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博碩士論文 etd-0825108-120447 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0825108-120447
Use Genetic Algorithms to Construct Mutual Fund Portfolio Based on Perceived Risk Levels
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perceived risk levels, asset allocation, genetic algorithm, mutual fund
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5960 times, has been downloaded 3275 times.
本研究以遺傳演算法建構出三種不同風險承受度的投資組合,以兩組不同的標的基金做為實驗的標的,各實驗三次,共計得到十八個投資組合。測試期間從2000年1月1日至2007年11月30日,實驗期間從2001年1月1日至2007年12月31日,以移動視窗法方式每月調整一次投資組合,共計投資84次。測試期間以一年的基金報酬率、標準差與Alpha、Beta、Sharpe、IR、Sortino等指標使用遺傳演算法計算出投資組合的標的基金與投資權重,投資於下個月,在將每次投資獲得的月報酬率與標準差與所對應的標竿指數作比較。實驗結果顯示,每個投資組合的三次實驗中得到的平均報酬率皆能贏過其所對應的標竿指數報酬率。在84個月的投資中,贏過大盤的次數除了以MSCI為標竿指數的低風險投資組合低於5成外,其餘都超過5成;每個月所累積的主動報酬亦皆高於標竿指數。以MSCI World USD TR為標竿指數的投資組合,在三個不同風險承受度中所得到的平均報酬率之標準差皆低於標竿指數報酬率之標準差,顯示出本研究所提出的方法除了能有效贏過標竿指數外,亦能有效降低報酬的波動率,而得到一個有穩健報酬的投資組合。
Because the government changed laws and opened the market progressively in recent years, the financial market in Taiwan becomes more and more liberal and international; every investor has to face a more complicated investitive environment. They can choice many investitive objects and tools, but how to choice the best one is a big problem for them and the risk in the financial market becomes much higher. Mutual fund is a popular investment tools in recent year. One of the mutual fund’s benefits is the diversity of investment and effectively disperses risk..
In August 2006, the government in Taiwan opens up the market of mutual fund; the investors can buy offshore mutual funds in many channels, so they can choice many kinds of mutual funds, about 1,400 in April 2008. Also, every investor that can beat the level of risk is so different, it maybe make them confused and really want to know which one is much better and do asset allocation very well. Therefore, how to design a good portfolio for different perceived risk levels of investors is a worthful topic in the academia and the really world.
This research uses the genetic algorithm to construct mutual fund portfolios based on perceived risk levels, use fund return, standard deviation, Alpha, Beta, Sharpe, IR and Sortino indicators to select funds of a portfolio and calculate portfolio return and standard deviation, then do asset allocation. This research change funds in every portfolio every month using Sliding Windows method from Jan 1, 2001 to Dec 12, 2007, totally 84 times.
The result of this research is every portfolio average return wins benchmark index average return. The standard deviation of every portfolio also wins benchmark index standard deviation. It shows this research can beat benchmark index effectively and also can decrease the risk of portfolio return, then we can get a good fund portfolio for different perceived risk levels of investors
目次 Table of Contents
致謝辭 II
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究問題 2
1.5 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 共同基金介紹 5
2.2 共同基金績效指標 6
2.2.1 淨報酬率指標 6
2.2.2 風險指標 7
2.2.3 風險調整(Return-Adjust Return)指標 8
2.1.4 進階風險調整指標 9
2.3 投資組合理論 10
2.3.1 風險與報酬 11
2.3.2 相關係數 12
2.3.3 效率前緣 12
2.4 遺傳演算法 13
2.4.1 遺傳演算法法則 13
2.5 遺傳演算法在財務投資組合方面的應用 19
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 研究架構 24
3.2 選擇基金績效衡量指標 26
3.3 建立綜合指標評分標準 27
3.4 遺傳演算法架構 28
3.4.1 編碼方式 28
3.4.2 適應函數 29
3.4.3 演算法步驟 31
3.5 實驗設計 31
3.5.1 系統軟硬體環境 31
3.5.2 實驗資料來源 32
3.5.3 穩定度測試 33
3.5.4 遺傳演算法參數設定 34
第四章 實驗結果 36
第五章 結論與建議 69
5.1 結論與貢獻 69
5.2 未來研究建議 71
參考文獻 73
附錄 75
參考文獻 References
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