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博碩士論文 etd-0822111-154754 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0822111-154754
How electronic component agents respond to changing market conditions - a case study of a listed company in Taiwan
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OEM, passive components, own-brand, competitive advantage
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【摘 要】
隨著科技的日新月異,電腦產品(Computer)、通訊產品(Communication)、消費性電子產品(Consumer Electronics)等三大類產品均不斷地推陳出新,消費者較過去擁有更多的選擇,但在景氣循環波動和競爭者爭食的情況下,常形成部份3C產品供過於求,而需降價促銷。台灣的筆記型電腦代工廠是世界知名,但卻常受到外國客戶的剝削,僅賺取微薄的利潤,相對而言,他們只能反向控制採買零件的價格,使得零件供應商間展開激烈價格戰,即使最終勝出者亦被要求每季調降價格。
在技術更新、消費者喜好與價格均快速變動的時代,代理商面對供應商既定的價格和顧客要求的降價幅度,已使可獲利空間逐步降低,故本研究將針對被動原件代理商在面對筆記型電腦代工廠的需求,擬訂經營轉型策略,以更新之技術、更快之速度、更高之品質、更優質之服務及更優惠的價格,因應 3C產業快速的變化。本研究將以個案研究方式,探討A集團原本僅從事被動元件代理商之貿易活動,如何在西元2002年~2010年間推動產業擴張轉型與供應鏈佈局,開發自有品牌及發展企業關鍵核心競爭優勢與建立經營平台。

As technology advances, new computer, telecommunications and consumer electronic products are constantly being introduced, giving consumers more choice than in the past. However, fluctuations in the business cycle mean that competitors fight to gain market share and this often results in an oversupply of 3C products and a decline in prices. Taiwan's notebook industry is world-famous, but because of pressure from foreign companies profit margins are relatively low. The notebook producers try to control the price of the components by putting pressure on component makers. This leads to a price war between the suppliers and even the winners of this war still have to cut prices on a quarterly basis.

Technology, consumer preferences and prices are all changing rapidly. Component agents are being squeezed between suppliers, who want to maintain a fixed price, and customers who want prices to be cut. This has reduced profit margins. This research focuses on how passive component agents change in response to this situation and meet the demands for higher quality, better service, lower prices and faster delivery. The case study concerns Company A, which originally acted solely as a passive component agent. It examines how, between 2002-2010, the company restructured its business and supply chain and developed its own-brand components to gain key competitive advantage and establish an operating platform.

This study researched the relevant literature and information concerning Company A to produce a summary of the company's transition strategy and how it was implemented. It is hoped that this research will provide a reference for other agents which are going through a similar transition.

Keywords: passive components, OEM, own-brand, competitive advantage
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
論文審定書........................................................................................................ i
致謝詞................................................................................................................ ii
中文摘要............................................................................................................ iii
英文摘要............................................................................................................ iv

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機............................................................................. 1
第二節 研究目的與問題............................................................................. 3
第三節 研究流程......................................................................................... 3
第四節 研究範圍與限制............................................................................. 5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 策略管理......................................................................................... 6
第二節 企業轉型的定義與方式................................................................. 10
第三節 組織學習......................................................................................... 15
第三章 研究設計
第一節 研究架構........................................................................................ 25
第二節 分析模式........................................................................................ 25
第三節 研究方法........................................................................................ 28
第四章 個案簡介
第一節 被動元件產業現況與發展趨勢.................................................... 35
第二節 個案公司簡介................................................................................ 40
第三節 轉型歷程論述................................................................................ 53

第五章 個案研究發現與結果
第一節 研究發現........................................................................................ 60
第二節 管理意涵........................................................................................ 63
第三節 不同轉型模式優劣比較................................................................ 66
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論................................................................................................ 67
第二節 建議................................................................................................ 68
ㄧ、中文部份........................................................................................... 69
二、英文部分........................................................................................... 69
三、網站部分........................................................................................... 72

圖 次
圖1-1 研究流程圖.......................................................................................... 4
圖3-1 五大競爭作用力................................................................................... 26

表 次
表2-1 策略的觀點對比表............................................................................... 8
表2-2 企業轉型種類分析表........................................................................... 14
表4-1 全球電子產品產值年增率概況(依產品區分)..................................... 37
表4-2 個案公司沿革表................................................................................... 41
表4-3 個案公司主要產品表........................................................................... 47
表4-4 個案公司的組織結構表....................................................................... 49
表4-5 個案公司各主要部門所營業務表....................................................... 50
表4-6 個案公司主要產品設計表................................................................... 52
表5-1 轉型策略分析表................................................................................... 65
表5-2 代理到代工與代工到自行製造優劣勢比較表................................... 66
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黃彥翔,2011,「智慧手持狂潮來襲 PC廠必須面對的典範轉移」,
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