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博碩士論文 etd-0028116-122502 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0028116-122502
The Crisis Rhetoric strategy and effect:A case of Taiwan Lativ
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Lativ, Crisis Rhetoric, Crisis Communication, (Situational crisis communication theory), SCCT
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This thesis based on Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) and Taxonomy of Mediated Crisis Responses, which proposed by Coombs (1995,2001) and Taylor & Kent (2007). This study takes Lativ as an example, which is an Internet-based fashion brand in Taiwan, and it removed the clothing provenance result in the crisis.

As a consequence of this case study, the rhetoric strategies of enterprises have affected by electronic media and mobile devices. On the other hand, public opinions dominate the media reports gradually, so that enterprise crisis is likely to be magnified though internet public opinions. Besides, there is a communication gap between the enterprises and the public. And the enterprises should stand on the public side to consider the issues, and made response as soon as possible to avoid crisis spread.

This study enhances the effect of electronic rhetoric on SCCT, and utilize case study to analyze crisis stages, crisis situations and crisis tactics. During Crisis management, if the enterprises and the public have different cognitions, the crisis may explode especially in the digital age. Nowadays, crises can be copied and spread fast, so electronic rhetoric becomes more and more important. Lastly, this research offers several suggestions to the enterprises for their crisis tactics and crisis management.
目次 Table of Contents
第二章文獻探討 7
第一節LATIV 背景說明42
附錄一:LATIV 官方回應內容70
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