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Title page for etd-0110113-165555
Temporal and spatial variations of the front between South China Sea and West Philippine Sea waters
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carbonate system, El Nino, La Nina, Luzon Strait, Front
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本研究明確找出南海與西菲律賓海次表水及中層水的鋒面位置。鹽度鋒面為兩個不同水文性質之水團混和,鹽度急遽變化的交界面。次表水鋒面受到季節以及聖嬰、反聖嬰事件影響,混到70 %以上西菲律賓海水鋒面,大致上介於120至121 °E之間。呂宋海峽的流況可能會受到聖嬰事件的影響,西菲律賓海水向西流的距離較遠;而反聖嬰事件發生時,向西傳送的距離較短。台灣南端海域在聖嬰時期似乎會混到較多的西菲律賓海次表水,導致鹽度都會較其他兩個時期要高。然而中層水的鋒面位置,無論是否有受到聖嬰或反聖嬰事件影響,在122 °E附近四季皆有一明顯的海水鹽度急遽變化的鋒面,不過會因緯度的不同經度會有些許差異。此鋒面鹽度約在34.3上下,混和比例約是南海水及西菲律賓海水各一半。
在西菲律賓海西部,當聖嬰現象發生時的春季及夏季,在鋒面附近,次表層海水在相同位密度下,由於受到較多的西菲律賓海水影響,使得鹽度以及pH會較正常時期高,而Normalized Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (NDIC)則較正常時期低。換言之,由西菲律賓海輸入至南海的碳通量,可能會因聖嬰現象的發生而減少。
在台灣海峽澎湖水道區域,四季海水性質皆以南海水團為主。不過當聖嬰現象發生時,相同位密度下海水鹽度會高於正常時期,而pH亦會較高,NDIC會較低,Normalized Total Alkalinity (NTA)則無明顯差異。推測主要是因為聖嬰時期,北赤道洋流分歧點向北移,較多的西菲律賓海水經由呂宋海峽向西傳送,之後再隨著黑潮支流與南海水混和,經澎湖水道向北流。因此可以推測,當聖嬰現象發生時,假若經由澎湖水道向北輸送的水量相同時,會有較多的碳通量向北傳輸。而反聖嬰時期則與聖嬰時期剛好相反。
The Luzon Strait is located between Taiwan and the Philippines, and is the main channel connecting the West Philippine Sea (WPS) and the South China Sea (SCS). While El Nino events are the focal points for global climate change research, their influence on the distribution of carbonate parameters in the Western Pacific is still uncertain. The aim of this study is to discuss the seasonal variation of water masses between the South China Sea water and the West Philippine Sea water during normal, El Nino and La Nina events. Implications on the transport of carbonate species will then be touched upon.
This study focuses on the area between 120 °E to 124 °E and 18 °N to 22 °N and clearly identifies the subsurface water and the intermediate water fronts between the SCS and the WPS. The intermediate water front is located at about 122°E, but there are slight differences in latitudes influenced by El Nino and La Nina events.
During El Nino periods, the salinity and pH are higher, but the normalized dissolved inorganic carbon (NDIC) is lower in the subsurface water than during the normal periods. Due to the North Equatorial Currents bifurcation point being more northward, more WPS subsurface water is transported to the SCS during the El Nino period, and vice versa during the La Nina period. This phenomenon affects the flow of the WPS water to the Penghu Channel. The flux of the subsurface water from the WPS into the SCS and the Penghu Channel during El Nino events is greater than that during normal periods, and is the least during La Nina events.
目次 Table of Contents

第一章 前言……………………………………….…1
1-1 研究區域……………………………………………1
1-2 文獻回顧……………………………………………3
1-3 研究目的……………………………………………5
第二章 研究材料與方法………………………9
2-1 研究材料……………………………………………9
2-1-1 資料庫數據……………………………………10
2-1-2 實驗室數據……………………………………11
2-2 研究方法……………………………………………13
第三章 南海及西菲律賓海水團鋒面位置…23
3-1 次表水季節變化………………………………23
3-1-1 正常時期………………………………………24
3-1-2 聖嬰時期…………………………………………26
3-1-3 反聖嬰時期……………………………………28
3-2 次表水在相同季節中受聖嬰、反聖嬰事件影響之變化……30
3-2-1 春季………………………………………………30
3-2-2 夏季………………………………………………32
3-2-3 秋季………………………………………………33
3-2-4 冬季………………………………………………34
3-3 中層水季節變化…………………………………35
3-3-3 反聖嬰時期………………………………………37
3-4 中層水在相同季節中受聖嬰、反聖嬰事件影響之變化………38
3-4-1 春季………………………………………………38
3-4-2 夏季………………………………………………38
3-4-3 秋季………………………………………………39
3-4-4 冬季………………………………………………39
第四章 鋒面位置附近受聖嬰、反聖嬰影響之水文及水化學變化……52
4-1-1 春季………………………………………………52
4-1-2 夏季………………………………………………54
4-1-3 秋季………………………………………………55
4-2 呂宋海峽……………………………………………56
4-3 台灣海峽南部……………………………………58
4-3-1 春季………………………………………………58
4-3-2 夏季………………………………………………58
4-3-3 秋季………………………………………………59
4-3-4 冬季………………………………………………60
4-4 南灣…………………………………………………61
4-5 蘭嶼鄰近海域………………………………………62
第五章 結論…………………………………………….99
第六章 參考文獻……………………………………….104
參考文獻 References
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