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博碩士論文 etd-0112114-122955 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0112114-122955
The Study of Perceived Environment and Its Related to Senior Citizen’s Physical Activity and Quality of Life
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theory of planned behavior, quality of life, physical activity, senior citizen, perceived environment
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Regularity of physical activity can promote mental health and senior citizens cognitive function, reduce the incidence of chronic diseases, and also enhance quality of life. Sallis et al (2006) ecological model proposed, emphasizing environmental and policy intervention are the most influential ways on individual health behaviors. Research purpose: 1st, to construct perceived environment and physical activity behaviors of elderly residents living-cum-quality theoretical model; 2nd, verify the ability of the theoretical model to explain the construction of the institute; 3rd, using the model to predict and explain the relationship between the environment and physical activity behaviors of senior citizens and quality of life; 4th, proposed suitable for senior citizens in environmental policy recommendations to promote physical activity behavior of senior citizens, and promote the health of senior citizens. Research methods: 324 Kaohsiung residents over the age of 65 for the study, a questionnaire for collecting data. About data analysis, partial least squares method of mining schema validation. Research results: there are 4 main results of the research, 1st, environmental accessibility for elderly residents in physical activity behavior and attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control has its significance; 2nd, environmental aesthetics and environmental safety norms have significant subjective; 3rd, attitudes and perceived behavioral control predict behavioral intention was significant. And the last one, behavioral intention was significant quality of life.
In conclusion: This study constructs perceived environment and physical activity behaviors of elderly residents living-cum-quality theoretical model has predictive power and explanatory power. Recommendation: there are 2 main policies to promote physical activity and improve quality of life of senior citizens, the 1st is to provide environmental accessibility, followed by enhanced perceived behavioral control, attitude and behavioral intention.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
目 錄 v
圖 次 vii
表 次 viii
第 一 章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第 二 章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 環境與身體活動 6
第二節 環境與身體活動與高齡者生活品質 13
第三節 計畫行為理論 16
第 三 章 研究方法 26
第一節 知覺環境與高齡居民身體活動行為暨生活品質理論模型 26
第二節 研究假設 27
第三節 研究變項與資料收集方法 29
第四節 資料分析 39
第 四 章 研究結果 45
第一節 描述性統計分析 45
第二節 知覺環境、計畫行為理論、身體活動行為及生活品質變項在不同背景的高齡居民差異比較 53
第三節 測量模式分析 78
第 五 章 討論 90
第一節 知覺環境、計畫行為理論中介值對行為意向及身體活動行為及生活品質之影響 90
第二節 知覺環境與高齡居民身體活動行為暨生活品質理論模型 102
第 六 章 結論與建議 104
第一節 結論 104
第二節 建議 106
第三節 研究限制 107
參考文獻 108
附件一 同意書 118
附件二 問卷 119
附件三 一個月後的問卷 124
參考文獻 References
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