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博碩士論文 etd-0009118-172006 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0009118-172006
The Case Study of Export Competitiveness of Manufacturers in KEPZ─An Example of Electronic Components
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國際商品統一分類碼HS code、顯示性比較利益指數、加工出口區、高雄園區、出口競爭力
HS code, Export Processing Zone(EPZ), Export competitiveness, Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone(KEPZ), Revealed Comparative Advantage Index( RCAI)
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國內以往針對加工出口區之實證研究多偏向區域經濟產業結構、轉型及生產績效等方向,卻很少就加工出口區──尤其是單一園區,探討其出口競爭力之狀況加以分析。本研究為了瞭解加工出口區高雄園區出口競爭力的變化,首先就該園區最重要的電子產業之出口值成長率比率來探討高雄園區電子產業出口之概況,再利用顯示性比較利益指數(Revealed Comparative Advantage;RCA),針對園區重要產業出口國(六大市場),採統一商品分類HS中2分位之出口數額,以衡量此園區在96年到105年間出口競爭力變化。


一、 現有廠房及土地不足之部分:建議先針對一部分之老舊建築物更新,採用「週轉基地模式」,透過以異地先建、再搬、後拆方式逐步更新區內老舊廠房,達到引進新興產業、提升土地利用及加速園區更新一舉三得之目標。另讓無效利用廠房之廠商因提高土地或廠房之持有成本,而願意釋出閒置空間,提升土地及廠房的利用效率。
二、 產業升級及轉型之部分:建議可由作業基金中撥出一定比例,獎勵園區內之廠商購置現代化產線、或創新製程或產品研發等,以提供廠商升級或轉型之誘因。
三、 招商策略的部分:建議政府統一規劃各產業專區,提供各產業專區相關的配套措如公共設施的規範、廢污水之處理、廢棄物之處理、進出口通關辦法…等,提供更便利的方案供投資人選擇。
Taiwan has a very solid basis of ICT industry. Almost all the industrial clusters of Export Processing Zone(EPZ) are also ICT related industries. To the end of 2016, the Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone’s (KEPZ’s) major cluster industries are LCD and IC. There are 34 firms in the Zone. The LCD and IC industries’ investment amounts occupies 70% of the KEPZ’s total investment, the turnover 65.54%. Amoug them, IC industry occupies 41% of KEPZ’s total investment amount, turnover 33.3%; LCD industry occupies 18% of KEPZ’s total investment amount, turnover 25.8%. Therefore, the future development trend influences both the EPZ and Kaohsiung city future developments heavily.

The domestic empirical researches of EPZ are almost partial to the directions of regional ecomonic industrial structure transformation and production performance, rarely to be directed to EPZ, especially to it’s one single park, to discuss and analysis ’s export competitiveness. In order to understand the changes of KEPZ’s export competitiveness, this paper firstly explores it’s most importmant electrical industry export growth rate, and then discuss it’s export conditions. After that, focusing on KEPZ’s important export countries(six major foreign markets)by Revealed Comparative Advantage Index(RCAi)and The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System(HS code), points export volume to measure KEPZ’s changes of export competitiveness between 2007 to 2016.

The paper found that, the empirical proof of KEPZ’s electrical industry’s six major export markets(Japan, US, China, Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore)export competitiveness are all weak grades, no matter what HS chap84,85 or 90 industries. The reason are the KEPZ’s firm’s scale is too small, lack of the effect of economic scale, and thus, lead to the shortcoming of customer concerntration and transnational customer order’s adjustments.

This paper suggests some points to government and firms:
1. The shortage of factory buildings and lands: firstly, renew the old buildings by turnover bases model, that eans build new ones in other land, move in band finally tear down the old ones. It can reach three goals in one time,introduce new industries, upgrade land useage and accelerate KEPZ’ renewal. It can also raise the maintaining costs of land and factory of the no-effect usage firms,thus, they are more willingly to release the idle spaces. Consquently, the other fiems can obtain production lands and promote the usage efficiency of lands and factory buildings.
2. Indusry upgrade and transformation: the operational funds can offer some proportion of funds to encourage the firms to buy some modern production lines, innovation processing or product R&D. It can provide the firms incentives of upgradings and transformations.
3. The investment recruiting strategies: the government can plan every professional park uniformly, provide every industrial park package measures, such as public construction plannings, handlings of waste water and salvaged materials, export and import Customs clearance and so on. Therefore, provide more convenient solutions for investors’ options.
目次 Table of Contents
審定書 i
謝 誌 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract v
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究架構與流程 5
第四節 研究範圍 8
第二章 文獻回顧 9
第一節 競爭力理論 9
第二節 出口競爭力理論之國外內實證研究 16
第三節 出口競爭力指標研究 25
第四節 加工出口區之相關文獻探討 32
第三章 加工出口區之發展及現況 37
第一節 加工出口區沿革與演進 38
第二節 高雄園區產業現況分析 55
第四章 研究方法 74
第一節 研究設計 74
第二節 實證資料的來源資料分析 77
第五章 高雄園區出口競爭力分析 79
第一節 出口競爭力的概況 79
第二節 實證分析 135
第六章 結論與建議 150
第一節 結論 150
第二節 建議 151
第三節 研究限制及後續研究之建議 152
參考文獻資料 154
參考文獻 References
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