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博碩士論文 etd-0907111-153428 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0907111-153428
The Reliability Analysis of Mystery Shoppers Examining the Service Quality of a Cram School in Southern Taiwan
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神秘訪客、可信度、F檢定、Kruskal-Wallis H檢定、變異數比檢定
mystery shopping, reliability, Kruskal-Wallis H test, F test, variance ratio test
本論文已被瀏覽 6081 次,被下載 1457
The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6081 times, has been downloaded 1457 times.
因為業者越來越關心顧客是否真正滿意他們的銷售服務,台灣的零售及服務業者也着手運用神秘訪客的機制來監督並評估他們櫃台銷售員對顧客的服務態度。然而事實上,有受過專業訓練的神秘訪客所蒐集到的資料,是否與一般普通顧客所蒐集到的資料具有更高的可信度? 而這正是我們所要探討的主題。因此我們針對台灣某補習班之問卷,蒐集神秘訪客及一般普通顧客的回收資料,並利用傳統的統計方法來評估其櫃台所提供的服務品質。
此研究的目的是為了確認神秘訪客比一般普通顧客所蒐集到的資料更具可信度。然而回收問卷的份數異常不足(共回收62份問卷),為了克服回收這個問題,我們的研究分成兩個步驟。我們希望能將所蒐集到的問卷聚在一起,以增加樣本數,首先,我們利用Kruskal-Wallis H檢定與F檢定來測試補習班三間分店銷售人員的訓練及店內的整體環境的設計是否具有同質性,驗證結果若接受具有同質性的假說(即它們是從同一母體中抽樣出來),則我們可將資料聚集在一起。接著,我們就可利用聚集之資料,採用變異數比檢定測試所蒐集到之神秘訪客與一般普通顧客問卷資料的相對可信度。
More retail and service firms are using mystery shoppers in Taiwan to monitor their frontline operations and to assess their customer service, since the concern over whether their customers are truly satisfied is increasing. However, virtually nothing is known about whether the quality of the data collected by professional mystery shoppers is different or more reliable than that of shoppers disguised by general customers. Here we use a traditional statistics approach to assess the quality of data collected from both professional mystery shoppers and general customers. Feedback questionnaires from general customers and the potential use of mystery shoppers are made as a means of evaluating the service quality of cram schools in Taiwan.
The purpose of this thesis is to show that the reliability of mystery shopping data made from professional mystery shoppers is higher than that of data made from general customers. With this question in mind, we conducted a two-step empirical research, as the amount of samples needed was insufficient. First, a primary study to examine the equality of population among branches was carried out in order to pool data from different branches. Then, the relative reliability of the surveys of mystery shoppers to general customers was examined by pooling data of the branches together.
The findings provide evidence to suggest that reliable information could be obtained by pooling both shopper reports together. This empirical result also implied that well-trained mystery shoppers can make more objective observations and more effective assessments than general customers.
目次 Table of Contents
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Purpose 3
1.3 Structure of Research 5
2.1 The Definition of Mystery Shopping 6
2.2 The Origins of Mystery Shopping 8
2.3 The Development of Mystery Shopping 10
2.4 The Reliability of Mystery Shopping 12
2.5 Application of Mystery Shopping in Various Fields 13
2.5.1 Education 14
2.5.2 Financial Services 15
2.5.3 Health Services 18
2.5.4 Retailing 20
2.5.5 Tourism 21
3.1 Background of Organizations 24
3.1.1 About S Service Quality Management Institute 24
3.1.2 About G Cram School 25
3.2 Data Gathering 26
3.2.1 General Information 26
3.2.2 Participants and Procedures 28
CHAPTER 4. Methodology 30
4.1. The F Test for the Null of Equality of the Population Means 30
4.2. Kruskal-Wallis Test for the Null of Equality of the Population 35
3.3. The Variance Ratio Test for Two Populations 40
3.3.1 Statistic and Sampling Distribution 42
3.3.2 The F-ratio Test of Two Variances 42
5.1. Statistics of Variables for Data 44
5.2. Correlation 49
5.3. Empirical Results 54
6.1 Findings and Implication 59
6.2 Research Limitations 61
6.3 Future Research 62
A1 English Translation of Questionnaire 68
A2 Original Version of Questionnaire (in Mandarin) 72
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