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Title page for etd-0023115-023319
A Study on the Customer Behavior of Using Retail Industry Application
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Use Motive, Expectation Gap, Social Influence, Perconal Charaterictics, Retail Industry Application, Perceived Interactivity
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By the popularization of intelligent mobile devices, the application market is graduately growing. Retail company start to create the mobile experience for consumers. Thus, users will have different use behavior after using retail industry applications. Within different personal characteristics and perceived interactivity, Users will have different cognition and behavior. Therefore, the purpose of the study will explore the influence of users’ expectation gap on use behavior and corporation reputation.
The study is based on the model of use & gratification theory and expectation confirmation theory. Use motive, expectation gap, use behavior, corporation reputation, personal charateristics, and perceived interactivity are selected to form the research model. The samples of 520 collected through questionnaire survey. The study takes the regression analysis to test the mediator effect and moderator effect. The result showed the use motive will directly influence use behavior and corporate reputation; the expectation gap will influence between use behavior and corporate reputation; users’ personal characteristics will not influence between use motive and expectation gap; users’ perceived interactivity will not influence between expectation gap, use behavior and corporate reputation.
Based on the result, the function of retail industry applications cannot meet the need of user effecting by social influence; perceived interactivity will not influence between expectation gap and use behavior because users don’t involve in most applications. The suggestions are as followed: application industry should assist retail companies to clarify the core value of developing applications and combine the application content and physical products; the future study can interview applicant developers and users to realize the coporate thinking and concrete use behavioral.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論...1
第一節 研究背景與動機........1
第二節 研究目的 .................4
第三節 研究流程 .................4
第四節 研究範圍與限制........5
第二章 文獻探討 ..................7
第一節 零售業應用程式現況..7
第二節 媒體使用與滿足理論..9
第三節 期望確認理論...........12
第四節 零售業應用程式使用者使用行為模型....18
第三章 研究設計 .................26
第一節 研究架構 .................26
第二節 研究模式 .................27
第三節 研究方法 .................37
第四章 實證分析 .................46
第一節 樣本結構敘述與變數基本分析..............46
第二節 驗證「使用內外動機」、「使用行為」、「企業聲譽之影響」...56
第三節 驗證「期望落差」之中介效果.........58
第四節 驗證「人格特質」之干擾效果..............62
第五節 驗證「知覺互動性」之干擾效果...........65
第五章 結論與建議..............71
第一節 結論........................71
第二節 建議........................78
第三節 管理意涵 .................81

附錄-消費者使用零售業應用程式行為之研究問卷 ...90
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凱絡媒體週報,2013,「Big Data時代,零售通路如何利用應用程式創造銷售」,零售業/
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