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博碩士論文 etd-0826109-151344 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0826109-151344
A Self-Constructing Fuzzy Feature Clustering for Text Categorization
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text classification, feature reduction, feature clustering, feature extraction, fuzzy clustering, fuzzy similarity
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「特徵分群(feature clustering)」是一種有效降低資料維度的方法,本研究提出基於模糊相似度(fuzzy similarity)的「自建構式模糊特徵分群法」,以文件詞彙出現在各類別中的分佈所形成的詞彙樣本(word pattern)來表示文件特徵,對所有特徵向量進行漸進式模糊分群(incremental fuzzy clustering),利用高斯函數作為歸屬函數(membership function),而歸屬函數的平均值(mean)和標準差(deviation)分別用來描述一個群的中心點和資料分佈狀況;利用歸屬值(membership degree)的大小作為分群的標準,將夠相似的特徵向量歸為一群。所有特徵經過演算法形成數個群之後,每個群即代表擷取出來的新特徵。我們將每個群集中所有的特徵向量進行加權組合來擷取出新特徵。
我們所提出的演算法中,其衍生出來的歸屬函數可密切並適當地描繪出訓練資料的實際分佈情形。除此之外,使用者毋須事先設定群集的個數,可避免為尋找最佳之擷取特徵數量而所需的反覆試驗過程。我們採用Usenet新聞群組(20 Newsgroups)文件集和網頁分類(Cade 12)文件集作為實驗資料,並使用支援向量機(Support Vector Machine)進行分類。實驗結果顯示,我們的演算法相較於其他方法,不但減少分類器所需的訓練時間,還可提高分類器的準確率。
Feature clustering is a powerful method to reduce the dimensionality of feature vectors for text classification. In this paper, we propose a fuzzy similarity-based self-constructing algorithm for feature clustering. The words in the feature vector of a document set are grouped into clusters based on similarity test. Words that are similar to each other are grouped into the same cluster. Each cluster is characterized by a membership function with statistical mean and deviation. When all the words have been fed in, a desired number of clusters are formed automatically. We then have one extracted feature for each cluster. The extracted feature corresponding to a cluster is a weighted combination of the words contained in the cluster.
By this algorithm, the derived membership functions match closely with and describe properly the real distribution of the training data. Besides, the user need not specify the number of extracted features in advance, and trial-and-error for determining the appropriate number of extracted features can then be avoided. 20 Newsgroups data set and Cade 12 web directory are introduced to be our experimental data. We adopt the support vector machine to classify the documents. Experimental results show that our method can run faster and obtain better extracted features than other methods.
目次 Table of Contents
摘要 i
Abstract ii
圖目錄 iii
表目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 自動化文件分類 6
2.2 群聚分析 7
2.3 特徵刪減 13
2.3.1 特徵選取 14
2.3.2 特徵擷取 15
2.3.3 特徵分群 18
2.4 分類器 21
2.4.1 軟性邊界支援向量機 23
第三章 研究方法 25
3.1 前置處理 26
3.1.1 Case Folding 27
3.1.2 Stemming 27
3.1.3 Stop-word Removal 28
3.2 我們的方法 29
3.2.1 詞彙樣本 29
3.2.2 詞彙群集 31
3.2.3 自建構式模糊特徵分群法 32
3.2.4 特徵擷取 38
3.3 範例 39
第四章 實驗結果與討論 43
4.1 實驗資料 43
4.2 評估準則 44
4.3 實驗數據 45
4.3.1 20 Newsgroups 45
4.3.2 Cadê 12 45
4.4 問題與討論 57
4.4.1 時間複雜度分析 57
4.4.2 討論 57
第五章 結論 59
參考文獻 60
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