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博碩士論文 etd-0910112-102311 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0910112-102311
The Effect of Individual Development Plan and Job Rotation on Job Satisfaction – the Moderation Role of Supervisor’s support and Personal Growth Need
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work satisfaction, personal growth need, supervisor support, job rotation, personal development plans
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With the industrial economy and changing times demand for talent in the organization of work, employee would not only want the salary, but further hope to cultivate the ability to meet their own interest with organizational development. There are more and more companies also starting to focus on employee career development and nurturing of talent management policies, such as personal development plans, job rotation, mentoring, competency model, succession planning, and so on are also promoting inter-enterprise. However, the implementation of the organization's policies and implementation have to cooperate with the staff's participation and recognition. Employees identify with the company's personal development plan and job rotation, and whether it will improve job satisfaction? The questionnaire of this study were mainly to foreign companies as well as one thousand large companies for the study, 150 questionnaires were recovered, a recovery rate of 98%, and focuses on employees whether it will affect the company agree that the level of implementation of personal development plans and job rotation job satisfaction, come join competent support and personal growth needs two interference variables, whether due to personal development plans and job rotation the tone recognition revealed the level of work satisfaction interference effect, the findings were as follows:
1. Career planning have a significant positive impact on the autonomy employee satisfaction. But no interference effects supervisor support.
2.Personal development plan career planning, feedback, development, all employees perceived supervisor support have a significant positive effect on satisfaction, but interference effects supervisor support only for personal development plan.
3.The organization and implementation of the career development of personal development plans, improvement of job rotation have a significant positive effect on external satisfaction of employees and supervisor support interference effects.
4. Organization and implementation of the improvement of job rotation have a significant positive effect on satisfaction of employees a sense of accomplishment, and competent support interference effects.
5. Correlation personal development plan and job rotation and job satisfaction, personal growth needs are no interference effects.
Keywords: personal development plans, job rotation, supervisor support, personal growth need, work satisfaction
目次 Table of Contents
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 V
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 2
第三節、研究範圍與流程 2
第二章、文獻探討 4
第一節 工作滿意度 4
第二節、個人發展計劃 14
第三節、工作輪調 22
第四節、主管支持 26
第五節、個人成長需求 27
第三章、研究方法 30
第一節、研究架構與假設 30
第二節、研究變項的操作型定義與衡量方式 32
第三節、資料蒐集方法與樣本特性 36
第四節、資料分析方法 40
第四章、研究結果分析與討論 43
第一節、主要變數之信效度分析與迴歸分析 43
第二節、因果關係 49
第三節、干擾效果 49
第四節、研究假設檢定之結果整理 52
第五章、結論與建議 54
第一節、研究結論 54
第二節、管理意涵 57
第三節、研究限制與後續研究建議 59
參考文獻 60
中文部分 60
英文部分 61
附錄一、問卷內容 66

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