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Title page for etd-0119112-123446
Hydrogen storage and delivery mechanism of metal nanoclusters on a nanosheet
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Rh nanocluster, boron nitride sheet, graphene, Density functional theory, Molecular dynamics, hydrogen storage
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第一部分,首先藉由密度泛函理論獲得銠奈米粒子、銠奈米粒子吸附於硼氮薄膜表面、鋰原子散佈於石墨烯表面、氫氣分子吸附於鋰原子上與氫氣分子吸附於石墨烯表面的最佳化結構及其之間相對應的能量,接著以獲得到的最佳化結構及其之間相對應的能量當作參考數值,並使用Force-matching method(FMM)來獲得合適的勢能函數之參數值,進而藉由獲得到的勢能函數之參數值來執行高效率的分子動力學模擬。
第三部份,同樣是以分子動力學理論來探討石墨烯結構之儲氫,而我們所討論的物理模型分別為石墨烯與散佈不同顆數的鋰原子於石墨烯表面之儲氫結構,接著以調整系統空間的大小來控制系統壓力分別為1 atm、50 atm與100 atm,並探討不同的壓力及溫度分別為77K與300K的儲氫結構之氫氣分子的吸附狀況,然而藉由氫氣分子吸附於石墨烯表面的密度分佈圖及重量百分比(wt%)觀察並分析吸附的現象,進而找出最佳儲氫的環境系統與結構型式。
第四部份,以分子動力學理論來探討間距大於10 A與小於10 A的三層石墨烯結構對氫氣分子的儲存與釋放之影響,並討論系統溫度分別為77K與300K的儲氫結構之氫氣分子的吸附狀況,然而藉由氫氣分子吸附於石墨烯表面的重量百分比(wt%)觀察並分析吸附的現象,接著於系統溫度為較高溫的300K下將系統結構的系統空間擴大以進行氫氣之釋放的模擬,同樣藉由重量百分比(wt%)觀察並分析氫氣釋放的現象,並比較間距大於10 A與小於10 A的三層石墨烯結構對氫氣分子的儲存與釋放之影響。
In this study, we used the Density functional theory (DFT) and Molecular dynamics (MD) to obtain the suitable hydrogen storage structure of Rh nanoclusters on the boron nitride sheet and Li atoms on the graphene. The reason of studying two type of nanoparticles is that there are two adsorption method in hydrogen storage, such as the adsorption of hydrogen molecules and hydrogen atoms. Using Rh nanoclusters on the boron nitride sheet to store hydrogen belong to the adsorption of hydrogen atoms. Using Li atoms on the graphene to store hydrogen belong to the adsorption of hydrogen molecules. We use these two models to simulate the hydrogen storage in this study. There were four parts in this study:
The first part:
The Density functional theory is utilized to obtain the configuration and corresponding energy of Rh nanoclusters, boron nitride sheet, Rh nanoclusters adsorbed on the boron nitride sheet, Li atoms adsorbed on the graphene, hydrogen adsorbed on the graphene and hydrogen adsorbed on the Li atoms. Then, we use the Force-matching method (FMM) to modify the parameters of potential function by the reference data which are obtained by Density functional theory. Finally, we use the modified parameters of potential function to perform Molecular dynamics in this study.
The second part:
In this part, the dynamical behavior of Rh nanoclusters with different sizes on the boron nitride sheet are investigated in temperature-rise period. The migration trajectory, square displacement and mean square displacement of the mass center of the Rh nanoclusters are used to analyze the dynamics behavior of Rh nanoclusters on the boron nitride sheet.
The third part:
In this part, the pristine graphene and graphen with Li atoms are investigated the efficiency of hydrogen storage at different temperature and pressure. In order to obtain the temperature (77K and 300K) and pressure effect of hydrogen storage, the densimetric distribution and gravimetric capacity (wt%) are analyzed.
The fourth part:
The Molecular dynamics is utilized to study the hydrogen storage and delivery when the distance between two graphene is different. Then, the temperature effect (77K and 300K) of hydrogen storage, the gravimetric capacity (wt%) are analyzed. In addition, the gravimetric capacity (wt%) of hydrogen delivery are also analyzed in the larger system space at 300K.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 石墨烯簡介 3
1.3 硼氮薄膜簡介 7
1.4 文獻回顧 7
1.5 本文架構 11
第二章 模擬方法及理論介紹 12
2.1 Basin-Hopping計算法 12
2.2 密度泛函理論(Density Functional Theory) 16
2.2.1 電子密度 16
2.2.2 Thomas-Fermi model (TF model) 17
2.2.3 Hohenberg-Kohn model (HK model) 17
2.2.4 Kohn-Sham方程式 17
2.3 Force-matching method介紹 19
2.4 分子動力學(Molecular Dynamics) 20
2.4.1 勢能函數(Potential Function) 21
2.4.2 運動方程式 27
2.4.3 積分法則 27
2.4.4 時間步階選取 29
2.4.5 溫度修正 29
2.5 數值分析方法 31
2.5.1 密度泛函理論所探討之參數 31
2.5.2 分子動力學所探討之參數 31
第三章 結果與討論 33
3.1 原子間勢能參數之獲得 33
3.1.1 物理模型之建構 33
3.1.2 密度泛函理論模組參數設定 36
3.1.3 勢能參數修正 36
3.2 銠奈米粒子於硼氮薄膜表面的結構與性質 43
3.2.1 物理模型之建構 43
3.2.2 結構特性 45
3.2.3 運動行為與吸附性質 45
3.3 石墨烯結構與鋰原子散佈於石墨烯表面之儲氫 55
3.3.1 物理模型之建構 55
3.3.2 系統溫度與壓力的變化對儲氫之影響 60
3.4 多層石墨烯與鋰原子散佈於多層石墨烯之氫氣的儲存與釋放 69
3.4.1 物理模型之建構 69
3.4.2 不同間距的多層石墨烯及鋰原子散佈於不同間距的多層石墨烯對氫氣之儲存與釋放的影響 73
結論 78
參考文獻 81
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