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博碩士論文 etd-0111105-114907 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0111105-114907
Deconstructing "The Invisible Hand" Discourse: An Essay on Reflections in Economic Methodology
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Ontology, Deconstruction, Invisible Hand, Economic Methodology, Discourse
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The aim of this dissertation is to reflect on economic methodology. To reflect means to think about the relationship between researcher and the object of research. The object in mainstream economics is fixed in market realm. When the object is fixed then the focus in economic study is the method. Mainstream economics used equilibrium analysis method in order to make the research outcome be certainty. In the process of pursuing certainty the ontology of the object is neglected. The de-centering strategy we applied is deconstruction concept. My main reason for taking Derrida’s deconstruction as a starting point is to de-center the fixed center which operating mechanism is the invisible hand. In this dissertation the logic of deconstruction is “neither..or..” form and the steps are to undo and displace. In order to emphasize the multiples means and the relation of knowledge and power we use the term discourse.
In chapter four we undo “the invisible hand” metaphor that is the center of market. The direct consequence of the undo process is the finding of the ontological implication. In chapter five we displace “the invisible hand” metaphor. Through rereading Adam Smith’s methodology we interpret invisible hand as causal relation and find the same ontological implication. Together with these two processes above we find out the inspiration for reflection of economic methodology that is to answer the most fundamental question about what is the economic object. In chapter six we call for discussion to bringing the ontology back into economics. We believe the study of economic ontology is a prerequisite for understanding economics as a scientific discipline. It is thus intended and hoped that this reflection will help to beyond the opposite between positivism and post-positivism. For the defined goal to coordinate the opposite we introduce philosopher Quine’s ontological method called ontological commitment. After the reflection we claim :the method such as formation and econometric is important, but if we can emphasize the ontology of research object then the study will be activity. The defense of this claim is the main subject of this dissertation. Finally we just point out that if the claim is accepted, then something along this line of the attention is essential to the practice researcher. That is to take more time to think the nature of the research object when he construes a model.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論…………………………………………….…1
第一節 研究動機……………………………………………2
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………9
第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………….17
第一節 看不見的手之三處用例…………………………..17
第二節 看不見的手之各種詮釋…………………………..21
第三節 主流經濟學的解釋………………………………..46
第三章 研究策略……………………………………….…51
第一節 解構的語言觀與意義理論的涵義……………….52
第二節 為何要解構﹕作為哲學研究途徑的解構……….57
第三節 作為文學批判研究途徑的解構………………….61
第四節 解構策略………………………………………….66
第五節 解構與經濟學研究及本文論證架構…………….73
第四章 解構主流經濟學的詮釋…………………….……81
第一節 主流詮釋的知識考古…………………………….81
第二節 市場隱喻的去中心化……………………………..94
第三節 作為話語存在的看不見的手……………………105
第四節 內部與外部的二元對立衝突……………………115

第五章 從斯密方法論重新詮釋看不見的手……………125
第一節 重讀斯密的方法論………………………………126
第二節 作為因果關係的看不見的手……………………132
第三節 看不見的手的隱喻作用…………………………144
第四節 看不見的手的本體論意涵………………………153
第六章 將本體論帶回經濟學…………………………….163
第一節 為什要帶入本體論的討論………………………163
第二節 經濟學方法論的解開與重置……………………172
第三節 主流經濟學方法的再審視……………………….178
第七章 結 論 …………………………………………… 185
第一節 研究結論………………………………………….185
第二節 研究建議﹕如何將本體論帶回經濟學………….191
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