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Title page for etd-0905105-143518
銷售責任額困難度、客戶導向服務、工作滿足及離職傾向關係探討 -以高雄地區財富管理銀行理財人員為例
A Study on the relationships between financial advisors’ perceived quota difficulty, customer orientation, job satisfaction and turnover intention- Using Kaohsiung area wealth management banking sector as an example
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Date of Submission
perceived quota difficulty, salespeople (financial advisor), job satisfaction, wealth management, customer orientation, turnover intention.
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校所組別:國立中山大學企業管理研究所 頁數:69
研究生:黃佩琪 (Pei-Chi Huang)
指導教授:劉維琪博士(Victor W.C. Liu, Ph. D.)、
陳世哲博士(Shyh-Jer Chen, Ph. D.)




1. 個人變項的不同對銷售責任額困難度、客戶導向服務、工作滿足及離職傾向有部分顯著之差異。
2. 銷售責任額困難度對客戶導向服務及工作滿足有顯著的負相關。
3. 銷售責任額困難度對離職傾向有顯著的正相關。
4. 客戶導向服務對工作滿足有顯著的正相關。
5. 客戶導向服務及工作滿足對離職傾向有顯著的負相關。
6. 客戶導向服務對銷售責任額困難度及工作滿足並沒有顯著的中介效果。


A Study on the relationships between financial advisors’ perceived quota difficulty, customer orientation, job satisfaction and turnover intention- Using Kaohsiung area wealth management banking sector as an example

In retrospect over the changes of past few decades, service industry has gradually become the largest industry in Taiwan and wealth management banking services has become the most desired financial services over the past few years. Despite that wealth management service has already been in existence in the western world for a long period of time, it is still in its infant stage for the domestic banking sector. In the face of fierce competition, gaining highest profit with lowest risk has been the objective of every bank in Taiwan. How to strengthen the service quality, enhance productivity and retain qualified financial advisor has been financial players’ utmost goal. Thus, this study aims to study the relationships between financial advisors’ perceived quota difficulty, customer orientation, job satisfaction and turnover intention.

This research utilizes questionnaire study method and using SPSS for Windows as the tool to conduct statistical analysis, including reliability test, descriptive analysis, ANOVA test, correlation and regression analysis. The research findings are as follow:

1. There has been partial significant difference for individual variables’ with respect to their perceived quota difficulty, customer orientation, job satisfaction and turnover intention
2. There are significant negative correlations between financial advisors’ perceived quota difficulty and customer orientation as well as job satisfaction.
3. There are significant positive correlations between financial advisors’ perceived quota difficulty and turnover intention.
4. There are significant positive correlations between financial advisors’ customer orientation and job satisfaction.
5. There are significant negative correlations between financial advisors’ customer orientation and turnover intention.
6. There was no significant evidence of mediation for customer orientation with respect to perceived quota difficulty and job satisfaction.

Given the research results, the financial institutions should seriously look into setting up a reasonable sales quota while simultaneously stress the importance of customer oriented service. The human resources department should establish a comprehensive and thorough benefit policy and training program to enhance employee job satisfaction and reduce turnover intention. On balance, customers and employees are the two most valuable assets for a firm. Only happy employees and excellent service quality can create utmost value and profit for a firm.

Key words: wealth management, salespeople (financial advisor), perceived quota difficulty, customer orientation, job satisfaction, turnover intention.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Contents Page
Acknowledgements/謝辭………………..………………………..………….. I
Chinese Abstract/中文摘要………………..………………………..……… II
Abstract ………………..………………………..………………………..…… IV
Table of Contents…………………………………..………………………….. VI
List of Tables…………………………………..………………………………. VIII
List of Figures…………………………………..…………………………….. IX

Chapter 1 Introduction …………………………………..…………………… 1

Chapter 2 Literature Review………………………………………………… 4
2.1 Perceived quota difficulty……………………………………… 4
2.1.1 Perceived quota difficulty and sales customer orientation…… 5
2.2 Customer orientation……………………………….. ………….. 6
2.3. Job satisfaction and turnover intention…………………………. 9
2.3.1 Job satisfaction………………………………………………... 9
2.3.2 Perceived quota difficulty and job satisfaction……………….. 12
2.3.3 Customer orientation and job satisfaction……………………. 12
2.3.4 Turnover intention………………………………. …………… 12
2.4 The Banking Industry-Wealth Management Overview………… 14
2.4.1 Wealth management services…………………………………. 15
2.4.2 Overview on the domestic wealth management market………. 16

Chapter 3 Research hypothesis and methodology …………………... ……...
3.1 Theoretical Framework ………………………... ……... ……...
3.2 Method…………………………………. ……... ……... ……...
3.2.1 Sample and Data Collection………………………………….
20 Sample Details…………………………………………….
3.2.2 Operationalization of study variables……………………... …
3.2.3 Measure and analysis assessment …………………………….

Chapter 4 Measure assessment results ………………………………... ……...
4.1 Reliability test….. ……... ……... ……...……... ……... ……..... 26
4.2 Descriptive statistics.. ……... ……... ……... ……... ……... …... 29
4.2.1 Sample demographic data analysis……. ……. ……. ………..
4.2.2 Perceived quota difficulty data analysis……………………….
4.2.3 Customer orientation data analysis. .………… ………………
4.2.4 Job satisfaction data analysis………………. ………………...
4.2.5 Turnover intention data analysis.………………. …………….
4.3 One-way ANOVA test…………………………………..……… 35
4.3.1 One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test between demographics variables and perceived quota difficulty……… 36
4.3.2 One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test between demographics variables and customer orientation…………… 36
4.3.3 One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test between demographics variables and job satisfaction…………………. 37
4.3.4 One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test between demographics variables and turnover intention…………….... 37
4.4 Correlation analysis………………. ……. ……. ……. ………. 42
4.5 Regression analysis…………………………………………….. 44
4.5.1 Perceived quota difficulty regression…………………….…… 44
4.5.2 Customer orientation regression.……………….…………... 45
4.5.3 Job satisfaction regression……………………………..……… 45
4.5.4 Multiple regression……………………….…….……….…... 46

Chapter 5 Research results and theoretical/ managerial implications
5.1 Research results….. ……. ……. ……. ……. ……. ……. ……. 48
5.2 Theoretical implications……. ……. ……. ……. ………. …….. 50
5.3 Limitations and future research……. ……. ……. ………. ……. 52

References……………………………………………………. ……. ……. …. 54

Appendix I : Sample Survey Questionnaire (in Chinese) …….………………. 64
Appendix II: Survey Questionnaire Scale Items……. ……. ……. …..………. 67
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