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博碩士論文 etd-1123114-214246 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1123114-214246
Guilt-Awareness and Self-management-The Role of Sense of Belonging
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Self-management, Sense of belonging, Guilt-Awareness, Guilt
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5878 times, has been downloaded 82 times.
過去的研究,大多認為內疚感會促使個體產生正向補償行為, 鮮少研究探究其關係中是否存在干擾變數. 本研究探討員工的內疚傾向對個人管理行為之影響, 並進一步將員工對組織的歸屬感納入研究模型中. 迴歸分析結果顯示, 員工的內疚傾向會影響其進行個人管理行為的程度, 並且, 員工對組織的歸屬感亦會對此正向關係 (員工內疚傾向對個人管理行為) 產生顯著影響.
Differ from previous researches which mostly focus on the positive behavior which is motivated by guilt rather than the existing moderating effect, the present study investigates the effect from guilt-awareness to self-management; also, I incorporated the employees’ sense of belonging to companies to the model. The result of regression analysis provides significant evidence that employees’ degree of guilt-awareness can positive effect the self-management. Also, the employees’ sense of belonging with companies can make significant effect toward the relationship between guilt-awareness and self-management.
目次 Table of Contents
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Research objectives 3
2.1 Self-management 4
2.2 Guilt-awareness 9
2.3 Sense of Belonging 13
3.1 Research Framework 17
3.2 Hypothesis 18
3.3 Samples and Procedure 18
3.4 Variable Definition and Measures 20
3.5 Data Analysis 22
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 23
4.2 Correlation 23
4.3 Test of hypotheses 25
4.4 Results of Hypotheses 27
5.1 Discussion 28
5.2 Limitations and Future Research 31
Questionnaire 37
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