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Title page for etd-0903109-132350
The Influence of Employee Work Attitudes in Variable Pay, Risk Preferences and Pay Satisfaction
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variable pay, job involvement, organizational commitment, pay satisfaction, risk preferences
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研 究 生:王鵬淑(Peng-Su Wang)
指導教授:辛炳隆(Ping-Lung Hsin)、陳世哲(Shyh-Jer Chen)


1. 組織實施變動薪資制度會對薪資滿足產生影響。薪資隨績效變動的幅度愈大,則員工對薪資滿足的程度就愈強。
2. 變動薪資對薪資滿足的影響,不會因員工個人風險偏好不同而有所差異。由於各個企業擬訂之薪資績效辦法不一,故本研究推論:若員工未知覺變動薪資制度將帶來薪資減少的風險,或視其為一種誘因機制,則不會因風險偏好差異與變動薪資的交互作用,而對薪資滿足有干擾影響。
3. 薪資滿足會影響員工工作態度。薪資滿足增加幅度愈大,則員工的組織承諾和工作投入就愈強。
4. 變動薪資會透過薪資滿足間接影響員工工作態度。薪資隨績效變動的幅度增加對組織承諾和工作投入的影響,需部份透過薪資滿足的中介效果。

A well designed salary system can influence employee’s work motivation and will reflect on their work performance. It would not be difficult to understand, based on the theory of expectancy, a linkage between reward and performance will motivate employee to work harder, and from which to create good performance and in turn to receive better rewards. That is to say a business which adopts an incentive reward system to motivate employee will receive better performance from them in a consistent manner and the end result is to improve the performance of the organization.
In the past, there have been many researches on influence of salary system on pay satisfaction and working attitude of employee, but few has studied differences in individual risk preference which can interfere with pay satisfaction and to explore differences in risk preference of employee, the effect of variable pay on pay satisfaction and working attitudes.
Through empirical analyses, it was found that:
1. In an organization, an implementation of variable pay system will affect pay satisfaction. As salary links more closely with performance, employee’s pay satisfaction increases.
2. The impact of variable pay on pay satisfaction is not influenced by individual risk preference. Due to differences in salary system to motivate employee, in the business this study concludes if employee is unaware of risk or incentive that is structured in the salary system, then there will be not interaction between difference in risk preference and variable pay system, and will also have no impact on salary satisfaction.
3. Pay satisfaction will have an effect on work attitude of employee. The higher the pay satisfaction, the stronger the organization commitment and job involvement by the employee.
4. Through pay satisfaction, variable pay will indirectly affect employee’s work attitude. A reflection on organizational commitment and job involvement due to salary variable as a result of performance change in part must pass through the intermediate effect of pay satisfaction.

Keywords: variable pay, risk preferences, pay satisfaction, organizational commitment, job involvement
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 ----------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的 ----------------------------------------------- 2
第三節 研究流程 ----------------------------------------------- 2

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 變動薪資對員工工作態度的影響 --------------------------- 4
第二節 變動薪資對薪資滿足的影響 ------------------------------ 10
第三節 風險偏好的干擾效果 ------------------------------------ 16
第四節 薪資滿足對員工工作態度的影響 -------------------------- 21

第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構 ---------------------------------------------- 28
第二節 研究假設 ---------------------------------------------- 29
第三節 研究變項操作型定義與測量工具 -------------------------- 32
第四節 研究對象及資料蒐集 ------------------------------------ 36
第五節 資料分析方法 ------------------------------------------ 37

第四章 實證分析與討論
第一節 樣本敘述性統計分析 ------------------------------------ 39
第二節 信度分析 ---------------------------------------------- 42
第三節 相關分析 ---------------------------------------------- 44
第四節 迴歸分析 ---------------------------------------------- 46

第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 -------------------------------------------------- 73
第二節 管理意涵與建議 ---------------------------------------- 75
第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 -------------------------------- 77

參考文獻 --------------------------------------------------------- 78
附錄一 問卷 ----------------------------------------------------- 84
附錄二 倂組後之受訪者樣本描述性統計 ----------------------------- 88
附錄三 變動薪資與風險偏好對薪資滿足-薪資水準影響的迴歸分析 ------ 89
附錄四 變動薪資與風險偏好對薪資滿足-福利影響的迴歸分析 ---------- 90
附錄五 變動薪資與風險偏好對薪資滿足-調薪影響的迴歸分析 ---------- 91
附錄六 變動薪資與風險偏好對薪資滿足-制度與管理影響的迴歸分析 ---- 92
附錄七 變動薪資、薪資滿足對組織承諾影響之迴歸分析 --------------- 93
附錄八 變動薪資、薪資滿足對工作投入影響之迴歸分析 --------------- 94
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