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Title page for etd-0116113-215511
Writing from Home: Contemporary Native American Women’s Life Narratives
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cultural imagination, sense of community, home, Native American literature, life writing, cultural trauma, home place
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本論文檢視當代美國原住民女性作家的生命書寫如何形塑當代美國原住民女性對於「家園」的概念。 論者王荷莎以自我、生命、與書寫切入美國原住民自傳的閱讀,本論文計畫以王荷莎的論點為經,繼之以「家」的論述為緯,爬梳「自我」、「生命」、「家園」與「書寫」如何在原住民女性生命敘事中相互形塑觀照,以原民自我與女性經驗將生命書寫轉化成原鄉想像建構的場域,藉以銘刻當代原住民女性的歸家之路。「家園」是美國原住民女性自我形塑與自我表徵最重要的指涉位置;失落家園的殖民歷史與女性家居生命經驗形塑原住民女性對「家園」的想念、想望與想像,因此本論文從當代美國原住民女性的「家園」經驗切入其生命敘事文本的閱讀,探討原住民女性自我、家居日常生活與原鄉文化想像如何巧妙交織出當代原住民女性別有興味的「家園書寫」。當代原住民女性透過生命故事,書寫她們對「家園」的想念與想望,以文化想像成就「家園」的建構,以文字實踐其歸鄉之旅。總結,本論文以「自家書寫」為引,探究以「家」為研究方法切入當代美國原住民女性生命敘事文本閱讀的可行性與可能性,透過論述與文本反覆參照,辯證「家」如何成為美國原住民女性生命與文化實踐的動機、途徑、與願景。本論文選讀四位當代美國首屈一指的原住民女性作家的生命書寫作品,包含琳達・荷根回憶錄《觀照世界的女人:原住民回憶錄》、黛安.葛蘭西回憶錄《掌握呼息》、路薏絲.鄂翠曲回憶錄《藍樫鳥之舞:初為人母的一年》與萊絲里.席爾柯回憶錄《綠松石岩層:回憶錄》。
This dissertation examines how contemporary Native American women conceptualize home in their life writings. As Hertha Wong understands Native American autobiography in terms of the tribal sense of self, life, and language, I extend her reading by shifting the focus to the sense of home as represented in Native women’s life narratives. With far-reaching implications, home constitutes a defining point of reference for Native women’s self-recognition and self-portrait. Native women’s sense of home is largely guided by their loss of and imagination for their home places. Native life writings thus convey an emotional longing for an imaginary or physical reunion with their homeland. Native women’s specific experience of home thus provides a cutting edge for this project. I argue that, in Native women’s life narrative, the sense of home implicates the awareness of a female self, the practice of everyday life in domestic sphere, and cultural attachment to their home places. I intend to demonstrate Native women’s everlasting quest for and construction of home in their life narratives and explore the possibility of using home as a critical approach. Overall, the project explore how self, life, and home are intertwined and inscribed in Native women’s life narratives and how each writer launches and paves her way home through the life stories. The focal texts in this project include Native American women’s life narratives composed at the turn of the century, specifically Linda Hogan’s The Woman Who Watches over the World: A Native Memoir (2001), Diane Glancy’s Claiming Breath (1992), Louise Erdrich’s The Blue Jay’s Dance: A Birth Year (1995), and Leslie Marmon Silko’s The Turquoise Ledge: A Memoir (2010).
目次 Table of Contents

論文審定書 i
Acknowledgements ii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
Chapter One Introduction: Writing from Home 1
Chapter Two This I Call Home 33
Chapter Three Home Lost in Linda Hogan’s The Woman’s Who
Watches over the World: A Native Memoir 65
Chapter Four The Road Home in Diane Glancy’s Claiming Breath 109
Chapter Five Homesick at Home in Louise Erdrich’s The Blue Jays’
Dance: A Birth Year 145
Chapter Six At Home on Earth in Leslie Marmon Silko’s
The Turquoise Ledge: A Memoir 185
Chapter Seven Conclusion: Writing My Way Home 225
Works Cited 243
參考文獻 References
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