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Title page for etd-0905107-035307
The Study of Top Management Team, Business Strategy, and HR System –An Integrated Model
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top management team(TMT), strategic HR system, business strategy, TMT behavioral integration
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Drawing on the upper-echelons (UE) theory and strategic human resources management (SHRM) framework, this study aims to study the effects of top management team (TMT) characteristics on business strategy, strategic HR system relationship, and TMT behavioral integration as a moderating variable among the relationships. This research used both a survey and company data of 122 publicly listed firms in Taiwan to tested an integrated theoretical model relating to TMT characteristics (i.e., TMT demographic heterogeneity and TMT perception towards HR value), business strategies (i.e., differentiation strategy), strategic HR system (i.e., high performance work system –HPWS) and TMT behavioral integration.
The findings of this study included: (1) the direct positive relationship between the differentiation strategy and HPWS; (2) the significant relationship between the TMT demographic heterogeneity (i.e. TMT functionality heterogeneity and TMT educational background heterogeneity) and TMT perception towards HR value, and differentiation strategy; (3) the significant relationships between TMT perception towards HR value and differentiation strategy as well as its relationship with HPWS; and (4) a full moderation effect of TMT behavioral integration in the relationship between TMT perception towards HR value and HPWS. This study demonstrates significant associations between TMT, business strategy and HPWS. Reported results support some of the previously established relationships. Implications for future research are discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
2.1 Business Strategy and Strategic Human Resource Management Practices 6
2.2 The Upper-Echelons Theory 19
2.3 Effects of Top-Management-Team Heterogeneity 30
2.4 Moderating Role of Team Behavioral Integration 37
3.1 Research Framework 47
3.2 Sample 49
3.3 Measures 54
3.4 Data Analysis 60
4.1 Scale Validation 62
4.2 Descriptive Statistics and Correlations 69
4.3 Regression Analyses 72
4.4. Moderated Hierarchical Regression Analyses 76
4.5 Summary and Discussion of the Empirical Findings 88
5.1 Contributions 93
5.2 Future Directions 96
5.3 Limitations 97
5.4 Managerial Implication 99
Appendix 1 Questionnaire Administrated to HR Manager 112
Appendix 2 Questionnaire Administrated to CEO 115
Appendix 3 Questionnaire Administrated to HR Manager (Chinese Version) 人力資源管理政策與實務問卷 117
Appendix 4 Questionnaire Administrated to CEO (Chinese Version) 高階經理人經營團隊與企業策略問卷 119
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