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博碩士論文 etd-0830111-112024 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0830111-112024
Research on Collaborative Marketing Practice of the Computer Industry
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Date of Exam
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Collaborative Marketing, Strategic Alliance, Value Chain, Collaborative Selling
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With the technology evolves over time, science and production process has been updated continuously. Manufacturers not only provide higher efficiency, but also offers products with better cost effective to customers. However, accompanied by the global economy and development of information technology, competitions among enterprises are stronger. It also challenges the relationship between suppliers and their customers. As the result, this situation can not fulfilled customer’s demand. The increased of productivity and smooth market information exchange are the common scenario to price competition. Therefore, increase competitive advantages and relationship building have become two major topics to both suppliers and manufacturers.
With progress of times, technology and produce, make constant renewal science and technology, producer not only offer good products of efficiency but also the intersection of cost and product of advantage to the customer even more in the past. The economic environment that but it is globalized to follow, and the development of information technology, let the competition between enterprises be fierce day by day. Also let the supplier challenged with the customer's cooperation relation more extremely too. The traditional business model of making the trade of the price with quantity in the past, it has been already unable to satisfy the customer. The improvement of productivity, the market information on the network is smooth, the price competition that causes is the normality, no matter to supplier or manufacturer, how improve competitiveness and strong compound, it makes relations to be important subject.
The research via observe 、interview 、and relevant literature, sort out and propose coordination with academy and trend of development of collaborative marketing. With the vertical cooperation relation between supplier and customer in the industry, and expand while organizing the functionality is combined, sell the products to the market of goal in cooperation so that together. The meaning supplier in coordination with marketing is not merely to sell products and service to the customer, another respect is sold with customer's common cooperative planning on the market too, and it is essential to offer and assist, sell to terminal consumer smoothly products, only the intersection of products and smooth the intersection of sale and customer in customer. Through analyze, sum up, offer supplier and famous the intersection of computer and co-operation that manufacturer succeed in on sale throughout the factor, the conclusion studied can be offered in the future of industrial circle to strengthening the relation with the customer's partner, and the reference of enterprise's competitive strategy.
This research is based on observation, interview and worldwide studies, integrated with development of collaborative marketing. From the vertical cooperation of supplier and customers and extended to functionality integration within organization; thus to market product to the target segment. Collaborative marketing is not only selling products to, but also services as well as product planning and market positioning with customers. It also provides assistance to successfully sell to end users. Through analysis, this research has concluded the factors of successful marketing of suppliers and well known computer manufacturers and strengthens future relationship with customers and competition strategies in the industry.
As the result of this research, the more effective the collaborative marketing is, the better the product positioned perceived by the end users. However, the researches done previously focused more on supply chain and value chain analysis. In the past, enterprises prioritized collaborative manufacture and design and invested heavily on ERP rather than focusing on collaborative marketing which is the most valuable stage in the process. To market product collaboratively is actually to increase value and differentiate itself from others. Collaborative marketing indeed increase company’s performance and stronger relationship with customer. This research highlighted the meaning of collaborative marketing and looking forward to active participation and discussion from academy.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
論文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究架構 3
第四節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 協同行銷 6
第二節 價值鏈探討 10
第三節 策略聯盟探討 14
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 研究範圍 17
第二節 研究方法 18
第三節 資料蒐集及訪談對象 19
第四章 訪談結果與分析 2121
第一節 桌上型電腦之協銷實務 21
第二節 筆記型電腦之協銷實務 40
第三節 伺服器之協銷實務 59
第四節 歸納比較與討論 71
第五章 結論與建議 74
第一節 研究結論 74
第二節 研究建議 777
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 79
參考文獻 81


圖1-1研究架構 3
圖1-2研究流程 5
圖2-1 Michael Porter的價值鏈 10
圖2-2 價值系統(Value System) 12
圖5-1供應鏈需求示意圖 76


表2-1學者對協同與協同行銷之看法 7
表2-3國內外學者對策略聯盟之看法 14
表3-1訪談廠商與生產相關產品 20
表4-1 供應商與桌上型電腦廠商之協同行銷實務 39
表4-2 供應商與筆記型電腦廠商之協同行銷實務 58
表4-3 供應商與伺服器廠商之協同行銷實務 70
表4-4協同行銷實務歸納表 71
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三、 網站部分 (2009) ”Value System”
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