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博碩士論文 etd-0116109-161439 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0116109-161439
英雄無用? 名人CEO對雇主品牌的影響 之探索性研究
Do Heroes matter? CEO celebrity effects on Employer Brand: An exploratory analysis
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Employer Brand, CEO, Entrepreneur, Figurehead, job hunting attempt., Organizational Attractiveness
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5761 times, has been downloaded 1638 times.
本研究根據雇主品牌與其他相關研究與文獻發展架構,利用天下雜誌特刊中”企業家最佩服的企業家”之報導過濾、選擇問卷中所調查的,再運用Cable與Turban研究中的雇主知識架構製作問卷針對政大、交大、輔大、淡江、高應大、台南大等大三、大四、研究所畢業學生進行調查。本研究發現Cable與Turban研究中的雇主知識(Employer Knowledge)中大部分構面都對組織吸引力有正面影響、且對於潛在求職者的求職企圖會有正面的影響,證明企業的名人CEO對於企業所能夠雇用的人力資源有著正面的影響。
Current study is based on literature of Employer Brand studies. This research is conducted by implementing questionnaire. By using “the most admired entrepreneur” from a renowned, quality business magazine in Taiwan, author has looked into the perception of college and post graduate senior students (NCCU, NCTU, FJU, TKU, NKUAS, NUTN) regarding CEO celebrities and their companies. The study has showed that most dimensions of Cable and Turban study have positive effect on Organization Attractiveness and potential employee’s job hunting attempt. The result of current research has proven CEO celebrity’s positive effect on human resource the corporate can recruit.
目次 Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction-------------------------------------------------8
1.1 Research Background and Motivation ----------------------8

1.2 Objective and measure of current research--------------10
1.3 Research stage summary-------------------------------------11
Chapter 2 Theoretical Background, Literature Review and definition ----------------------------------------------------------------13

2.1 Branding Knowledge and Employer Branding Knowledge ------------------------------------------------------------13
2.2 Organizational Attractiveness -------------------------------18

2.2.1 Organizational Attractiveness and Relation with Employer Brand -----------------------------------------------------18
2.2.2 What is CEO Celebrity--------------------------------------19
2.2.3 Social Identity and Identification -------------------------20
2.2.4 Social Learning ----------------------------------------------22
2.2.5 Social Theory -------------------------------------------------22
2.2.6 Connection Between Reviewed Theories------------23
2.3 Literature Review by Theories from Individual perspective-----------------------------------------------------------24
2.3.1 Source Credibility-------------------------------------------24
2.3.2 Dimensions of Credibility--------------------------------25
2.3.3 Theory of Involvement -------------------------------------26
2.3.4 Elaboration Likelihood Model ---------------------------27
2.3.5 Self Monitoring Theory-------------------------------------28
2.3.6 Individual Perspective Theories linkage to current study-------------------------------------------------------------------29

Chapter 3 Research Mehtodology--------------------------------------------------------32
3.1 Research Framework and Hypothesis and Motivation -------------------------------------------------------------------------33
3.2 Questionnaire Development------------------------------34
3.2.1 Data source of CEO choice-----------------------------35
3.2.2 How to choose CEO celebrities-----------------------35
3.2.3 Data source of Potential Job Applicants ------------36
3.2.4 Questionnaire Distribution, Collection and Coding --------------------------------------------------------------------------36
3.3 Data Analysis Methedology--------------------------------36

Chapter 4 Results and Finding--------------------------------36
4.1 Descriptive Analysis of Collected Sample of Quesitonnaire ------------------------------------------------------36
4.1.1 Employer Familiarity Concept --------------------------38
4.1.2 Employer Image Concept -------------------------------39
4.1.3 Orgnizational Attractiveness Concept ----------------41
4.1.4 Job Seeker Attempt Concept ---------------------------43
4.2 Kaiser-Meyer-Oklin Analysis and Barlett’s Test of Sphericity-------------------------------------------------------------44
4.3 Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis ---------------45
4.4 Interrelationship between research variables -------50
4.5 Regression Result of Study -------------------------------53
4.6 Hypotheses Examination ----------------------------------56
4.7 Objective Discssion -----------------------------------------58

Chapter 5 Conclusion and further research suggestion for future study-------
5.1 Conclusion -----------------------------------------------------59
5.2 Research Restriction ----------------------------------------60
5.3 Future Study Suggestion—Research Mehodology --62
5.3 Future Study Suggestion—Research Direction-------65
Reference ------------------------------------------------------------67


1.1 Research Process -------------------------------------------12
2.1 Brand Knowledge Dimensions---------------------------14
2.2 Employer Brand Knowledge Dimensions -------------16
3.1 Research Framework ---------------------------------------31

3.1 CEO Scoring System -----------------------------------------12
4.1 Subject Traits of samples------------------------------------14
4.2 Mean Analysis of Employer Familiarity concept--------16
4.3 Mean Analysis of Employer Image Concept -------------31
4.4 Mean Analysis of Organizational Attractiveness Concept -----------------------------------------------------------------------------44
4.5 Mean Analysis of Job Seeker Attempt Concept ---------44
4.6 Kaiser-Meyer-Oklin analysis and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity ---------------------------------------------------------------44
4.7 Employer Familiarity Factor Analysis ----------------------46
4.8 Employer Image Factor Analysis ---------------------------48
4.9 Organizational Attractiveness Factor Analysis ----------49
4.10 Potential Employee Job-Hunting Factor Analysis ----50
4.11 Interrelation between Employer Image and Organizational Attractiveness--------------------------------------51
4.12 Interrelation between Employer Familiarity and Organizational Attractiveness--------------------------------------52
4.13 Interrelation between Employer Image and Potential Employee Job Hunting Attempt -----------------------------------53
4.14 Interrelation between Employer Familiarity and Potential Employee Job Hunting Attempt ----------------------55
4.15 Interrelation between Employer Image and Organizational Attractiveness--------------------------------------57
4.16 Regression Analysis of Employer Familiarity, Employer Image and Organizational Attractiveness---------58
4.17 Regression Analysis of Employer Familiarity, Employer Image and Potential Employee Job Hunting Attempt--------------------------------------------------------------------59
4.18 Regression Analysis of Organizational Attractivenes to Potential Employee Job Hunting Attempt ----------------------59
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