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Title page for etd-0117109-155357
A Study of Knowledge Withholding Intentions in Software Development Teams: The Role of Contextual Factors and Personal Cognitions
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Social Exchange Theory, Social Cognitive Theory, Software development team, Knowledge withholding intentions
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知識保留意圖(Knowledge Withholding Intentions, KWI)是指個人在提供重要或有價值的知識時沒有盡全力提供的一種怠惰現象。如果軟體專案團隊中的成員大部份都保留重要或有價值的知識,此團隊務必會遭遇:一、沒有辦法即時回應顧客(使用者)的需求。二、程式開發過程錯誤百出,產量因此減少。三、額外的資源需要不斷的投入。四、不能如期完成專案的進度。五、團隊成員間產生衝突。因此,了解軟體專案團隊成員間知識保留之現象是一個很重要的議題。
過去在知識管理的研究上通常以正面激勵因素來研究知識分享行為,知識保留意圖(KWI)相關的研究卻十分罕見。因此,本研究採取負面的觀點,以社會交換理論(Social Exchange Theory)延伸社會認知論(Social Cognitive Theory),提出一個整合性的理論研究架構,從組織情境與個人認知因素來了解軟體專案團隊成員間知識保留之現象。同時,在組織情境中,本研究更進一步提出一個系統性的分類,以理性選擇(Rational Choice)、規範性從眾(Normative Conformity)與情感性連結(Affective Bonding)三個構面來研究知識保留意圖(KWI)。
Knowledge withholding intentions (KWI), defined as the likelihood an individual will give less than full effort on knowledge contribution. If every member withholds knowledge in a software development team, it results in poor project performance. However, little research has been conducted to investigate the factors that influence knowledge withholding intentions. The purpose of this paper is to develop a theoretical model based Social Cognitive Theory and extends it with Social Exchange Theory to analyze the antecedents of knowledge withholding intentions from personal cognitions and contextual factors. Furthermore, the contextual influencers are subdivided into dimensions of rational choice, normative conformity, and affective bonding with a comprehensive view. Through a survey of 227 participants who have experience in software development, task interdependence, procedural justice, leader-member exchange, team-member exchange were found to have negative influences on knowledge withholding intentions. On the contrary, knowledge withholding outcome expectations and knowledge withholding self-efficacy were found to have positive influences on knowledge withholding intentions.
目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of Purpose 1
1.2 Overview of This Dissertation 3
Chapter 2. Theoretical Background and Hypotheses 5
2.1 Withholding Effort 5
2.2 Differences between Knowledge Withholding and Knowledge Sharing 5
2.3 Knowledge Withholding in Software Development Team 7
2.4 Antecedents of Withholding Effort 7
2.5 Social Cognitive Theory 12
2.6 Personal Cognitions 17
2.7 Normative Conformity and Affective Bonding: Social Exchange Theory 19
2.8 Rational Choice 26
Chapter 3. Research Methodology 30
3.1 Operationalization of Constructs 30
3.2 Sampling Procedure 32
3.3 Exploratory Components Analysis on Personal Cognition Constructs 35
3.4 Assessing Non-response Bias and Common Method Bias 36
Chapter 4. Data Analysis and Results 38
4.1 Assessment of the measurement model 38
4.2 Multicollinearity Tests 43
4.3 Assessment of the structural model 46
Chapter 5. Discussions and Implications 51
5.1 Normative Conformity: Distributive Justice and Procedural Justice 51
5.2 Affective Bonding: Leader-member Exchange and Team-member Exchange 53
5.3 Rational Choice: Task Visibility and Task Interdependence 54
5.4 Personal Cognitions: Self-efficacy and Outcome Expectations 56
Chapter 6. Contributions, Limitations and Future Works 58
6.1 Contributions 58
6.2 Limitations 60
6.3 Suggestions for Future Research 60
Chapter 7. Conclusions 62
Reference 64
Appendix A. Measurement Items and Definitions 77

Table 1. Summary of Relevant Studies on Withholding Effort 9
Table 2. Recent Studies for Social Cognitive Theory on KS 13
Table 3. Recent Studies for Social Exchange Theory in KS 20
Table 4. Formal Definitions of Constructs 31
Table 5. Demographic Characteristics of the Sample 34
Table 6. Exploratory Factor Analysis for Personal Cognition Constructs 35
Table 7. Independent Samples Test for Non-Response Bias 36
Table 8. Harman’s Single-Factor Test for Common Method Bias 37
Table 9. Summary of Measurement Scales 38
Table 10. Discriminant Validity and Correlations 43
Table 11. Results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis 44
Table 12. Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) Values 46
Table 13. Goodness of Fit Index 47
Table 14. Hypotheses Testing through Structural Model Estimation 50

Figure 1. SCT-based knowledge withholding intention research model.…………….16
Figure 2. Knowledge withholding intention structural model result.………………...49
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