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博碩士論文 etd-0116115-130649 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0116115-130649
The study of Stakeholder’s vision for multi-use deep water offshore platform–a case study for Hsiao-Liu-Chiu Island
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Date of Exam
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System Thinking, Offshore Platform, Group Model Building, Stakeholders, Causal-Loop Diagram
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本研究為探討建置深水離岸多功能海洋平台對小琉球區域之影響,採用群體建模(Group Model Building)擷取小琉球權益相關者對於深水離岸多功能海洋平台建置之想法,並將其心智模型以因果回饋圖(Causal-Loop Diagram)的方式呈現進行系統思考分析以及比較建模前後權益相關者想法差異。權益相關者認為建置深水離岸多功能海洋平台對於小琉球的觀光及經濟發展有所幫助,能吸引更多的遊客前來,且認為深水離岸多功能海洋平台的箱網養殖系統對於當地的魚場有所助益,能增加魚群總數,使得漁業活動更加頻繁;也十分注重該平台在台灣法律層面及設計層面安全方面的問題,整體而言他們認為建置該平台對於小琉球發展是正面助益的。藉由因果回饋圖可以清楚的呈現權益相關者的想法和整個系統架構,以提供決策者參考。
This paper describes a group model building activity designed to discuss the potential effects of a multi-use deep water offshore platform may have on its local environment, including ecological and socio-economic issues. Representatives of organizations in Hsiao-Liu-Chiu have been met several times and the structured debates have been organized with them in order to promote the emergence of a consensual view of the main issues and their implications. A Causal-Loop Diagram has been built and corrected iteratively with the participants. The diversity of interests within the group naturally led the process towards the study of multi-functionality and its modalities. Stakeholders believed that multi-use deep water offshore marine platform might have beneficial effects for Hsiao-Liu-Chiu, because more tourists and fish will be attracted to Hsiao-Liu-Chiu. But they also raised some potential problems about the law in Taiwan and the design of the offshore platform. The main results and insights gained during the process are presented.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究流程 5
1.4研究範圍與限制 6
1.4.1 研究範圍 7
1.4.2 研究限制 8
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2.1 海洋平台、箱網養殖、溫差發電 9
2.2 群體建模之應用 19
2.3 系統思考之應用 21
第三章 研究方法與模式建置 23
3.1系統思考 23
3.2群體建模 25
3.3 模式建構 31
第四章 結果分析與討論 45
4.1 系統思考分析 45
4.2政策分析 46
4.3 結果討論 50
第五章 結論與建議 53
5.1 結論 53
5.2 建議 54
參考文獻 55
中文文獻 55
外文文獻 57
附錄一 66
附錄二 73
附錄三 84
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