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Title page for etd-0827103-162407
Survival and Developmemt of Issue Parties A Study with the Green Party of Germany and the New Party of Taiwan as examples
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New Party, party, Green Party, issue
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論 文 摘 要


Both the Green Party of Germany and the New Party of Taiwan are minority political parties. Yet, they both play a critical role. Their party line is explicitly defined. For the Green Party, they appeal to “Ecological Issues” and gaine their support from new social movements. As for the New Party of Taiwan, they appeal to “Issues of Anti-Independence of Taiwan and Anti-Black Money” as their national identification. This has its root in the 1990s, when Taiwan was overheated by the issue of declaring independence or unification with Mainland China. In Germany, the Green Party has successfully constrained the development of nuclear industry, and gained strong support from the public in social well-beings. In Taiwan, the New Party also claims to speak for the common people. This posture enabled the New Party to win high popularity in Metropolitan Taipei, and exert high pressure to the Kuomintang. Indeed, the New Party has had stirred up a hurricane in Taiwan. However, this did not last long. The appeals of both parties have been incorporated into the guidelines and agendas of other larger political parties as well. This was deteriorated by the egocentrism of the key leaders of the parties. As such, the parties were divided, and those leaders tended to play one off against another. They both faced the crisis of disintegration and failure as the third choices for the public in political participation. The Green Party has revised its party line and compromised with reality. They formed a coalition with the Social Democratic Party and won the election of the Bundestag in 1998. A coalition government between the red and green was formed in Germany. In the election of the Bundestag in 2002, the same coalition won again. Indeed, the Green Party has performed exceptionally outstanding in the recent election. They won 8.6 % of the votes, the highest in the history of the Green Party. The New Party in Taiwan adopted the slogan of “ Bring Down Lee Teng-Hui and Protect the Republic of China” as their appeal. However, some of the topics in their agenda have been absorbed by other political parties. They hardly won support by spelling out this slogan for a number of reasons. Lee Teng-Hui completed his term in 2000. Nativisim has gained momentum in Taiwan. The tension between Taiwan and the mainland intensified. The homogenous People First Party was founded. The strife inside the New Party intensified, coupled with the exodus of elites. All these events severely hampered the reputation of the New Party and their efforts in the election. Therefore, they lost in the election of the Legislative Yuan in 2001, with humiliation. Outsiders describe their downfall as a bubble. Nevertheless, the New Party revitalized themselves by appealing to the common people, which enabled them to win 5 seats in the City Council of Taipei in the 2002 election. This success changed the attitude of the others towards the New Party, as they felt that this party is going to rejuvenate. Therefore, the rise and fall of the Green Party of Germany and the New Party of Taiwan and their strategies for development may well be served as cases for the study of political parties that appeal to political agenda.

目次 Table of Contents

目 次
第一章 導論
第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………………1
第二節 相關文獻分析………………………………………………2
第三節 研究範圍與研究限制………………………………………6
第四節 研究途徑、方法與本文架構………………………………6

第二章 議題型政黨的起源與發展策略
第一節 政黨與議題型政黨的定義…………………………………9
第二節 議題型政黨的起源…………………………………………11
第三節 議題型政黨的發展策略……………………………………22

第三章 德國綠黨與台灣新黨的起源與組織
第一節 德國與台灣的選舉制度……………………………………25
第二節 德國綠黨與台灣新黨產生之背景…………………………33
第三節 德國綠黨與台灣新黨組織之特性…………………………45

第四章 德國綠黨與台灣新黨的發展策略
第一節 德國綠黨與台灣新黨之政黨綱領…………………………57
第二節 德國綠黨與台灣新黨對議題的選擇………………………61
第三節 德國綠黨與台灣新黨的競選策略…………………………68
第四節 德國綠黨與台灣新黨的發展路線…………………………77

第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論…………………………………………………………93
第二節 建議…………………………………………………………95

參考書目英文部分…………………………………………………… 100
附錄一 新黨主席郁慕明訪談……………………………………………102
附錄二 前新黨召集人周陽山訪談………………………………………112
附錄三 新黨黨章…………………………………………………………121
附錄四 新黨現行組織架構圖……………………………………………126
附錄五 新黨創黨宣言……………………………………………………127
附錄六 新黨基本理念……………………………………………………129
附錄七 德國綠黨黨綱……………………………………………………131

圖3-1 新社會運動對綠黨形成之影響………………………………………34
表3-1 綠黨黨代表在新社會運動中的地位…………………………………38
圖3-2 德國綠黨組織架構圖……………………………………………… 47
表3-2 新黨立任全委員會召集人名單…………………………………… 52
表4-1 新黨創黨後 國內各大政黨於歷屆重大選舉得票率………………76
表4-2 德國各大政黨支持者分裂投票比率……………………………… 79
表4-3 1998、2002年德國大選主要政黨得票比率……………………… 82
表4-4 德國綠黨歷年聯邦選舉得票率…………………………………… 83
表4-5 新黨歷屆提名選舉方式比較……………………………………… 89
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