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Title page for etd-0105115-154220
Exploring the effect of inertia on switching from surrogate to direct shopping
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Push-Pull-Mooring 架構、進入障礙、海外購物、代購、直購、慣性
Foreign Shopping, Surrogate Shopper, Direct Purchasing, Inertia, Entry Barriers, Push-Pull-Mooring Framework
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6099 times, has been downloaded 107 times.
近年,海外購物逐漸興盛起來,消費者可以透過代購或是直接到國外網站購買(直購)海外商品。報導顯示消費者逐漸的從委託代購購買的方式,紛紛轉為直購,但仍有半數的消費者願意使用代購。本研究主要是探討慣性對於消費者從代購轉到直購的效果,並利用Push-Pull-Mooring架構來找出哪些因素為影響消費者的轉換意圖。透過文獻探討,我們找出有可能會影響消費者轉換的因素共有八個因素,推力因素包含不方便性、低交易效用、低服務品質與對於代購不滿意,相反的,拉力因素就是直購的相對優勢,最後的繫泊因素則是直購的進入障礙與消費者對於代購的慣性,這兩個因素都是二階變數,直購的進入障礙分為通信障礙、交易障礙與配送障礙,而慣性則是依據行為、認知與情感三方面。本研究採用網路問卷方式,詢問受測者最近一次的代購經驗,共收集到370份有效樣本,分析結果發現,(1) 直購的相對優勢對於轉換意圖的影響最為顯著,其次是對代購的不滿意與對代購的慣性;(2) 推力因素中,低服務品質對於不滿意度的影響最大;(3) 慣性會受到代購的不滿意與直購的相對優勢之負向影響與直購的進入障礙的正向影響,慣性本身則是依據行為本身為主;(4) 直購的進入障礙中以交易障礙為主。
Recently, some consumers change their shopping channel from surrogate shopper to foreign shopping website gradually. However, more than half consumers still adopt surrogate shopper. Our research purposes are exploring the effect of inertia on switching from surrogate to direct shopping and finding the factors that influence consumers’ switch intention base on Push-Pull-Mooing framework. We find out eight factors to influence switch intention according to literature review. Pull factors include inconvenience, low transaction utility, low service quality, dissatisfaction with surrogate shopper. The push factor is exactly the reverse. It’s relative advantage of direct purchasing. In addition, mooring factor is entry barriers to direct purchasing Entry barrier is divided by communication barrier, transaction barrier and distribution barriers. Additionally, inertia is also a second-order constructs, it include behavioral-based, affective-based and cognitive-based. We use on-line survey to collect data. The valid responses were 370. The results suggest that (1) relative advantage of direct purchasing is the most important factor on switch intention, then dissatisfaction with surrogate shopper and inertia; (2) For push factors, low service quality has high impact on dissatisfaction; (3) Relative advantage of direct purchasing and dissatisfaction with surrogate shopper are negatively associated with inertia. Entry barrier is positively associated with inertia. In addition, behavioral-based is a principal cause of inertia; (4) Transaction barrier is a main point of entry barrier.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Purpose 7
Chapter 2 Literature Review 10
2.1 Intermediary 10
2.2 Push-Pull-Mooring Framework 13
2.3 Inertia 17
Chapter 3 Research Model and Hypotheses 22
3.1 Push effects 24
3.2 Mooting effects 28
3.2.1 Inertia 28
3.3 Pull effects 33
3.4 Control variables 34
3.5 Operational definitions 34
Chapter 4 Research Methodology 38
4.1 Measurement 38
4-2 Incentive Mechanisms 42
4-3 Pretest 43
4-4 Data collection 44
Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Discussion 45
5.1 Sample Demographic 45
5.2 Measurement Model 46
5.3 Structural Model 50
5.4 Discussions 52
5.4.1 Analysis of results 52
5.4.2 Control Variable 55
Chapter 6 Conclusions 56
6.1 Summary and Implications 56
6.2 Limitation 58
6.3 Future Research 59
Reference 60
Appendix 67
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