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博碩士論文 etd-1207109-131432 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1207109-131432
How does credit rating migration impacts an optimal capital structure decision?
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credit rating, optimal capital structure, target minimum rating policy, rating-linked coupon scheme
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This paper examines the impact of credit rating migration in determining optimal capital structure. The models we propose capture empirical behavior in two ways; the behavior of linking firm’s rating to the promised coupons and the behavior of targeting minimum rating. We find that as long as the rating at issuing time is not too low, tax shields of the rating-linked coupon debt are larger than those of standard debt with the same par, and hence, optimal leverage usage of the firm with the rating- linked coupon scheme is greater. Further, we also show that the behavior of targeting a minimum rating causes mean-reverting leverage dynamics. Managers are appeared to make over-repurchase choices for adjusting the current rating back to the initial target following a downgrade from target minimum rating.
目次 Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
2. A Firm-Value-Based Framework of Credit Migration 6
2.1. The Model 9
2.2. A Numerical Example 13
2.3. An Application of Capital Structure Problem (the base case)
3. Debt with Rating-Linked Coupon Scheme 21
3.1. The Model 22
3.2 The impact of linking credit rating to the promised coupons on optimal capital structure decision 24
4. Debt with Rating-Dependent Callable Option 31
4.1. The Model 31
4.2. The impact of target minimum rating policy on optimal capital structure decision 36
5. Conclusion 42
Appendix 57
References 60
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