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博碩士論文 etd-0025116-140456 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0025116-140456
A Study of Social Entrepreneurship in Business Sector: Case Study of Taiwan
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social value, Social entrepreneurship, social capital, cross-sectoral collaboration, private sector, societal sectors
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近年來以反思「資本主義失控」的社會創業被視為翻轉社會價值的機制,是一種挑戰傳統商業運作模式及市場競爭的社會創新路徑,是促進社會經濟制度化的轉機。雖然國內外許多學者致力於社會創業與社會創新的研究,從研究領域到疆界,從理論到實作,但對於第二部門(私人企業)仍以企業慈善及企業社會責任涵蓋,社會創業也側重於「社會企業」的建立,而非社會創業精神的探討。因此,本研究論文的目的在於探討在第二部門的社會創業發展,以利他主義為目標結合市場導向的商業部門,創造社會資本並形成改變的力量,達到雙贏的社會永續目的。在台灣的社會脈絡下,私人企業部門自發性的社會創業以鑲嵌在既有組織架構的方式,彈性且靈活的執行與運作。而採行的抉擇,端視於個別國家的社會脈絡及社會結構所形成的因果交替關係,使得台灣的社會創業既非單純的從傳統的非營利組織(NPOs)轉型,也不僅是一般企業組織內的企業社會責任(CSR)的執行策略。在第二部門,社會創業精神的實現,在於針對市場經濟的挑戰及對於市場競爭體制的反思,驅動及補足社會資本的創造,以架構型社資本(Structural Social Capital)為基礎,藉由跨部門合作所產生的合作,補足關係型社會資本(Relational Social Capital)及認知型社會資本(Cognitive Social Capital),正面對抗商業導向的經濟自利行為。

而如此特立獨行的社會創業路徑,是基於台灣以中小企業為主軸的企業型態特性,創辦人及管理者擁有高度的權威及決策影響力,在認知型的社會資本(Cognitive Social Capital)尚未形成之前,以鑲嵌在現有的企業組織架構中,專案或例常運作的形式存在;挑戰資本主義過度放縱市場機制所產生的弊端,以善意為出發的管理決策藉由動員並獲取社會資本的路徑發展。台灣社會創業的發展路徑,與其他西方國家的社會創業發展路徑顯然不同,除了非營利組織的營利化轉型模式,面臨社會公眾對非營利組織的定位挑戰,第二部門(私人企業)選擇與非營利組織,政府,與社區,一起合作達到改變社會及解決社會問題的手段,型成一種規範式的道德行為,逐漸地受到大眾的肯定及公部門的認同,進而產生台灣第二部門特有的社會價值與資本。

此論文以四部門理論作為社會部門的分野,合作型資本(Collaborative Capital)的創造作作為補足第二部門關係型社會資本的不足,促進社會創業精神的執行,非成立基金會或是社會企業設立的方式,執行解決社會問題與永續經營的企業管理模式,擺脫過去傳統對營利企業的商業自利及追逐市場價值的刻板印象,以公益及共義為出發的另類社會道德行為,已超越傳統商業型企業的企業社會責任要求標準,成為一種追求社會永續的社會的新價值。而這種社會價值隱於第二部門的商業型企業,藉由紮根理論與社會現象學的理論背景,發揚社會資本在第二部門的展現,作為企業管理政策的參考,及未來社會創業精神藉由跨部門合作進行適合的運作模式。研究視角以非單一社會部門發展討論,改採跨部門合作的模式,不受限於部門疆界及分類,發揚社會創業精神潛藏於跨部門合作的公益行徑,此種社會價值在台灣的社會架構與脈絡下,可以做為第二部門永續經營的模式,不受到社會企業及法律認定的因素影響,是一種自發性的社會價值。
Social entrepreneurship, acting as a transactional vehicle, is viewed as a new opportunity and responsibility to challenge conventional business operation; it facilitates socio-economic institutionalization and challenges the free market. The aim of this dissertation is to discuss the implementation of social entrepreneurship in the private sector which emerges with admirable altruism to achieve win-win sustainability. Such self-driven social entrepreneurship in a Taiwanese context is embedded in business organizational structures for practical resilience. The causes and effects are social and contextual because social entrepreneurship in Taiwan emerges neither from nonprofit organizations (NPOs) commercialization in the third sector nor from corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the private sector individually. Social entrepreneurial practices challenge economic market competition from the cross-sectoral collaboration with Relational Social Capital and Cognitive Social Capital creation, and then shared value creation, instead of self-interest satisfaction. To discover the unique exemplification of social entrepreneurship that is embedded in routine decisions and projects; we concentrate on the social capital that had been identified through mobilization and accessibility to challenge the run-away capitalism. Differing from that in western countries, the Taiwanese private sector chooses cross-sectoral collaboration with NPOs, government, and communities to foster the social change and aims to social problem solving. Thus, normative ethics create impacts through which the public is valued in the private sector and they serve as a social change agent to benefit society.

Based on the theoretical support of the four-sector classification (Evers & Laville, 2004), and collaborative capital (Milbourne L. 2009), this dissertation intends to discover and explore the collective value of the civil behaviours that are usually considered as CSR within the private sector conventionally. Through the grounded theory, the intention to discuss the developmental path in term of social entrepreneurship through the cross-sectoral collaboration encourages the behaviours, and provides example and reference for different societal sectors. In this scene, the cross-sectoral social entrepreneurship fits as a resilient practice in a Taiwanese context that makes up the insufficient social capital creation in the private sector. It serves as a self-driven social value.
目次 Table of Contents
Acknowledgment i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
Content vii
List of Diagram x
List of Table xi
Chapter 1 Research Background and Research Purpose 1
1.1 Research Background: 1
1.2 Research Purpose 2
Chapter 2 Literature Review 3
2.1 The Challenge to Conventional Economic Rationality and Capitalism 3
2.2 The Emergence of Social Entrepreneurship 4
2.3The Development of Social Entrepreneurship 6
2.3.1 Supportive Foundations 6
Diagram 2: Four Sectored Social Welfare Mix 13
2.3.2 Social Enterprises in the United Kingdom 13
2.3.3 Social Enterprises in the United States 14
2.3.4 The Social Enterprise in Taiwan 15
2.4 Relationship between Social Enterprises and Commercial Enterprise 16
2.5 Social Entrepreneurship in the Private Sector 18
2.6 Social Entrepreneurship in a Taiwanese Context 20
2.7 Social Capital from Social Entrepreneurship 21
2.8 Social Entrepreneurship Fosters Social Value Creation in the Private Sector 21
2.8.1 Individual Value 22
2.8.2 Social Value 26
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 35
3.1 Applying of Phenomenological Sociology as Research Approach 36
3.2 Choice of Methodology 36
3.3 Research Design 39
3.4 Information Collection 40
3.5 Research Procedure and Conceptual Framework 44
3.6 Define the of Social Capital Creating Process in Taiwan 46
3.7 Social Capital Creation as the Approach to Evaluate Social Entrepreneurship 47
3.8 Pros and Cons of the Methodology 49
3.8.1 Cons: 49
3.8.2 Pros: 50
Chapter 4 Case Study 56
4.1 Background of the Taiwanese Private Business 56
4.2 Japazi Bakery 57
4.2.1 Social Entrepreneurship Behaviors: 60
4.2.2 Social impact 61
4.2.3 Social Capital Return 62
4.3 Ever-Spring Eco Farm 63
4.3.1 Social Entrepreneurship Behaviors 66
4.3.2 Social impact 68
4.3.3 Social Capital Return 69
4.4. Everlight Chemical Co., Ltd. 71
4.4.1 Information: 71
4.4.2 Social Entrepreneurial Behaviors Initiation 73
4.4.3 Social Entrepreneurial Behaviors 74
4.4.4 Social Capital Creation 76
4.4.5 Cross Sectoral Collaboration to Upgrade the Impact 78
4.5 Domain Identification 79
Chapter 5. Research Finding 81
5.1 Social Entrepreneurial Personalities 81
5.2 Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 84
5.3. Social Entrepreneurial Development in a Taiwanese Context 89
5.4 Innovative Approach to Fulfill the Social Mission 94
5.5. Exploring and Discovering the Cross-sectoral Collaboration 100
5.6 Why Cross-sectoral Collaboration 103
Chapter 6 Conclusion 106
6.1 Conclusion 106
6.2 Future Research 109
Reference 110
In Chinese: 110
In English: 111
Appendix A: Pilot Case Study 119
Appendix B: Interviewees with Possible Social Entrepreneurs 122
Appendix C: List of Focus Group 123
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