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博碩士論文 etd-0106111-194603 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0106111-194603
A Consumer-oriented and Empirical Study in Taiwan Spa Hotel Industry
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Moderation, Economical Deduction, Mediation, Decision-Making, Spa Hotel, Perceived Value, HMR, Consumer Behavior
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根據相關分析的結果顯示,產品與服務的消費決策過程並無太大的差異,可是卻也從中發現到價值知覺與消費者購買意願的低顯著相關性。推測其原因可能是因為台灣近幾年經濟的下滑,造成消費者的可支配所得的大幅減少,因而促使消費者對於諸如溫泉旅館此類之「奢侈性消費」的態度趨於保守。本研究採用逐步多元迴歸(Hierarchical Multiple Regression, HMR) 法 進一步分析變數之間的主效果、中介效果與調節效果。實證分析的結果顯示消費者在選擇溫泉旅館時,影響其價值知覺的先行因素中,知覺品質與知覺價格等短期因素具有顯著性,而且知覺品質的重要性大於知覺價格,知覺價值對兩者與購買意願之間皆具有部分中介的效果,並且知覺品質對知覺價格與知覺價值之間具有完全中介的效果;至於長期因素如知覺風險對知覺價值的影響則不顯著。在調節效果的部份,性別與居住區域等人口統計變數在品質-價值的關係中具有干擾的作用;而在價值-購買意願的關係中,婚姻狀態與消費次數等人口統計變數,同樣具有干擾的作用。本研究的發現提供給實務界的是,應該更為聚焦於服務品質的提昇,而且提供可能的思考方向去針對不同的客層進行推廣的方案。
Previous studies have indicated that the creation of outstanding consumer value was for spa hotels to achieve sustainable financial and market success. In this study we identified the key factors that affected consumers’ behavior or purchasing decisions, and the process how consumers chose a particular hotel for spa service, which was appropriate for themselves under such intensely competition among spa hotels in Taiwan.
The study aims to assess a relational perspective on the value perception relationships, and to examine the main effects and the processes linking perceived value, its antecedents and willingness to buy in Taiwan spa hotel industry. The economical deduction was adopted to provide the constructs positioning and adequate rationality of the conceptual model. The analysis of Pearson correlation indicated that the recent downsizing economy might be the source that affected the attitude of “leisure service consumption” in more conservative way because of the weakly significant relationship between perceived value and willingness-to-buy.
The hierarchical multiple regression (HMR) was used to assess the main effects and the processes. The HMR analyses revealed that customers separately considered perceived quality and perceived price, the immediate situational factors of benefits and sacrifices, particularly when purchasing a spa service product, which will lead to changes in behavior. Perceived quality totally mediated the price-value relationship, and perceived value partially mediated the quality-willingness and price-willingness relationship. Sex and living location moderated the quality-value relationship. Marriage status and consumptive times moderated the value-willingness relationship.
The finding indicated that the perception of customer value was very much dependent upon quality and much less dependent upon risk and price in Taiwan spa hotel industry; management and advertising objective should focus on increasing customer value by improving the customer perceptions of overall product and service quality. The moderation of demographic variables provides managers directions to offer proper packages to potential customers.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction.........1
1.1 Research Background.........1
1.2 Research Objectives.........3
1.3 Research Outline.........5
1.4 Overview of Research Methodology.........6
1.4.1 Positivist Social Science.........6
1.4.2 The Building of Descriptive Theory.........6
1.4.3 The Transition from Descriptive to Normative Theory.........8
1.5 Overview of Consumer Decision-making Theories.........8
1.5.1 The Utility Theory.........8
1.5.2 The Appraisal Theory.........10
Chapter 2: Literature Review.........13
2.1 Introduction of Taiwan Spa Hotel Industry.........13
2.2 Theoretical Perspective and Decision Framework.........14
2.2.1 Need Arousal.........14
2.2.2 Decision Constraints.........17
2.2.3 Degree and Nature of External Information Search.........19
2.2.4 Decision Criteria.........22
2.3 Consumptive Motivation.........23
2.4 Consumer Perception.........23
2.4.1 Conceptualization of Perceived Value.........23
2.4.2 Previous Research on Perceived Value.........24
2.4.3 Dimensions of Service Value.........25
2.4.4 The Relevance of Perceived Risk to Perceived Value.........28
Chapter 3: Research Method.........30
3.1 Model Building for Spa Service: A Decision-making Framework.........30
3.2 The Rationality of Model.........30
3.3 Hypotheses and Variables.........32
3.3.1 The Antecedent and Subsequent to Perceived Value of Spa Service.........32
3.3.2 Factors that Reduce Perceived Risk of Spa Service Consumption.........35
3.3.3 Factors that Increase Perceived Quality of Spa Service.........36
3.3.4 The Mediating Influence of Perceived Value.........37
3.3.5 The Mediating Influence of Perceived Quality.........41
3.3.6 The Mediating Influence of Perceived Risk.........42
3.4 Questionnaire Development.........43
3.5 Data Collection.........43
3.6 Analytic Method.........44
Chapter 4: Empirical Results of the survey in Taiwan Spa Hotel Industry.........45
4.1 KMO and Bartlett’s Test.........45
4.2 Factor Analysis.........45
4.3 Reliability Analysis.........46
4.4 Examining Covariation between Variables.........51
4.5 Correlation Analysis.........55
4.6 Construct Validity Analysis.........55
4.7 One-way ANOVA between Demographic Variables and Value Perception.........56
4.8 Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analyses for Main Effects.........58
4.9 Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analyses Predicting Perceived Value.........61
4.10 Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analyses Predicting Willingness-to-buy.........63
4.11 Amended Conceptual Model of Perceived Value.........65
4.12 Additional Analyses: When Demographic Differences Exist.........65
Chapter 5: Discussions.........73
5.1 Conclusions.........73
5.2 Managerial Implications.........74
5.3 Future Research.........75
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