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Title page for etd-0905112-170135
Exploring Embodied Knowledge in Taiwan B&Bs Entrepreneuring: The Creation Process of Stylized Knowledge
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phenomenology, entrepreneuring, entrepreneurial knowledge, Merleau-Ponty, practical knowledge
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Based on past studies, entrepreneurial knowledge is known for the two functions: opportunity recognition and coping with the liabilities of newness, and the utility of knowledge is simplified and addressed to be a beneficial tool to advance entrepreneurial process. This perspective brings a problem to view the production of entrepreneurial knowledge as an input-output process, in which the entrepreneur’s experience is seamlessly able to be translated into the entrepreneurial experience. Also this production process of entrepreneurial knowledge ignores the subjectivity of entreperneur and the notion of creativity of entrepreneurial knowledge. In light with the lens of entrepreneuring, this study aims to investigate the creation process of entrperneurial knowledge, arguing that entrepreneurial knowledge is knowledge to “make things done” with that an entrepreneur is capable of tackling his/her problem and moving the entrepreneurial process forward. The creativity of such entrepreneurial knowledge is crafted from the bodily practice in everyday life instead of originating from intellectual operation. The body philosophy of Freanch phenomenologist Merlau-Ponty is adopted in this research to probe the notions of perception, embodiedment, body schema, and habits in the creative process of entrepreneurial knowledge, and how these body practices enhance and create a stylized entrepreneurial knowledge.
Bed and Breakfast (B&Bs) is the primary research field, which has been growing as an eminent industry in Taiwan with NTD 16.83 billions annual value of production and 1.85 million visitng guests per year. On the foundation of phenomenological analysis of B&Bs entrepreneurs’ stories, this paper argues that the creation of entrepreneurial knowledge reveals a bodily engagement process, in which entrepreneurial knowledge is accumulated and re-invented through the movement of embodiment. An entrepreneur also increases his/her bodily engagement along with the various pratices and then starting a becoming-entrepreneur process. In the end, the creation of entrepreneurial knowledge develops the composition of subjectivity. This finding risists the entities holding by the conventional entrepreneurial studies, drawing the attention to the becoming process of entrepreneurial subject. Besides, it is also manifested that the creativity of entrepreneurial knowledge emerges in entrepreneurs’ daily practice. Six practices to broaden the possibility of entrepreneurial knowledge are confirmed under the context of Taiwan B&B’s industry. This research intends to axplicate that the creative process of entrepreneurial knowledge unfolds a self-discovery process. Through the re-construct the relationship of self and world, people will re-discover themselves and re-create their life-worlds to live up the existence of subject as well as to disclose the meaning of entrepreneuring. With the understading of bodily practice and its roots in phenomenology and life-world perspective, entrepreneurial knowledge extends its connotation from economic function and implies a new possibility of guneine knowledge of self.
目次 Table of Contents
第一部分 緣起田野 1
第一章 引言:走入民宿產業的生活世界 2
第一節 研究的起點:墾丁民宿研究 2
第二節 創業研究的典範移轉與生活世界取向 4
第二章 台灣民宿產業的概況 9
第一節 民宿之定義 9
第二節 台灣民宿產業的經濟發展概況 12
第三節 小結 27
第三章 民宿創造的六個個案 29
第一節 六個民宿個案側寫 29
第二節 超越類型學的風格空間 36
第三節 在創業知識的領域中思考 38
第二部分 理論探究 42
第四章 創業知識的「生產線」想像 43
第一節 創業知識的內涵 43
第二節 創業知識的來源 45
第三節 創業知識的生產歷程 48
第四節 對創業知識的批判 51
第五章 開創主義的世界觀 53
第一節 創業研究的三次形變 53
第二節 創業歷程理論 55
第六章 身體上的實作知識 60
第一節 創業知識的實作本質 60
第二節 梅洛-龐蒂的身體現象學:身體知識 64
第七章 現象學的兩種進路 71
第一節 現象學的哲學緣起 71
第二節 兩種主要分析途徑:描述與詮釋 73
第三節 與現象學有關的方法論議題 77
第四節 研究歷程的揭露:實作精神的研究設計 78
第三部分 研究發現 94
第八章 民宿創業的知識議題 95
第一節 民宿創業知識展現的八個主題 95
第二節 差異的創業知識,差異的…身體? 106
第九章 風格化的知識:身體圖式的作用 108
第一節 以身體經驗豐富民宿風格 108
第二節 身體圖式:從知覺到行動邏輯 111
第十章 實作中創造 117
第一節 問題情境的帶領 117
第二節 六種創造知識的身體實作 118
第三節 累積身體投入的創造性歷程 130
第十一章 討論:開啟一場身體投入的歷程 134
第一節 創業知識是一種累積身體投入的創造性歷程 134
第二節 回應創業知識的批判 136
第三節 肯定創業知識的實作特性 138
第十二章 實務意涵:創業中的自我知識 140
第十三章 結語:生活世界的再創造 143
後記—過去、現在、未來:研究者的反身思考 146
參考文獻….. 147
Note 154
附件一、普羅旺斯個案示例:意義單元—描述概念—類目 156
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