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博碩士論文 etd-0911106-223330 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0911106-223330
破除CCIE認證的迷失: 個人及組織的觀點
The Myth of CCIE Certification: The practical effect from the perspective of individual and organization
Year, semester
Number of pages
Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
professionalism, certification
本論文已被瀏覽 5791 次,被下載 1995
The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5791 times, has been downloaded 1995 times.
本研究從個人及組織面了解CCIE認證之效益, 從而回應以下問題: 為什麼一個有豐富經驗的工程師還需要認證? 認證對組織的利益為何?本質性研究經由半結構化訪談收集資料, 受訪者包含學生、轉業者、網路工程師及主管。結果顯示經驗比認證更能帶來實際效益。
This qualitative study examines the practical effect of CCIE certification in individual and organization levels, in response to the following questions: why should an well experienced network engineer be certified? What can a company benefit from certified network engineers? Data for this study were collected through semi-structured interviews. Participants included students, network engineers,career changers and managers. The results indicate that obtaining this certification help little regarding job seeking and promotion. Participants from organizational level suggest that certification plays a less important role, compared with experience, in criteria of recruitment. The discussion of this study also provides recommendations for organizations and certification candidates.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 Introduction 4
1.1 Background 4
1.1.1 Social phenomenon 4
1.1.2 IT Certification 5
1.2 Motivation 6
1.3 Purpose of the Study 7

CHAPTER 2 Review of Literature 8
2.1 Definition 8
2.2 Types of Certification 9
2.3 Professionalism 10
2.4 Certification and Recruitment 11
2.5 Discussion 12

CHAPTER 3 Methodology 14
3.1 Overview 14
3.2 Data Collection 15
3.2.1 Participants 15
3.2.2 Interview Questions 15
3.2.3 Relationship with participant 17
3.2.4 Interview questions 17
3.2.5 Interview approach 18
3.2.6 Interview process 19
3.3 Data Analysis 20
3.3.1 Overview 20
3.3.2 Phase 1 21
3.3.3 Phase 2 21
3.3.4 Phase 3 22

CHAPTER 4 Results 23
4.1 Overview 23
4.2 Individual 23
4.2.1 Reasons to be certified: experienced CCIE 23
4.2.2 Reasons to be certified: inexperienced CCIE 26
4.2.3 The practical effect on CCIE certified engineers 28
4.3 Organization 29
4.3.1 The merit of CCIE certification for organizations 29
4.3.2 Comparison between certification 31
and professionalism
4.3.3 The Practical Effect of CCIE Certification 33
on Organization

CHAPTER 5 Discussion and Limitation 34
5.1 Discussion 34
5.1.1 Certification, License, and accreditation 34
should not be used synonymously
5.1.2 Experience is superior to Certification 34
5.1.3 There are enough CCIEs in the job market 34
5.1.4 A good way to develop expertise 35
5.1.5 Hire one when needed 35
5.1.6 A good way to improve engineers’ proficiency 36
5.1.7 Organization should provide resources 36
5.1.8 Be a rational certification candidate 36
5.1.9 The harder is not necessarily the better 37
5.1.10 What does Cisco Want? 37
5.2 Limitations 38

APPENDIX A Interview Questions 41
APPENDIX B Transcription 43
APPENDIX C CCIE Exam Information 72
APPENDIX D Requirement for Cisco Gold Partner 74
參考文獻 References
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Cisco Systems, Web Site, Available WWW:
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