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Title page for etd-0910102-105927
Habitat Use of Six Skinks in Southern Taiwan
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habitat use, skink
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本研究從2000年6月到8月間以及2001年1月至12月整年,研究了高雄縣及屏東縣交界的雙園大橋樣區以及屏東縣泰武鄉中的四個樣區中,共域的(sympatric)的石龍子科(Family Scincidae)蜥蜴對於棲息地的利用(habitat use)狀況。
研究中發現的石龍子科蜥蜴共有4個屬6種蜥蜴,分別是麗紋石龍子(Eumeces elegans)、長尾南蜥(Mabuya longicaudata)、多線南蜥(Mabuya multifasciata)、台灣滑蜥(Scincella formosensis)、股鱗蜓蜥(Sphenomorphus incognitus)、印度蜓蜥(Sphenomorphus indicus)等。在雙園大橋的樣區中發現共域的長尾南蜥以及多線南蜥之間對於微棲地選擇有顯著的差異,多線南蜥偏好較空曠開闊的環境,長尾南蜥則偏好較隱密的環境,但是比較相對於泰武的其中兩個樣區的蜥蜴群聚來說,長尾南蜥似乎又較其他種蜥蜴(麗紋石龍子、股鱗蜓蜥及印度蜓蜥)來說對於開闊的地形展現較大的偏好。其他的在像是同屬於蜓蜥屬(Genus Sphenomorphus)的股鱗蜓蜥及印度蜓蜥之間,具有相類似體型和花紋,在較低海拔的環境上對於棲地的選擇雖然沒有顯著差異,但是在較高海拔的環境中則股鱗蜓蜥有較偏向開闊環境的傾向。麗紋石龍子在較低海拔的三個樣區中數量相對較為稀少,棲地的偏好和長尾南蜥近似,但是在海拔高度最高的泰武林道樣區中(海拔高度約1230m),雖然和共域的印度蜓蜥在數量上相近似,但是印度蜓蜥較偏好利用水溝、水管涵洞等棲地環境,而麗紋石龍子則是偏好其他的像是土石地形及草地等微棲地。台灣滑蜥是6種蜥蜴中數量最稀少,生性最隱密的蜥蜴,只有在泰武的低海拔樣區中發現,偏好較隱密的草地及落葉環境。

This study was conducted at Shuang-Yuan bridge (the border between Kaoshiung County and Ping-Tung County) and another four areas of Tai-Wu region at Ping-Tung County from June to August, 2000 and January to December, 2001. The main purpose of this research was to investigat the habitat use among sympatric skinks.
During the research period, I discovered six species of skinks, including Eumeces elegans, Mabuya longicaudata, M. multifasciata, Scincella formosensis, Sphenomorphus incognitus and S. indicus. At Shuang-Yuan bridge, the habitat use among Mabuya longicaudata and Mabuya multifasciata differed significantly. Mabuya multifasciata was most common in open area, but Mabuya longicaudata was found mostly in close area, based on their habitat preference. Sphenomorphus incognitus and Sphenomorphus indicus were found in sympatry in low altitude area and their habitat use were similar, but in higher altitude region the habitat use differed considerably among two species, Sphenomorphus incognitus was more common in open area. Eumeces elegans was rare at three lower altitude regions in Tai-Wu, but more common at higher region and the habitat use was significantly different to that of Sphenomorphus indicus. Sphenomorphus indicus was found mainly in the ditch and water pipe, while Eumeces elegans was strongly associated with grass and rocks. Scincella formosensis was rare relatively among six skinks and preferred grass and leaf-litter.

目次 Table of Contents
參考文獻 References
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