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博碩士論文 etd-1130114-120105 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1130114-120105
Optimizing Extreme Learning Machines for Supervised Learning Applications
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incremental learning, machine Learning, feature clustering, feature extraction, correlation coefficient, mutual information, extreme learning machine, least-square support vector machine
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本篇論文的研究分為兩個部分,第一部份是針對迴歸(regression)問題提出一個以機器學習(machine learning)為基礎的特徵萃取(feature extraction)的方法,第二部分為改良以等式條件最佳化為基底的極端學習機(Equality Constrained-optimization-based Extreme Learning Machine, C-ELM),提出一個遞增型的極限學習機(Incremental Equality Constrained-optimization-based Extreme Learning Machine, IC-ELM)。
在處理迴歸或分類(classification)問題時,有時候會因為輸入資料的維度(dimension)過多而造成預測結果的不準確,所以後來也有很多方法提出來改善此問題。但是大部分的方法都是針對分類問題所提出,處理迴歸問題的資料維度縮減(dimensionality reduction)的方法很少,而且目前所提出的方法很多都是統計的方法並且需要計算共變異數矩陣(covariance matrix),之後再計算特徵值(eigenvalue)與特徵向量(eigenvector),這對於在減少資料維度的過程中其實是很耗時的。所以我們針對迴歸問題提出一個以機器學習為基礎的維度縮減方法。
在給定歷史資料後,特徵(features)或預測子向量(predictor vectors)會被分為好幾群(clusters),每一群裡預測子向量都是很相像的,使用者不需要事先決定要分幾群,這些預測子向量會根據資料的特性自動分群。最後每一個萃取的特徵即為每一群裡的預測子向量的加權總合(weighted combination),所以原本資料的維度即可大大的降低而且由於萃取的特徵為原本預測子向量的加權總合,資料的特性也可以保存下來。我們也避免了計算共變異數矩陣。最後藉由實際生活中的資料集合(data sets)來驗證我們方法的效率。
等式條件最佳化為基底的極端學習機(Equality Constrained-Optimization-based Extreme Learning Machine, C-ELM),這裡我們簡稱C-ELM,是由Huang等人所提出來的模型,其模型的輸入權重(input weights)和隱藏層(hidden layer)裡的神經元(neurons)的偏權值(biases)都是隨機產生的,此模型只需要算出輸出權重(output weights)。在使用C-ELM的時候和使用一般類神經網路(neural networks)一樣需要事先決定好隱藏層裡的神經元個數,這裡我們簡稱為hidden nodes,當發現模型的效能不好時,再使用trial-and-error的方式不斷測試,直到有好的結果。但是由於trial-and-error的方式實在太耗時而且也很麻煩,因此我們提出遞增型(incremental)的C-ELM,簡稱IC-ELM,IC-ELM可以自動增加hidden node的個數,可以一次加一顆或一次加多顆hidden node,而輸出權重會因為hidden node的個數變動而自動更新,不會像C-ELM一樣每次改變hidden node的個數,就必須重新計算一次輸出權重。當滿足事先定義好的條件之後,加入hidden node的過程就會停止,實驗結果可以證實我們提出的IC-ELM速度比C-ELM快很多,而且依然可以達到跟C-ELM相似的效能。
This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is a machine learning-based feature extraction method for regression problem. The second part is an incremental learning method for equality constrained-optimization-based extreme learning machine(C-ELM) (IC-ELM).
One of the issues encountered in classification and regression is the inefficiency caused by a large number of dimensions or features involved in the input space. Many approaches have been proposed to handle this issue by reducing the number of dimensions associated with the underlying data set, and statistical methods seem to have more prevailed in this area. However, less attention to dimensionality reduction has been paid for regression than for classification. Besides, the computation with covariance matrices is involved in most existing methods, resulting in an inefficient reduction process. In this thesis, we propose a machine learning based dimensionality reduction approach for regression problems. Given a set of historical data, the predictor vectors involved are grouped into a number of clusters such that the instances included in the same cluster are similar to one another. The user need not specify the number of clusters in advance. The clusters are created incrementally and the number of them is determined automatically. Finally, one feature is extracted from a cluster by a weighted combination of the instances contained in the cluster. Therefore, the dimensionality of the original data set is reduced. Since all the original features contribute to the making of the extracted features, the characteristics of the original data set can be substantially retained. Also, the computation with covariance matrices is avoided, and thus efficiency is maintained. Experimental results on real-world data sets validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
The Equality Constrained-Optimization-based Extreme Learning Machine here we abbreviate C-ELM was proposed by Huang et al. It’s input weights and biases of the neurons in the hidden layer are randomly assigned. It just determined the output weights analytically. When using C-ELM as a predicted model, the number of neurons in the hidden layer here we called hidden nodes must be decided previously same as using neural networks. When the performance of model is not good, we must trial-and-error to get a satisfied performance. But trial-and-error is inefficient, so we propose a incremental learning of C-ELM called IC-ELM. IC-ELM can add hidden nodes one by one or group by group and the output weights can update automatically when the number of hidden nodes changed. It doesn’t like C-ELM need to produce a recomputation of output weights when the number of hidden nodes changed. The adding procedure stopped when satisfying the pre-defined threshold. Experimental results are shown that IC-ELM is faster than C-ELM and achieve similar performance to C-ELM.
目次 Table of Contents
誌謝 iii
中文摘要 iv
目錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xii
第 一 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 特徵縮減 2
1.1.2 極端學習機 4
1.2 問題描述 6
1.2.1 迴歸問題的維度縮減 6
1.2.2 遞增型等式條件最佳化為基底的ELM 6
1.3 論文架構 7
第 二 章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 特徵分群 8
2.2 極端學習機 8
2.3 遞增型學習 10
2.3.1 I-ELM 11
2.3.2 EM-ELM 12
2.4 等式條件最佳化為基底的極端學習機 13
第 三 章 迴歸問題的維度縮減方法 17
3.1 我們的方法概述 17
3.2 自建構式分群方法 18
3.3 特徵萃取 20
3.4 原本資料的集合和查詢句的轉換 23
3.5 範例說明 24
第 四 章 遞增型等式條件最佳化為基底的極端學習機 27
第 五 章 實驗結果 35
5.1 針對迴歸問題的維度縮減方法實驗 35
5.1.1 資料集概述 36
5.1.2 不同方法間的準確度比較 37
5.1.3 不同方法間的時間比較 43
5.1.4 不同加權方式的準確度比較 45
5.1.5 相關議題 47
5.2 IC-ELM實驗 51
5.2.1 隨機產生的矩陣 52
5.2.2 實際生活資料集 53
5.2.3 不同hidden node的個數 56
5.2.4 第一個解的IC-ELM 58
5.2.5 維度縮減方法與IC-ELM 60
第 六 章 結論與未來方向 62
Reference 63
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