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博碩士論文 etd-0027114-203836 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0027114-203836
Automatic Sublingual Vein Feature Extraction System
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Date of Exam
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histogram equalization, back of the tongue image, sublingual vein, tongue diagnosis
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The essence of TCM diagnosis is “Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment”, in which differentiation is based on four methods of observation, smell, inquiry and palpation. The examination of the observing is the most important procedure in the method of “tongue diagnosis”. In recent years, sublingual vein is proved to be related closely with human organs in medical researches. By observing pathological changes of sublingual vein with features to determine if lesion happens to human organs and then give treatments as soon as possible. Due to the clinical tongue diagnosis usually depends on the factors of doctor’s subjective opinions, accumulated experiences and environment at time, the result is likely to be limited to and influenced by subjectively judgments of knowledge, experiences, thinking patterns, diagnosis skills, senses and explanations of color. Different doctors may not have the same diagnosis to one tongue pattern which leads to inconsistency. By using technical method as assistance to diagnose, along with standard judgment progress to acquire reliable diagnosis is an important issue to improve the value of TCM clinical application. This research is about using one of the developments of image process technology-Automatic sublingual vein feature extraction system-to reach targets of objective and quantitative by computer interpretation. An important prerequisite is that the result of sublingual vein features also can be applied in clinical assistance and used in sublingual vein date base.
  The features of sublingual arteries and veins are captured mainly from separating the parts of the back of tongue, and then grab the area of sublingual arteries and veins to identify its features. First, take the photos of patients’ back tongues and grab the exact images of their sublingual arteries and veins via adjusting the unreal color parts of the tongue photos. This research grabs the images of back tongues via analyzing the RGB performances of tongue back, lips, teeth, and mouth skin, and transferring these into HIS color, which is easier for human eyes to recognize the features of these parts, and also combined with the removals of mouth skin area, teeth area, and black area, rectangle detection, and detection of control points to further improve the images of the back of tongue. After the separation of the back of the tongue image, process histogram equalization and hue offset to enhance the color contrast level, and use the changes in RGB color components, hue, saturation, and brightness characteristics to separate sublingual vein, and in accordance with sublingual vein colors and locations to distinguish the color light, the length and the vein branches to analyze whether there is a varicose vein. At the same time, the research is intended to capture the tongue features such as sublingual sac column, vesicles, petechiae, and bleeding silk, and integrate and analyze these features to assist and provide practitioners as clinical diagnostic references.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 舌下絡脈診及其歷史 2
1.1.1 舌下絡脈之解剖學基礎 3
1.1.2 舌下絡脈診察要領 4
1.1.3 舌下絡脈之形狀性質 4
1.2 相關研究 5
1.2.1 基於特徵聚類舌下絡脈特徵自動提取方法 5
1.2.2 舌下絡脈對比度不同情況時之舌下絡脈分割 6
1.2.3 近紅外舌下靜脈提取 10
第二章 理論基礎 14
2.1 HSI彩色模型 14
2.2 Connected Component Labeling 15
2.3 膨脹與侵蝕 16
2.4 極座標轉換 17
第三章 研究方法 21
3.1 取像環境與設備 21
3.2 擷取流程 23
3.3 舌背區域提取 24
3.3.1 色彩校正 24
3.3.2 移除皮膚區域 26
3.3.3 矩形檢測 28
3.3.4 牙齒與黑色區域檢測 29
3.3.5 控制點偵測 31
3.3.6 舌背擷取 33
3.4 舌背特徵擷取 33
3.4.1 舌下絡脈 33
3.4.2 舌下絡脈寬度及長度比例 36
3.4.3 舌下絡脈顏色 37
3.4.4 分枝 38
3.4.5 曲張判斷 39
3.4.6 囊柱與囊泡 40
3.4.7 瘀點 41
3.4.8 瘀血絲 42
第四章 實驗結果 44
第五章 結論與未來展望 55
參考文獻 56
附錄一、舌診總報告 59

圖 次
圖 1-1 特徵聚類處理過程與絡脈提取結果 6
圖 1-2 針對舌下絡脈對比度高時處理步驟 7
圖 1-3濾波處理及絡脈處理結果 7
圖 1-4 PBSVS與ASVS分析結果 10
圖 1-5 近紅外光提取方法之水域分割 11
圖 1-6近紅外光提取方法之舌背提取 12
圖 1 7近紅外光提取方法之舌下絡脈提取結果 13
圖 2-1 HSI彩色模型 14
圖 2-2八連通示意圖 16
圖 2-3 Connected Component Labeling物件標記結果 16
圖 2-4 形態學-膨脹示意圖 17
圖 2-5 形態學-侵蝕示意圖 17
圖 2-6 原始影像、舌頭與六個方向明亮度關係 18
圖 2-7 Sobel濾波器之結果與作者提出之edge detector濾波方式所得結果 19
圖 2-8 擷取舌頭之流程與結果 20
圖 2-9 原始影像、初始化之Snake與擷取結果 20
圖 3-1 裝載於相機鏡頭之環形LED燈 21
圖 3-2 舌診儀由舌診檢查托架、相機支撐部、軌道及校正色卡組成 22
圖 3-3 擷取之舌部影像範例 22
圖 3-4舌背及舌下特徵擷取流程 23
圖 3-5 原始影像與色彩校正後結果 25
圖 3-6 R、G、B校正資料 26
圖 3-7 色調統計圖表 27
圖 3-8 移除皮膚影像 28
圖 3-9 檢測矩形影像 29
圖 3-10 牙齒區域影像 30
圖 3-11 黑色區域影像 31
圖 3-12 極座標轉換與搜尋方向示意圖 31
圖 3-13 舌背外部與內部之控制點偵測結果 32
圖 3-14 控制點搜尋結果 33
圖 3-15 擷取舌頭結果 33
圖 3-16舌下絡脈提取步驟與結果 35
圖 3-17 舌背伸舌模模擬 36
圖 3-18 絡脈細線化結果與絡脈寬度 37
圖 3-19 舌下絡脈顏色分類 38
圖 3-20 分枝空隙與水平切割示意圖與分枝擷取結果 39
圖 3-21 特徵點提取示意圖 40
圖 3-22 舌下絡脈篩選後區塊及囊柱與囊泡提取結果 41
圖 3-23 瘀點提取結果 42
圖 3-24 淤血絲提取結果 43

表 次
表 4-1 各特徵標示之顏色 44
表 4-2 舌背特徵提取結果 45
表 4-3 舌背特徵提取結果 47
表 4-4舌背特徵提取結果 49
表 4-5舌背特徵提取結果 51
表 4-6舌背特徵提取結果 53
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