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博碩士論文 etd-0028115-124448 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0028115-124448
The ecology of epibenthic shrimps in the coastal waters off Western Taiwan
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Reproductive ecology, Metapenaeopsis, Life history pattern, Habitat usage, Seasonal movement
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本研究的目的在於了解(1)台灣西部海域蝦類種類組成與時空分佈之資訊。(2)探討環境因子及水團變化對蝦類群聚的影響。(3)優勢種蝦類生殖期及生殖生物學之資訊。(4)整合生殖生物學及水文環境資訊,探討其生活史各階段對棲地利用的情形。研究期間自2002年4月至2010年8月止,利用海研三號於台灣西部海岸所設立的10測站,於水深15–35 m處進行拖網採樣,同時亦利用CTD紀錄水溫、鹽度及溶氧資料。另外,自2009年1月至2011年12月間,至高雄市蚵仔寮漁港收集生殖生物學所需樣品。研究期間共記錄底棲蝦類12科27屬53種。前五優勢種分別為婆羅門赤對蝦(Metapenaeopsis palmensis)(49.1 %)、長角彷對蝦(Parapenaeopsis hardwickii)(29.8%)、角突彷對蝦(Parapenaeopsis cornuta)(5.7%)、彎角鷹爪對蝦(Trachysalambria curvirostris)(5.1%)及鬚赤對蝦(Metapenaeopsis barbata)(2.0%),共佔總捕獲量的91.7%。台灣西部海域蝦類群聚有明顯空間變化,以茄萣–七股間海域為界可分為南北兩群,並分別以婆羅門赤對蝦及長角彷對蝦為優勢種。此分群為此海域長年海流流向及水團變動綜合影響的結果。台灣西南海域優勢種蝦類的生殖期均發生於雨季之前。在生殖期初期,婆羅門赤對蝦行向岸的生殖洄游。雨季後相對穩定的海域環境及豐富的食物,使得秋季成為此海域稚蝦主要補充的季節。雨季期間沿岸海域鹽度的下降,導致此海域優勢種蝦類族群的補充主要來自於生殖期後期的個體,而生殖季前期產出的個體,可能因雨季導致鹽度及其他環境因子的劇變而無法順利沉降。
The aims of this study is to (1) establish the baseline information of the shrimp assemblages in the coastal area in order to map the biotopes, (2) elucidate how the environmental factors act on shrimp assemblages, (3) realize the reproductive season and information on the dominant species reproductive ecology and (4) combine the information on reproductive biology and hydrology to investigate the habitat usage during the life cycle history. Shrimp samples were collected twice per season from April 2002 to August 2010, with a beam trawl operated by R/V Ocean Researcher No. 3 at 10 stations, Wanggong, Taisi, Cigu, Jiading, Zouying, Jhongjhou, Linyuan, Dapeng, Linbian and Fangliao, in the western waters off Taiwan. Simultaneously, various environmental factors were also recorded by CTD. Meanwhile, we also collected the samples from fish market for reproductive biology study since January 2009 to December 2011. In total, 54,671 individual shrimp were obtained, including 12 families, 27 genera, and 53 species. Among the families, Penaeidae consisted of the most numerous species (25 species,), followed by Alpheidae (9 species) and Scyllaridae (5 species). Metapenaeopsis palmensis (49.1%), Parapenaeopsis hardwickii (29.8%), Parapeaneopsi cornuta (5.7%), Trachysalambria curvirostris (5.1%), and M. barbata (2.0%), were the numerically dominant species, contributing 91.7% of the total catches. There is significant spatial distribution in the waters off western Taiwan. The north group and south group were dominant by M. palmensis and P. hardwickii, respectively. This phenomena might be related to the year round current and water mass seasonal oscillation in the Taiwan Strait. The reproductive season of the dominant shrimp were all occur before rainy season when the water temperature exceeds 25˚C, and the juveniles were recruit after rainy season, only the larvae born in the late spawning season will successfully recruit in the dry season in September-November when the water salinity is higher than 33.5 psu, due to the low salinity and turbid water during the rainy season.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
附錄 xi
謝辭 xii

第一章 緒論
1.1前言 1
1.2環境與分佈 2
1.3成長與生殖 5
1.4遷移與棲地利用 7
1.5研究目的 8

第二章 材料與方法
2.1採樣地點與策略 10
2.2數據處理與統計分析 11
2.2.1.群聚資料處理與分析 11
2.2.2生殖生物學數據處理與分析 13

第三章 結果
3.1台灣西部海域底棲蝦類群聚時空變化 15
3.1.1環境因子 15
3.1.2種類組成與多樣性 16
3.1.3優勢種時空分佈 16
3.1.4群聚特性 17
3.1.5環境與分佈 18
3.1.6個體大小與分佈 19
3.2形質與生殖生態學 19
3.2.1樣品來源 19
3.2.2形質間關係 19體重與頭胸甲長 19額角長與頭胸甲長 20
3.2.3生殖生態 21性別比例 21卵母細胞發育過程 21卵巢外觀與卵母細胞發育 23生殖腺指數與卵巢發育 24生殖腺指數月別變化 24最小成熟體長與50%性成熟體型 25環境與生殖 25
3.2.4棲地環境利用 26

第四章 討論
4.1台灣西南海域蝦類多樣性 28
4.2台灣西部海域蝦類群聚組成 29
4.3台灣西南海域優勢種蝦類生殖生態 33
4.3.1採樣誤差與修正 33
4.3.2性別比例 33
4.3.3性雙型性 34
4.3.4生殖生物學 35
4.3.5成熟頭胸甲長 37
4.3.6生殖期 38
4.4婆羅門赤對蝦生活史策略 40
4.4.1沿深度的季節性遷移 40
4.4.2水文環境與生長期 41
4.5優勢種蝦類時空分佈特徵 41
4.5.1深度分佈特徵 41
4.5.2季節分佈特徵 43
4.6優勢種蝦類生活史模式與棲地利用 44
4.6.1生活史模式 44
4.6.2物種間棲地利用 45
4.7厚殼蝦漁業資源管理建議 46
4.7.1拖網網目限制 46
4.7.2禁漁期劃定 47
第五章 結論
結論 49
中日文文獻 51
英文文獻 55

表 68
圖 80
附錄 145
個人簡歷 150
已發表文章 153
參考文獻 References
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