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博碩士論文 etd-0110115-181117 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0110115-181117
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification: Its Effectiveness Evaluation
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
environmental management, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, sustainable development, international multilateral treaties, policy process, regime effectiveness evaluation
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本研究旨在評估聯合國抗荒漠化公約(United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, UNCCD)1996年12月生效至今之實際作為與成效。本研究以Arild Underdal所提出之「Oslo-Potsdam解」(Oslo-Potsdam Solution)作為建制有效性評估之架構,設定UNCCD的生效年作為參考點(point of reference),同時,假設公約條文規範之內容為抗荒漠化行動的集體最適(collective optimum)目標,並以公約條文所揭示之義務作為評估標準,以檢視UNCCD生效後在全球、區域與國家三個階層上的履行現況,並分析履行現況與集體最適目標間之差距,進而瞭解因UNCCD的生效所帶來的相對進步。
本研究發現,聯合國抗荒漠化公約在全球、區域與國家階層上之實踐,皆缺乏具體成效。該公約確實為荒漠化問題建構了跨國的溝通管道與架構性的執行方向,然而,公約締約方對荒漠化議題的不重視與缺乏實際行動,導致三個階層行動接連失敗。公約並未明定已開發締約方官方發展援助(Official Development Assistance, ODA)佔其國家總生產毛額(Gross National Product, GNP)之比例,亦未制定違約制裁條款,使得公約缺乏強制性,亦間接造成資金與技術不足以支撐公約各階層的履約行動。
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the actual performance and effectiveness of the United Nations Convention on Combat Desertification (or UNCCD, the Convention) since its entry into force in December 1996. This study applies “Oslo-Potsdam Solution” posed by Arild Underdal as a research framework for evaluating the effectiveness of the UNCCD, while the year of entry into force of the Convention is designated as a “point of reference”, articles of the Convention are deemed as “collective optimum” or collective objectives for combating desertification and the obligations laid down by the provisions of the Convention are designated as evaluation standards in examining the implementation of UNCCD in global, regional and national levels as well as the gap between actual performance of the Convention and its objectives so as to better understand the relative improvement that has been made since the UNCCD entered into force.
This study concludes that the implementation of UNCCD is ineffective on global, regional, and national levels. This Convention has certainly constructed valuable transnational communication channels and an implementation framework for dealing with desertification problems. However, the apathy and lack of substantive actions of the Contracting Parties to the Convention led to the consecutive failures on all three levels. That the Convention does not determine the ratio of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Gross Nations Product (GNP) on the part of developed Contracting Parties to the Convention, nor impose any sanction for imbreachments of the Convention, made this Convention powerless in terms of its legal binding force which, in turn, indirectly led to the shortage of fund and technology in supporting the implementation activities on every levels.
How to promote communication and integrate existing programmes under the framework of the UNCCD so as to raise environmental awareness and care of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for further harmonizing environmental conservation and economic development needs further study.
目次 Table of Contents

論文審定書 ……………………………………………… i
謝誌 …………………………………………………………… ii
中文摘要 ……………………………………………………. iv
英文摘要 …………………………………………………… v
目錄 …………………………………………………………… vi
圖次 …………………………………………………………… viii
表次 …………………………………………………………… ix
縮寫詞彙對照表 ……………………………………………… x

第一章 緒論………………………………………………...... 1
第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………… 1
第二節 研究標的:聯合國抗荒漠化公約…………………… 5
第三節 文獻回顧與研究途徑………………………………… 9
第四節 評估方法、章節安排、研究流程與研究範圍……… 19
第五節 研究限制與預期結果………………………………… 24

第二章 UNCCD談判歷程與公約內容……………………… 27
第一節 公約談判過程………………………………………… 28
第二節 談判過程中重要爭議議題…………………………… 32
第三節 公約之結構與內容…………………………………… 41
第四節 公約在國家階層所創設之條約義務………………… 46
第五節 公約在區域階層所創設之條約義務………………… 49
第六節 公約在全球階層所創設之條約義務………………… 51

第三章 公約全球階層有效性分析…………………………… 61
第一節 從PACD到UNCCD:聯合國抗荒漠化行動之沿革 62
第二節 從PACD到UNCCD:變、不變及影響…………… 66
第三節 「科學與技術委員會」-科學、政治與荒漠化問題..77
第四節 「全球機制」之運作與績效………………………… 92

第四章 公約區域階層有效性分析…………………………… 101
第一節 各大區域執行狀況…………………………………… 102
第二節 區域階層的執行困境………………………………… 114

第五章 公約國家階層有效性分析…………………………… 125
第一節 衣索比亞……………………………………………… 126
第二節 中華人民共和國……………………………………… 132
第三節 希臘…………………………………………………… 143
第四節 阿根廷………………………………………………… 152

第六章 結論…………………………………………………… 165

參考書目 ………………………………………………………… 167
參考文獻 References





















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Working Paper/ Project
Bauer, Steffen and Lindsay C. Stringer. 2008. Science and Policy in the Global Governance of Desertification: An analysis of institutional interplay under the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Global Governance Working Paper No. 35. Amsterdam et al.: The Global Governance Project. Available at

Newspaper Article
Bogado, Belen. 2009. “Latin America: The Rapid Spread of Desertification,” Global Voice, November 4.

CBC News. 2013. “Tories defend withdrawal from UN drought 'talkfest',” CBC News March 28.
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