Responsive image
博碩士論文 etd-0002117-233016 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0002117-233016
Image Discrepancy around Role Matters: The Effects of the Discrepant Perception of Professional Work between Professionals and Clients on Client Loyalty
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Role-based image, professional trustworthiness, professional customer-oriented behavior, professional authenticity, client loyalty
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Due to the increasing knowledge complexity and greater specialization and outsourcing, either individuals or organizations nowadays are increasingly dependent on a variety of professional services. Professional service has not only gained popularity in modern societies but also seem to be continuing to rise extensively. However, a number of professionals claimed that they are now facing increasing challenges to their professional images, which threaten the existence, legitimacy and identity of their professions. While Vough, et al. (2013) indicated that these image challenges encountered by professionals result from role-based image discrepancy between professionals and clients, there has thus far been relatively limited research into the area. The current study therefore was conducted to explicate the construct of role-based image discrepancy and model and test its contingent relationships with client attitudes and behavioral intentions. In doing so, the important, interesting but relatively unexplored areas in existing theoretical and empirical work are therefore investigated and addressed. A theoretically informed measure of role-based image was developed and all of the research hypotheses were substantiated in the empirical analysis. The findings of this study and their implications for future research and practice were discussed accordingly.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction..........1
Chapter 2 Literature Review......... 9
2.1 Relational exchange theory......... 9
2.2 Role-based image......... 10
2.2.1 Role-based image discrepancy in professionals.........13
2.2.2 Role-based image discrepancy and perceived professional trustworthiness.........16
2.3 The mediating influence of professional trustworthiness on the relationship between role-based image discrepancy and client loyalty..........21
2.4 Potential Moderators.........25
2.4.1 Professional authenticity.........30
2.4.2 Customer-oriented behavior.........34
2.5 Moderated Mediation.........39
Chapter 3 Method.........41
3.1 Stage one: Developing a Scale to Measure Role-based image.........42
3.1.1 Specify the domain of role-based image.........42
3.1.2 Item generation.........42 Participants.........43 Procedure.........44 Item review.........44
3.1.3 Measurement validation 45 Study one: exploratory factor analysis (EFA).........45 Study two: confirmatory factor analysis(CFA).........46
3.2 Stage two: A Quantitative Study of Role-based Image.........46
3.2.1 Participants.........47
3.2.2 Sample and procedure.........47
3.2.3 Measurement.........48
3.2.4 Discrepancy between client-rated and professional rated role-based image.........52
3.2.5 Analysis.........54
Chapter 4 Results.........55
4.1 Results of Stage One 55
4.1.1 Results of EFA in study one.........55
4.1.2 Results of CFA in study two.........57
4.2 Results of Stage Two.........59
4.2.1 Validity of client-rated and professional-rated role-based image.........59
4.2.2 Data aggregation and difference score of role-based image.........59
4.2.3 Convergent and discriminant validity.........60
4.2.4 Sample profile.........60
4.2.5 Descriptive statistics.........62
4.2.6 Hypothesis testing.........65
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion.........73
5.1 Discussion.........73
5.2 Theoretical Contribution.........79
5.3 Practical Implication.........83
5.4 Limitations and future directions.........88
5.5 Conclusion.........91
References…………….. 93
Appendix 1: Expert validation questionnaire.........105
Appendix 2: Study one questionnaire (EFA) .........111
Appendix 3: Study two questionnaire (CFA).........114
Appendix 4: Questionnaire for a quantitative study of role-based image (Professional).........117
Appendix 5: Questionnaire for a quantitative study of role-based image (Client) .........120
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