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博碩士論文 etd-0911108-095632 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0911108-095632
Exploring Knowledge Spanning among Organizational boundary – A Case Study of New Product Project in Semiconductor Industry
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
knowledge integration, cross-boundary spanning, cross communities, work practice, adaptive coordination, Information technology
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Today,IC products have become a essential in the human life. Take the daily life of Taiwan’s people for example, people use the IC products in every minutes: mobile phone, credit card, health insurance card, etc. The competition between IC products also has been a vital war for the company to protect its market position. Time to market for the IC product has also become more and more important for the company to maintain or even survive. More powerful performance of the IC product rely on more professional marketing position forecast, innovated design and time to market manufacturing.
To realize a IC product come from the manufacturing through the IC design house, foundry and the package. There should be with different expertise between the companies or inside the company. How to make sure with correct manufacturing through these expertise to meet the time-to-marketing challenge is very important, especially, right people in right position. What’s the role-play for the people during the manufacturing between and within the company/groups will be the focus in this thesis. Take the example for a semiconductor manufacturing company, there are divided with different functions of department. Each department has its own knowledge-based function to maintain or develop the related knowledge for a IC manufacturing. People should do the knowledge transfer inside the department and, moreover, the related functions with other departments. How do improve the efficiency through the effective communication and knowledge sharing will be discussed.
The main results of this thesis are as the below
1. There are with built-up boundary between different groups/department organization due to its different job functions and expertise. It will be resulted as the communication barrier or knowledge transfer problem between these groups/organization even their goal is the same.
2. 5 categories can be identified for these barriers on the knowledge transfer and communication between different expertises.
3. Defined SOP(standard operation procedure) to communicate through documents and intensive discussion meeting can be improved to effective for the knowledge transfer between different groups/department organization, especially for the fresh engineers.
4. The psychological factor of human between different groups/organization is found to be another issue to block the knowledge transfer. How to eliminate the factor can be next study focus.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
目 錄 3
表目錄 5
圖目錄 6
中文摘要 7
英文摘要 10
誌 謝 12
第一章 緒論 13
第一節 研究動機 13
第二節 研究目的 14
第三節 研究問題 14
第二章 知識管理之理論探討與發展 16
第一節 知識內嵌的本質:內嵌於物件、認知與互動 16
第二節 實踐才能知曉(Knowing in Practice) 19
第三節 知識疆界與跨域合作的觀點 21
第三章 研究場域與方法 25
第一節 研究場域 25
第二節 研究方法 27
第四章 研究發現 30
第一節 專案實務背景 30
第二節 個案一:「錯誤,來自被遺漏的小事情!」 33
一、個案背景回顧 33
二、問題的開端 35
三、初步的問題偵查 36
四、峰迴路轉的偵查 37
五、柳暗花明 40
六、個案小結 40
第三節 個案二:「消失的框框!」 41
一、個案背景 42
二、框框在哪裡? 44
三、分頭搜查 44
四、結果 46
第五章 個案分析與管理意涵 47
第一節 資料分析 47
一、「錯誤,來自被遺漏的小事情!」個案分析 47
二、「消失的框框!」個案分析 48
第二節 管理意涵 49
一、「錯誤,來自被遺漏的小事情!」管理意涵 49
二、「消失的框框!」管理意涵 51
第六章 結論與建議 54
第一節 結論 54
第二節 未來研究建議 58
參考文獻 59
一、中文部份: 59
二、英文部分: 59

表2-1-1 三個知識內嵌觀點的整理與比較………………………………………19
表4-1-1 各作業主要工作及其內…………………………………………………30
表4-3-1 『框框』功能舉例………………………………………………………43

圖4-1-1 邏輯代換示意……………………………………………………………31
圖4-1-2 工作流程示意……………………………………………………………32
圖4-2-1 初步的問題偵查流程示意………………………………………………37
圖4-2-2 峰迴路轉的偵查流程示意………………………………………………39
圖4-3-1 框框在哪裡?流程示意…………………………………………………44
圖4-3-1 分頭搜查流程示意………………………………………………………46
圖6-1-1 本研究個案溝通問題彙整結構圖………………………………………56
參考文獻 References
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