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Title page for etd-0830105-092407
The effects of the ideology of practical management on person-organization fit
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Corporate Culture, Person-Organization Fit, Values
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Research on person-organization fit suggests that a good fit between individual and organizational values results in positive outcomes for individual’s behaviors and attitudes. If an organization has a “strong culture” with a “good fit”, beliefs and behavior, it normally demonstrates a high level of corporate performance. Therefore, organizations attempt to influence their members, inspire individuals to think and to act in accordance with organizational interests by practice. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the ideology of practical management on person-organization fit and employee's effectiveness. Questionnaires, based on the interviewee data fields used and the key factors resulting from the original quantitative studies, were developed and tested in 2002. The subjects in the study were the realtors beyond one year experience in Taiwan’s largest real estate agency company. A total of 484 questionnaires were distributed. Of which 341 were valid. Data collected from the questionnaires was analyzed using reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The results of the research were as follows:
1. There was a significant positive correlation between the ideology of practical management and person-organizational culture fit.
2. Perception model of the ideology of practical management had a significant positive influence on person-organizational culture fit.
3. No significant relationship between personal-organizational culture fit and employee's effectiveness.
According to these findings, we propose suggestions for increasing cultural fit and reducing cultural differences between individual and organizational values.
目次 Table of Contents

表2-1 文化契合研究取向之分類表..................13
表2-2 組織研究中常用的剖面相似指標..............19
表2-3 國內外有關契合度實證研究之主要發現........21
表3-1 問卷調查回收統計表........................32
表3-2 樣本組成統計表............................33
表3-3 文化價值觀之向度及其內容..................35
表3-4 組織文化價值觀量表各構面的信度............36
表4-1 各變項之相關分析..........................43
表4-2 知覺與贊同經營理念實務對文化契合度之區段迴歸分析結果47
表4-3 知覺與贊同經營理念實務對文化之區段迴歸分析結果......48
表4-4 契合度對個人平均月績效之區段迴歸分析結果............50
表4-5 知覺與贊同經營理念實務對個人平均月績效之區段迴歸分析結果..51

圖2-1 Kristof (1996) 之個人與組織契合的意義型態..........11
圖2-2 個人與組織契合的模式Chatman (1989).................14
圖3-1 研究架構.........29
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