables representing dyadic relationship quality. Similarity/attraction paradigm, self-categorizing, and social identity were used as theory basis to prove the positive effects of antecedents embracing gender, education level, age, and tenure similarity, also the “value fit” and “cognitive friendship”, on dyadic relationship quality and interaction behaviors. The results demonstrate the higher similarity of education level and tenure between two individuals, the greater level of value fit, friendships, cognitive-based trust, affect-based trust, knowledge sharing, and citizenship behaviors. Cognition and affect trusts between two individuals cause the knowledge sharing and citizenship behaviors for each other. The positive effects of gender differences on relationship quality are discovered unexpectedly.

For individual level, the normalized in-degree of centralities of “advice networks” and “friendship networks” were measured by social network analysis techniques to be examined as core variables. I draw on the formal organization structure (work flow network centrality and rank), personalities (conscientiousness, high-low self-monitoring, extraversion/introversion, collectivism/individualism), and job characteristics (job inter-dependency and work loading) for the antecedent variables of “advice networks”, “friendship networks”, and personal contextual performance (knowledge sharing and citizenship behaviors). Also treat the “personal social capital” as the mediate variables among personal social networks and personal contextual performance. The results demonstrate the positive effects of rank, work flow network centrality, conscientiousness, self-monitoring, collectivism, and job inter-dependency on the centrality of advice network. The negative-effects of work loading are also verified. For the centrality of friendship network, the results proved the positive effects of the work flow network centrality, and conscientiousness, also the negative effects of work loading on it. Knowledge sharing behaviors representing the part of personal contextual performance are positively affected by conscientiousness, self-monitoring, rank, work flow network centrality, advice network centrality, friendship network centrality, and personal social capital. Work loading influences the knowledge sharing behaviors negatively. Citizenship behaviors that also represent the part of personal contextual performance are influenced by advice network centrality, friendship network centrality, and personal social capital. The mediating effects of social capital among personal social networks and personal contextual performance are also manifested.

For network level, the comparisons among formal organization structure and nine intra-organizational social networks demonstrate the influences of rank and division on social network structural configuration. I also draw on the similarity-attraction paradigm as the theory basis to examine the positive effects of the similarity of department, gender, age, education-level, marriage status, and nine intra-organizational social network matrices on the relational matrices of friendship and affect-trust. MRQAP (Multiple Regression Quadratic Assignment Procedure) technique is applied on this analysis. The results verified the positive effects of the similarity of department, gender, and marriage status on friendship and affect-trust between two individuals. In addition, the theoretical and managerial implications, limitations and future research questions based on the findings and suggestions for future research are provided.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒  論………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景………………………………………… 1
第二節 研究動機………………………………………… 14
第三節 研究目的與問題………………………………… 25
第四節 研究分析層次及初步觀念性架構……………… 28

第二章 文獻探討………………………………………… 30
第一節 組織內部人際關係的形成及影響……………… 31
第二節 對偶關係品質因果模式的建構………………… 43
第三節 社會資本理論…………………………………… 60
第四節 社會網絡理論及社會網絡分析法……………… 77
第五節 社會網絡與社會資本的關係…………………… 85
第六節 組織內部社會網絡的形成困素及影響………… 93

第三章 研究方法………………………………………… 101
第一節 對偶層次的研究架構及假設…………………… 103
第二節 個人層次分析的研究架構及假設……………… 107
第三節 變數操作性定義及衡量………………………… 120
第四節 資料蒐集與樣本結構分析……………………… 130
第五節 資料分析工具及方法法………………………… 134
第六節 量表的信效度分析……………………………… 135
第七節 網絡層次分析方法……………………………… 138

第四章 研究結果分析…………………………………… 141
第一節 對偶層次分析…………………………………… 141
第二節 個人層次之描述性統計及相關分析…………… 150
第三節 個人層次之差異分析…………………………… 157
第四節 個人層次的影響性分析………………………… 167
第五節 網絡層次分析—X公司………………………… 177

第五章 結論與建議……………………………………… 192
第一節 研究結論………………………………………… 192
第二節 研究建議………………………………………… 204

參考文獻…………………………………………………… 206
附錄 本研究問卷………………………………………… 234
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