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博碩士論文 etd-0112105-093644 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0112105-093644
An Adaptive Scatternet Formation Scheme in Bluetooth Personal Area Networks
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scatternet, Bluetooth, piconet
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藍芽是一具有低功率和低成本的新興短距離且無線的通訊技術,主要是用來取代有線的設備。雖然藍芽是公開的規格,其MAC協定層也是特別設計用來促進ad hoc網路的形成,但是在規格中,卻未對聯網的建立提出解決的方案。因此,目前已有許多學者發表各種形成聯網的方法,但這些方法大都定義在靜態的環境下。在這篇研究中,我們提出一個適用於動態環境的藍芽聯網建構方法,稱為可調式藍芽聯網建構演算法(Adaptive Scatternet Formation Scheme,ASFS)。此演算法由兩部分所組成:建構和維護。在建構藍芽聯網這一部份,聯網中的Coordinator根據抵達率以及離開率得知目前整個聯網的流量狀態,並且依照目前及過去網路的流量狀態指派下一個週期中抵達網路的節點一個適當的角色(Sub-coordinator、Master或Slave),並將其分配給適合的微網。在維護機制中,由於ASFS適用在動態的環境下,亦即允許節點可隨意的進入與離開聯網,因此,ASFS能夠擴張網路拓樸、修復因節點離開而分裂的網路拓樸、動態地調整整個聯網,以盡可能的保持最少的微網個數。在模擬實驗中,我們使用網路模擬器(NS-2)的延伸模組來模擬各項表現。我們分析節點在各種抵達狀態的預測結果,並且和同樣適用在動態環境的TSF演算法比較,發現ASFS演算法在傳送封包的時間和聯網內的微網個數皆有較佳的表現,在建構聯網的時間上亦反應出平行建構的優點。
Bluetooth is a highly promising, low-cost, and low-power technology for short-range wireless communication. It is intended to replace existing cables between electronic devices. Bluetooth is an open specification. Even whose MAC protocol is designed for facilitating the construction of ad hoc networks, the issue of scatternet formation is left open in the Bluetooth Specification. Several researchers have proposed various solutions to form a scatternet. But most of them focused on static environment. This investigation presents an Adaptive Scatternet Formation Scheme (ASFS) for forming a scatternet for Bluetooth devices. Unlike earlier work, the proposed method is designed to work with dynamic environment where nodes can arrive and leave arbitrarily. ASFS consists of two parts, formation and maintenance. In formation, a coordinator is used to monitor the flow of nodes (arriving and leaving). This information is then used to assign the new arrival node a suitable role (Sub-coordinator, Master or Slave) to establish the link and assign it to an appropriate piconet. In maintenance, nodes are allowed to arrive and depart arbitrarily. The proposed method can incrementally extend the topology and heal the partitions of scatternet due to nodes arriving or missing. It dynamically adjusts the scatternet to minimize the number of piconets. We employed the Network Simulator, NS-2, as the simulation and analyzed the predicted results when nodes arrive in various conditions. The simulation result demonstrates that ASFS achieves better results than TSF (Tree Scatternet Formation, the algorithm is proposed by Tan et al.[17] and works well in dynamic environment) in packet transmission time and number of the piconets. The scatternet formation time reflects the advantage of parallel formation.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表格目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 論文動機與目的 1
1.2 藍芽技術簡介 2
1.2.1 藍芽技術發展背景 3
1.2.2 無線電(Radio) 4
1.2.3 藍芽連接(Link)類型之定義 5
1.2.4 藍芽裝置定址 6
1.2.5 藍芽裝置狀態種類 7
1.2.6 連線建立之程序 10
1.2.7 微網(Piconet)與聯網(Scatternet) 13
1.3 論文架構 14
第二章 相關研究文獻 15
第三章 可調式藍芽聯網建構演算法 26
3.1 網路拓樸架構與環境假設前提 26
3.1.1 架構模型 26
3.1.2 環境假設 30
3.2 可調式藍芽聯網建構演算法 31
3.2.1 各節點角色的說明 31
3.2.2 偵測並評估抵達的節點 32
3.2.3 新抵達節點的指派 37
3.3 維護機制 41
3.3.1 在網路元件內微網間的維護機制 41
3.3.2 在網路元件中微網內的維護機制 44
第四章 模擬分析 48
4.1 在各種節點抵達情況下α值的評估 48
4.1.1 節點的抵達呈Poisson分布 49
4.1.2 節點的進入呈現常態分布 54
4.1.3 節點以固定的抵達率進入聯網(Constant Bite Rate) 58
4.1.4 節點以隨機的方式進入聯網 63
4.2 藍芽聯網建構時間 66
4.3 平均的傳送時間 71
4.4 平均的微網個數 73
第五章 結論 75
參考文獻 77
參考文獻 References
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