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博碩士論文 etd-0119107-113804 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0119107-113804
A Study on Taiwan Civil Culture: A Case of Taipei and Kaohsiung City Citizen’s Value, Morality Cognition and Social Capital.
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judgment analysis, morality cognition, value, Taiwan civil culture, shift test, social capital, Social Judgment Theory
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審視台灣南北差距問題的過程涉及「個人」與「社會」因素,國內多從經濟、社會、政治、政府等個別、單一與行為角度來探討,忽視潛藏、無形與本質面的公民文化之分析。本研究擬從台灣公民文化作為社會系統機制來回應經濟、社會、政治和政府的環境改變,從判斷分析觀點,採用價值觀、道德認知與社會資本等面向,以社會判斷理論(Social Judgment Theory, SJT)為研究方法,探討北高兩市民眾日常生活所呈現的公民文化類型,藉由實證研究北高公民文化之差別,釐清造成北高公民文化差距之成因,以建立公民文化相關變項的實證研究架構,反映北高兩市民眾所在的社會結構,並提出道德認知操作步驟作為未來道德研究之參考。
Taipei and Kasohsiung city’s citizens live in base condition of society life area, base on the individuality cognition factors of information, education, morality, and ethic to the social reaction in the pluralistic society. People have to the co-operation and reciprocity each other in the everyday life. The morality norms standard depends on the different between private and public, to decide the co-operation and betrayal. The value or morality cognition embeds the society structure and society relations, it embodies social capital dimensions on interpersonal trust, network structure, and culture perception. They affect the individuality responsibility; reflect the north-south gap phenomena of economy, society, political, government, public policy and public management.
For the issue on north-south gap includes in both individuality and society factor. a majority of research from the aspects on economy, society, political, and government. Few of research focus on civil culture empirical comparison study. Society system mechanism center in civil culture, from the judgment analysis aspects, the research employs the method of Social Judgment Theory, to investigate that Taipei and Kasohsiung city’s citizens think about multiple attributes relevant information to judge the private or public affairs, reflect value, morality cognition, and social capital in the everyday life. The aim is to prove abstract concept on value, morality cognition, and social capital, to establish empirical study of civil culture relevant variance, to reflect individuality society, to provide the operation procedure of morality cognition in the future study.
The research design takes double system case, selects the value cues of free-speech ,society-identity, develop-efficiency, society-stable, and add-income; the morality cognition cues of unfair, upself, reciprocity, relation and toleration; the social capital cues of interpersonal trust, network structure, and culture perception, to reflect citizens psychology priority weight. it keys to north-south gap problem, by the way on economy development and public affairs management education to pass the society shift test and resolve problem.
The subject is citizen, tests in sample 531and568 .The research findings:
(i)Taipei and Kasohsiung city’s citizen value priority weight: post-materialist(32% vs21%),materialist(65% vs72%),mixed type(3% vs7%).
(ii)Taipei and Kasohsiung city’s citizen morality cognition priority weight: fairness(38% vs31%), careness(42% vs47%), fairness/ careness(20% vs22%)
(iii)Taipei and Kasohsiung city’s citizen social capital priority weight: interpersonal trust(44% vs44%), network structure(27%vs19%), culture perception(29%vs37%).
The results reflect that Kasohsiung city holds tradition society state; Taipei city owns modern society state.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論
一、研究背景…………………………………………… ........1
(一)南北城市競爭力差距擴大…………………… …….....1
參、公共事務管理整合參考架構………………. .. ............6
一、條件面……………………………………………… …......6
第二章 北高兩市問題建構:公共事務管理整合參考架構觀點...10
壹、北高條件面………………………………………………. …. 10
(二)自然條件的影響…………………………………………… .11
(二)實質條件的供給與需求………………………………….. 15
貳、北高本質面………………………………………………… ….25
一、判斷分析概念…………………………………………… …….25
二、本質面內容……………………………………………… …….27
(一)事實判斷………………………… …………………………27
(二)價值判斷…………………………………………………… .28
參、北高現象面………………………………………………… ….41
一、個體角色………………………………………………… …..41
(三)在政治上:賦權者與受權者……………………… ……….43
二、個體角色的影響………………………………………… …….44
(一)經濟面………………………………………………… …….45
(二)社會面………………………………………………… …….47
(三)政治面………………………………………………… …….54
(四)政府面………………………………………………… …….59
(五)公共政策與公共管理………………………………… …….60
第三章 公民文化相關變項理論與文獻探討…………………………..…… … …62
壹、多元社會與公民文化………………………………………… .62
一、多元社會與分歧社會………………………………………… .62
二、公民文化……………………………………………………… .63
四、民眾的認知分析……………………………………………… .67
二、公民文化變革對個人及社會系統之影響………………… ….69
(二)公平與關懷………………………………………………… .78
(四)寬容理念的形塑…………………………………………… .79
三、公平與關懷道德認知操作衡量…………………………… ….81
(一)道德認知操作步驟……………………………… ………….81
(二)公平與關懷操作衡量………………………………… …….83
一、社會資本的意義……………………………………… …… …84
二、社會資本的要素……………………………………………… .85
三、社會資本的研究途徑……………………………………… ….87
四、民眾認知、社會資本與社會責任理論模式……………… ….88
五、社會資本的操作變項概念化與衡量………………………… .90
第四章 研究方法與設計………………………………………….…93
(四)Policy PC3th…………………………………………………101
(五)應用社會判斷理論研究課題……………………………… .102
一、調查訪問範圍…………………………………………… …….103
二、母群的界定………………………………………… ………….103
四、問卷設計架構………………………………………………… .105
(三)社會責任認知………………………………………… … …108
第五章 研究結果與分析…………………………………………….111
第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………….132
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