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博碩士論文 etd-0915106-145920 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0915106-145920
The Organizational Culture and Corporate Performance: A Case Study of IBM
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organizational culture, corporate performance, core values, corporate effectiveness
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研究生:馬維禧(Wei-xi Ma) 指導教授:陳世哲(Shyh-jer Chen)教授

組織文化的概念於1980年代興起之後,文化研究的議題廣泛地與組織分析做聯結,至此文化議題廣受學術研究探討,許多學者投入研究文化因素與組織效能之關係(Pettigrew, 1979; Pfeffer, 1981; Smircich, 1983)。文化因素不僅能為企業績效優劣提出合理得解釋;同時也是管理者作為提升組織效能的一項重要管理工具。


The concept of organizational culture has been a popular issue since 1980. Also, the study of cultural issues have been linked increasingly with organizational analysis. Since then, cultural studies have been researched tremendously and many researchers started examining the correlation between culture and corporate performance (Pettigrew, 1979; Pfeffer, 1981; Smircich, 1983). The past research findings have been proved that cultural factors not only provide rational explanations for corporate performance for good or bad but also they are surely an important managerial instrument for managers to improve their organizational effectiveness, as well.

The methodology of this research is a case study of an IT industry. The research is conducted by a qualitative method of a one-by-one interview to discover the relationship between cultures and performance within an organization. The purpose is to investigate how culture affects performance and what factors would be most significantly to enhance its performance.

From the research results, the cultural factors that trigger the corporate performance are those elements including leadership, culture values, staff, behavior, training, motivation, and cultural communication. That refers to an organizational symbolism such as legends, stories, myth, and ritual. Furthermore, the relation between the leadership and culture is somehow like a two-sided coin, which means a leader of an organization represents its culture and ideas; the organizational culture in return reflects the leader’s core values, as well. Managers, therefore, attempt to let all members fit into its particular culture over managerial policy and human resources strategy to increase corporate effectiveness. As the result reveals, people are considered as the most important intellectual capital for the corporate, but the critical factor for it to be successful is culture.
目次 Table of Contents
第三節 研究流程--------------------------------------------- 4
第二章文獻探討--------------------------------------------- 5
第一節 組織文化的相關研究---------------------------------- 5
第二節 組織文化與績效之相關研究----------------------------33
第三節 IBM個案----------------------------------------------38
第三章研究方法 --------------------------------------------- 48
第一節 個案研究----------------------------------------------48
第二節 質化研究---------------------------------------------50
第四章分析討論 --------------------------------------------- 57
第一節 組織文化的重要性------------------------------------ 57
第二節 組織文化與績效的關係-------------------------------- 72
第三節 組織文化與領導的關係-------------------------------- 79
第四節 文化價值與企業競力的關係---------------------------- 81
第五章 結論與建議------------------------------------------- 91
第一節 研究結論--------------------------------------------- 91
第二節 研究限制--------------------------------------------- 94
第三節 研究建議--------------------------------------------- 95
參考文獻-------------------------------------------------------- 97
附錄一 訪談問題 ------------------------------------------------102
參考文獻 References
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