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博碩士論文 etd-0119112-134857 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0119112-134857
A Study on Career Choice of Indonesian Students in Taiwan
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Indonesian Student, Career Choice, Taiwan
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如今,印尼經濟的迅速增強,預計將維持到隨後的十年。同時,國家仍然是在管理和專業人才的缺乏。本研究的主要內容是探討出國留學的目的,並分析影響因素,例如在台灣的印尼學生的生涯選擇。這項研究是預計能了解印尼學生的未來方向(樣本數115) 。
Nowadays, the swift augmentation of Indonesia’s economy is projected to maintain well into the subsequently decade. Simultaneously, the nation is still experiencing a lack in managerial and professional personnel. The gist of this study was to investigate the purpose of study abroad and to analyze the factors that affect to the career choice of Indonesian students in Taiwan as example. This research was expected to know the directions of the Indonesian students (samples= 115 Indonesian students; population= 615 Indonesian students in Taiwan) in the future.
The research was done by using the survey method. Initially the descriptive statistics was used and frequency distributions for questions were established. The result of this research was satisfied the purpose of study when it found out many factors and conditions of working had influenced on career choice of Indonesian students.
目次 Table of Contents
1.1 Background Research 1
1.1.1 An overview of Indonesia 1
1.1.2 Indonesian students’ expectation on studying abroad 2
1.2 Research Motivation 3
1.3 Research Purpose 4
1.4 Significance of the Study 5
CHAPTER 2 – Literature Review 6
2.1 Career choice 6
2.1.1 Definition of career 6
2.1.2 Definition of career choice 6
2.1.3 Motivation of career choice 7
2.2 Factors Influenced on Career Choice 9
2.2.1 Individual preference influence: Purpose of study abroad 9 Learning foreign languages 9 Higher education 9 Seeking employability: learn to work 10
2.2.2 Job related factors’ influence 10 Company background and management 11 Location 12 Working terms and conditions 13 Perception to the government policy 15
CHAPTER 3: Method 16
3.1 Description of Methodology 16
3.2 Sampling 16
3.2.1 Procedure 16
3.2.2 Participants 17
3.2.3 Questionnaire design 17 Language 18
3.3 Data Collection 19
3.3.1 Instrumentation 19
3.3.2 Distribution 19
3.4 Data Analysis 20
3.4.1 Measurement 20
3.4.2 Method for statistical analysis 20
3.4.3 Demographic 21
CHAPTER 4: Results 23
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 23
4.1.1 Indonesian students’ purpose of studying abroad 23
4.1.2 Personal preferences for career development 24
4.1.3 Company background and management 24
4.1.4 Location 25
4.1.5 Working terms and conditions 27
4.1.6 Perception to the Indonesia government policy 28
4.2 Demographic vs. Purpose of study abroad 29
4.2.1 Demographic vs. To learn Chinese 30
4.2.2 Demographic vs. To gain higher degree 32
4.2.3 Demographic vs. To earn better quality education 33
4.2.4 Demographic vs. To acquire internationally recognized certificate 34
4.2.5 Demographic vs. Lower cost than other countries 35
4.2.6 Demographic vs. To gain independence and maturity 36
4.2.7 Demographic vs. To develop yourself by increasing self-confidence 37
4.2.8 Demographic vs. To expand your worldview 38
4.2.9 Demographic vs. To make friends around the world 39
4.2.10 Demographic vs.To enhance employment opportunities 40
4.2.11 Demographic vs. To advance your career 41
4.2.12 Demographic vs. To earn higher salary 42
4.3 Demographic vs. Personal preferences for career development 43
4.3.1 Demographic vs. To pursue advanced degree 44
4.3.2 Demographic vs. To find a job that do not relate to professional majors 45
4.3.3 Demographic vs. To find a job that relates to professional majors 46
4.3.4 Demographic vs. To start your own business 47
4.3.5 Demographic vs. To continue parents’ business 48
4.4 Demographic vs. Company Background and Management 49
4.4.1 Demographic vs. Size of company 50
4.4.2 Demographic vs. Number of employees 51
4.4.3 Demographic vs. Total capital 52
4.4.4 Demographic vs. Reputation of company 53
4.4.5 Demographic vs. Company business industry 54
4.4.6 Demographic vs. Products and services 55
4.4.7 Demographic vs. Local company for domestic market only 56
4.4.8 Demographic vs. Globalize local company 57
4.4.9 Demographic vs. International company 58
4.4.10 Demographic vs. Company policy and administration 59
4.4.11 Demographic vs. Company’s value and culture 60
4.5 Demographic vs. Location 61
4.5.1 Demographic vs. In Taiwan, Indonesia or Other countries 62
4.5.2 Demographic vs. Highly densely inhabitants 64
4.5.3 Demographic vs. Fewer inhabitants 65
4.5.4 Demographic vs. Transportation support 66
4.5.5 Demographic vs. Providing entertainment place 67
4.5.6 Demographic vs. Safety place (lower criminal rate) 68
4.6 Demographic vs. Working Terms and Conditions 69
4.6.1 Demographic vs. Being paid and Notice pay 70
4.6.2 Demographic vs. Performance related pay 72
4.6.3 Demographic vs. Contracts of employment 73
4.6.4 Demographic vs. Job title 74
4.6.5 Demographic vs. Job description 75
4.6.6 Demographic vs. Job requirements 76
4.6.7 Demographic vs. Job value 77
4.6.8 Demographic vs. Promotions 78
4.6.9 Demographic vs. Changes to employment conditions 79
4.6.10 Demographic vs. Relocation of work 80
4.6.11 Demographic vs. Working time limit 81
4.6.12 Demographic vs. Flexible time 82
4.6.13 Demographic vs. Rest breaks 83
4.6.14 Demographic vs. Overtime 84
4.6.15 Demographic vs. Annual leave and holidays 85
4.6.16 Demographic vs. Time off for sickness 86
4.6.17 Demographic vs. Time to get new training 87
4.7 Demographic vs. Perception to the Indonesia Government Policy 88
4.7.1 Demographic vs. The disability of law 89
4.7.2 Demographic vs. No equal protection of the laws 90
4.7.3 Demographic vs. The invisible discrimination 91
CHAPTER 5: Conclusion and Suggestions 92
5.1 Conclusion 92
5.2 Research Limitations 96
5.3 Suggestions 97
Appendix A: Questionnaire Survey (English Version) 105
Appendix B: Questionnaire Survey (Indonesian Version) 109

Figure 1: Age Range 21
Figure 2: Other Country 26


Table 3-1: Basic data structure 22
Table 4-1-1: Indonesian students’ purpose of studying abroad 23
Table 4-1-2: Personal preferences for career development 24
Table 4-1-3: Company background and management 25
Table 4-1-4: Location 25
Table 4-1-5: Working terms and conditions 27
Table 4-1-6: Perception to the Indonesia government policy 28
Table 4-2-1 Demographic vs. To learn Chinese 31
Table 4-2-2 Demographic vs. To gain higher degree 32
Table 4-2-3 Demographic vs. To earn better quality education 33
Table 4-2-4 Demographic vs. To acquire internationally recognized certificate 34
Table 4-2-5 Demographic vs. Lower cost than other countries 35
Table 4-2-6 Demographic vs. To gain independence and maturity 36
Table 4-2-7 Demographic vs. To develop yourself by increasing self-confidence 37
Table 4-2-8 Demographic vs. To expand your worldview 38
Table 4-2-9 Demographic vs. To make friends around the world 39
Table 4-2-10 Demographic vs.To enhance employment opportunities 40
Table 4-2-11 Demographic vs. To advance your career 41
Table 4-2-12 Demographic vs. To earn higher salary 42
Table 4-3-1: Demographic vs. To pursue advanced degree 44
Table 4-3-2: Demographic vs. To find a job that do not relate to professional majors 45
Table 4-3-3: Demographic vs. To find a job that relates to professional majors 46
Table 4-3-4: Demographic vs. To start your own business 47
Table 4-3-5: Demographic vs. To continue parents’ business 48
Table 4-4-1: Demographic vs. Size of company 50
Table 4-4-2: Demographic vs. Number of employees 51
Table 4-4-3: Demographic vs. Total capital 52
Table 4-4-4: Demographic vs. Reputation of company 53
Table 4-4-5: Demographic vs. Company business industry 54
Table 4-4-6: Demographic vs. Products & services 55
Table 4-4-7: Demographic vs. Local Company for domestic market only 56
Table 4-4-8: Demographic vs. Globalize local company 57
Table 4-4-9: Demographic vs. International Company 58
Table 4-4-10: Demographic vs. Company policy and administration 59
Table 4-4-11: Demographic vs. Company’s value and culture 60
Table 4-5-1-1: Demographic vs. In Taiwan 62
Table 4-5-1-2: Demographic vs. In Indonesia 63
Table 4-5-1-3: Demographic vs. Other Countries 63
Table 4-5-2: Demographic vs. Highly densely inhabitants 64
Table 4-5-3: Demographic vs. Fewer inhabitants 65
Table 4-5-4: Demographic vs. Transportation support 66
Table 4-5-5: Demographic vs. Providing entertainment place 67
Table 4-5-6: Demographic vs. Safety place (lower criminal rate) 68
Table 4-6-1-1: Demographic vs. Being paid 71
Table 4-6-1-2: Demographic vs. Notice pay 71
Table 4-6-2: Demographic vs. Performance related pay 72
Table 4-6-3: Demographic vs. Contracts of employment 73
Table 4-6-4: Demographic vs. Job title 74
Table 4-6-5: Demographic vs. Job description 75
Table 4-6-6: Demographic vs. Job requirements 76
Table 4-6-7: Demographic vs. Job value 77
Table 4-6-8: Demographic vs. Promotions 78
Table 4-6-9: Demographic vs. Changes to employment conditions 79
Table 4-6-10: Demographic vs. Relocation of work 80
Table 4-6-11: Demographic vs. Working time limit 81
Table 4-6-12: Demographic vs. Flexible time 82
Table 4-6-13: Demographic vs. Rest breaks 83
Table 4-6-14: Demographic vs. Overtime 84
Table 4-6-15: Demographic vs. Annual leave and holidays 85
Table 4-6-16: Demographic vs. Time off for sickness 86
Table 4-6-17: Demographic vs. Time to get new training 87
Table 4-7-1: Demographic vs. The disability of law 89
Table 4-7-2: Demographic vs. No equal protection of the laws 90
Table 4-7-3: Demographic vs. The invisible discrimination 91
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