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博碩士論文 etd-0111114-170900 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0111114-170900
Statistical Analysis of Whistle and Ambient Noise of Summer in the Habitat of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin (Sousa chinensis)
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Statistical Analysis, Fishing Boat Noise, West Coast of Taiwan, Ambient Noise, Chinese White Dolphins, Whistle, Croaker
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鯨豚類的海上目視調查經常受限於天氣、海況與沿海水深地形等因素,為補充目視觀察之不足,本研究藉由被動式水下聲學方式,於雲林縣近岸新虎尾溪口(YL)與北港溪口外傘頂洲北端(WS)放置SM2M海洋錄音機各進行了68天、45天的環境噪音監測。本文根據監測的資料主要進行兩部分的分析,其一,探討環境噪音的變動與趨勢,首先由時頻譜與頻譜先行了解兩地點噪音隨頻率的變動性,並統計噪音位準值的分佈情形,之後分析噪音在時間上的變動與分佈,以及討論兩監測站顯著的聲源。初步的分析結果顯示,兩地於頻率1k與2k Hz有較明顯的24 hr噪音週期,且造成此現象的原因很可能是於前夜時段(18:00~00:00)某種石首魚群鳴音所導致,單以事件來看,於1k與2k Hz石首魚鳴音大約為84~86 dB,為當地夜晚環境噪音主要的貢獻量之一。其二,由於當地漁業資源豐富,因此伴隨著不少的漁船進行作業,導致漁船噪音也為該海域顯著的聲源之一。漁船噪音之音頻與中華白海豚哨叫聲頻率範圍有所重疊,從探討漁船與哨叫聲的變化,發現漁船出現之後,白海豚哨叫聲秒鐘數變多,因此由該分析結果推斷漁船噪音有可能影響到白海豚族群的行為模式。
Visual investigation of cetaceans are often limited by the weather, sea conditions and coastal water depth and other factors. In order to compenstate for the shortage of visual observation, this study used passive acoustics monitoring system to measure the whistle of Chinese White Dolphins and ambient noise in west coast of Taiwan. This study deployed two underwater acoustic recorders (SM2M) in New Huwei River of Yun-Lin coastal area (site YL) and Waisanding sandbar (site WS). Total of 68- and 45-days acoustic data were collected in YL and WS respectively. There are two parts of analysis according to recording data. One analysis explored the changes and trends of ambient noise, to understand the different of the two sites by spectrogram and spectrum, distribution of sound pressure level (SPL), as well as significant sound sources. Results shows that the low-frequency noise in WS is lower than YL due to the contributions of shipping and fishing noises. In two sites , ambient noise at 1 to 2 kHz contains periodic changes due to daily cycle of local croakers (Sciaenidae). Another analysis focused on the significant fishing boat noise, whose frequency range overlaps the whistle of Chinese White Dolphins. This analysis explored whether Chinese White Dolphins respond to passage of boats by using changes in total number of whistles before and after boat passing to understand potential variation of dolphin’s behavior. Results indicate a significant increase in the number of whistles after fishing boats passed. The increase in the number of whistles produced by dolphins after fishing boats pass, strongly suggests that the noise from transiting boats affects dolphin's group communication, so dolphins need to re-establish vocal contact with associates after the masking noise of the boat has passed
目次 Table of Contents
圖目錄.............................................................................................. viii
第一章 緒論..................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景.................................................................................... 1
1.2 海洋環境噪音....................................................................... 2
1.3 中華白海豚........................................................................... 4
1.3.1 白海豚相關介紹............................................................ 5
1.3.2 海豚的發聲系統............................................................ 7
1.3.3 海豚發聲行為…............................................................ 8
1.4 白海豚棲地環境噪音............................................................ 10
1.4.1 船舶噪音…............................................................ 10
1.4.2 生物噪音…............................................................ 12
1.5 研究目的…............................................................ 12
1.6 論文架構…............................................................ 12
第二章 實驗方法............................................................................. 13
2.1 監測地點…............................................................................ 13
2.2 監測時間................................................................................ 16
2.3 聲學儀器與佈放方式............................................................ 17
2.4 資料分析流程........................................................................ 20
第三章 相關理論....…..................................................................... 21
3.1 訊號處理................................................................................ 21
3.1.1 快速傅立葉轉換............................................................ 21
3.1.2 取樣定理........................................................................ 22
3.1.3 頻帶分析........................................................................ 23
3.1.4 漁船訊號偵測................................................................ 25
3.2 統計理論........................................................................ 27
3.2.1 尖率與偏率.................................................................... 27
3.2.2 箱型圖…….................................................................... 28
第四章 結果與討論..................................................................... 32
4.1 頻譜與位準分佈............................................................ 32
4.1.1 環境噪音時頻譜............................................................ 32
4.1.2 噪音頻譜................................................................ 35
4.1.3噪音位準分佈............................................................. 44
4.2 噪音時間變動分析................................................................ 46
4.2.1 噪音位準時間序列.......................................... 46
4.2.2 噪音週期分析…............................................ 50
4.2.3 時段變動分析…............................................ 53
4.3 顯著噪音源............................................................................ 56
4.3.1 石首魚鳴音…............................................ 56
4.3.2 漁船噪音…............................................ 59
4.4 哨叫聲與漁船噪音................................................................ 61
4.4.1 哨叫聲每日分佈…............................................ 61
4.4.2 哨叫聲每小時分佈…............................................ 70
4.4.3 漁船對白海豚之影響…............................................................. 61
第五章 結論與建議............................................................................ 79
5.1 結論........................................................................................... 79
5.2 建議........................................................................................... 81
參考文獻.......................................................................................... 82
參考文獻 References
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