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Title page for etd-0819109-140929
金融風暴下的職場認知 - 以EOI進行台灣高等教育之畢業生之研究
Job Market Cognition under Economic Crisis - Study of Graduates of High Education in Taiwan using EOI
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Level of External Resistance, Occupational Self-efficacy, Employment Opportunity Index
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1. 教育程度與自我實現程度、經濟環境之抵抗程度、職場機會認知皆有正相關係;自我實現程度與經濟環境之抵抗程度、職場機會認知皆有正相關係;經濟環境亦與職場機會認知有正相關係。
2. 碩士應屆畢業生擁有較學士應屆畢業生為高的事業自我實現程度、經濟環境之抵抗程度和職場認知機會。
3. 在尋找第一份工作的求職活動中碩士應屆畢業生較學士應屆畢業生易於做出較現實樂觀的職場評估,如過高的月薪預測和過短的待業時間等。
The increasing number of graduates from higher education program has arouse the discussion of its effect on Taiwan workers’ competency and whether such booming production has advantages for graduates’ first job search. Even though a large aggregation of literatures has been published and includes such vocational activities into turnover theories, social cognitive theory and so on, there has not been a explicate framework of combining internal and external factors with job search outcome. The study has achieved illustrate 2009 graduates’ from department of business administrative perception of how the difference of their degrees interact with internal factor (self-efficacy), external factor (economic condition) and job search outcome (employment opportunity index). By adding valid scales into the existing job search framework, the study is able to conclude the discrepancy between master degree graduates and bachelor degree graduates scoring on different scales as well as the overall discrepancy the graduates’ perception have against the actual facts in the contemporary job market. In sum, the findings in this study are as the following:
1. There are positive relationships between: education attainment vs. self-efficacy, level of external factor resistance, EOI; self-efficacy vs. level of external factor resistance, EOI; level of external factor resistance vs. EOI.
2. Master graduates have higher occupational self-efficacy, level of external factor resistance and EOI than the bachelor graduates.
3. Master graduates are likely to make overestimation on the amount of their first monthly payment and underestimation on the duration needed for their first job search.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Research Motive and Background 1
1-2 Research Objectives 8
Chapter 2 Literature Review 10
2-1 Cognitive Ability 10
2-3 Self-efficacy 18
2-4 Employment and Economic Variables 21
2-5 The Study of Business Administration and Self-Efficacy 23
2-6 Graduate Education in Human Capital Theory 24
2-7 Employment Opportunity Index 28
Chapter 3 Methodology 30
3-1 Research Framework 30
3-2 Hypotheses Development 32
3-3 Study Design 37
3-4 Control Variables 40
3-5 Measurement 42
3-6 Data Collection 43
3-7 Pilot Test 45
3-8 Sample 46
Chapter 4 Result and Discussion 50
4-1 Data Analysis 50
4-2 Descriptive Statistic Analysis 50
4-3 Factor Analysis 51
4-4 Correlation Analysis 56
4-5 Regression Analysis 61
4-6 One-way ANOVA Analysis 62
4-7 One-Sample T test Analysis 65
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestion 69
5-1 Review of the Finding 69
5-2 Managerial Implication 70
5-3 Study Limitation 72
5-4 Suggestions for Future Research 73
References 75
Appendix 83
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