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博碩士論文 etd-0823112-102943 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0823112-102943
The Relationships among High Performance Work Systems, Employee Perceived Organizational Support, and Employee's Job change intention
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High Performance Work Systems, Employee Perceived Organizational Support, Employee's Job change intention
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In the times of globalization, informationization, rapid changing knowledge economy, corporate are facing intensive challenges. Management team knows that they should not only focus on competitive landscape but also enhance human capital in order to strengthen competitiveness and rejuvenate the organization. Accordingly, employees are motivated by every kind of intentions. They regard the degree of support of their work in the organization, the more they satisfy, the more they feel interested with the job, which might commit themselves to meet the organization’s goal and be proud to be one of the whole team.
This research is to test if employee perceived organizational support has an mediating effect to high performance work systems and employee’s job change intention.
This study collects data along with a 2- phase questionnaire, which were filled out by first-line servicing employee, with a total of 260 valid samples. In phase I analyzed high performance work system measurement result, phase II started 2 weeks after phase I questionnaire in order to prevent common method variance, which collected perceived organizational support and employee’s job change intention.
In this study, the result shows that high performance work systems have a significant impact on employee perceived organizational support, and have the negative impact on employee’s job change intention. Moreover, employee perceived organizational support has a negative impact on employee’s job change intention while it has the mediating effect between high performance work systems and job change intention.
Keywords:High Performance Work Systems, Employee Perceived Organizational Support, Employee's Job change intention
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 I
中文摘要 II
目錄 IV
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 人力資源管理之探討 7
第二節 員工知覺組織支持之探討 13
第三節 員工工作轉換意圖之探討 16
第三章 研究設計 20
第一節 研究架構與假設 20
第二節 研究對象與資料蒐集方法 22
第三節 研究變項的操作型定義與衡量 24
第四節 共同方法變異檢測 30
第四章 結果分析與討論 31
第一節 樣本結構百分比統計 31
第二節 各變數之間的相關係數分析 32
第三節 驗證性因素分析 33
第四節 迴歸分析 37
第五章 結果與建議 40
第一節 研究結論 40
第二節 管理意涵 42
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 45
參考文獻 47
一、 中文部份 47
二、 英文部份 48
參考文獻 References
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