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博碩士論文 etd-0121103-112640 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0121103-112640
The Study of Survival strategics of Local Media
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Press, Local Media, Survival Strategies, Communications Industry, China Daily News, Taiwan News
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也就是說這兩家地方媒體在創刊後至成長期,拜戒嚴報禁之賜,均是當地唯一在地發行的報紙,且被當地讀者視為自家報紙的優勢,此 30年的特殊時空環境,造就了兩個報社在地方的影響力,沿續至報禁開放後的初期。




The purpose of this study is to analyze the environments and survival strategies of local media from the aspect of management. China Daily News and Taiwan News are chosen for case study because they are representative of local newspaper in urban areas in Taiwan.

The results show that these two Newspaper possess three core competitive forces: history, cross marketing and newsroom strategies, and the superior delivery of local news. With regard to history, these two presses were the only press issued locally from their time of establishment to their time of growth and still remain to be so. As to cross marketing and newsroom strategies, their owners highly emphasize the necessity of adopting these strategies which contribute to the success and vitality of the press. Finally, the quality and quantity of the local news they cover and deliver are also unbeatable by any other media.

To survive in the future, local newspaper are advised to adopt the following strategies: (1) to have sufficient capital, (2) to perform market and cost analyses for the purpose of fixing the prices of newspaper and advertisement, (3) to invest on the development of human resources, (4) to evaluate changes in the market, (5) to find a niche and have a clear share in the market, (6) to produce local news that are superior in quality and quantity, (7) to adopt cross marketing and newsroom strategies, (8) to have value chain deconstructed and executed externally. Vertical and horizontal integration, as well as diversification of business are essential as well.

For new local newspaper, there is a small chance of success because the success of a local newspaper depends on the acceptance and recognition of local people. It takes time for local people to grow into the habit of reading a particular newspaper. Even if the newcomers are run in the best form of business, success is still uneasy. The competition is keener in those urban areas where local newspaper are already present.
目次 Table of Contents
【目 錄】
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究背景……………………………………………………1
第二節 研究動機與目的 …………………………………………..2
第三節 研究問題……………………………………………………3
第四節 觀念性架構…………………………………………………4
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………6
第一節 媒體全國性與地方性之界定………………………………6
第二節 傳播產業環境………………………………………………8
壹、 國內平面媒體版圖變動……………………………………8
貳、 報禁開放前後平面媒體的概況…… ...…………………..11
參、 傳播產業環境變遷與現況……..…………………………12
第三節 報業經營策略……………………………………………..17
壹、 核心資源建立之探討……………………………………..17
貳、 報業五力分析……………………………………………..21
參、 報紙產業價值鍵…………………………………………..28
肆、 報業競爭策略……………………………………………..33
第四節 媒體競爭分析……………………………………………..37
壹、 國外競爭現況……………………………………………..37
貳、 國外媒體經營策略………………………………………..38

第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………..42
第一節 研究設計………………………………………………...42
第二節 研究對象………………………………………………...43
第三節 研究流程與架構………………………………………...44

第四章 個案分析及實證結果分析……………………………….46
第一節 中華日報個案分析……………………………………..46
參、 報禁解除後至政府釋出電波前的中華日報…………….48
肆、 電波開放後中華日報面臨的概況…………………...…..49
伍、 中華日報核心資源與經營………………………….….. 55
陸、 中華日報五力分析………………………………………56
柒、 中華日報價值鏈分析……………………………………58
第二節 台灣新聞報個案分析…………………………………..61
壹、 台灣新聞報發展軌跡…………………………………...61
貳、 報禁解除前的台灣新聞報……………………………...63
參、 報禁解除後至政府釋出電波前的台灣新聞報………...64
肆、 電波開放後台灣新聞報面臨的概況…………………...66
伍、 台灣新聞報核心資源與經營…………………………....72
陸、 台灣新聞報五力分析……………………………………73
柒、 台灣新聞報價值鏈分析…………………………………75
第三節 中華日報、台灣新聞報兩報經營策略之差異…………79
壹、 中華日報、台灣新聞報報禁開放前後經營差異分析…79
貳、 中華日報、台灣新聞報競爭策略分析………………....81
參、 中華日報、台灣新聞報廣告業績差異比較……………84
肆、 中華日報、台灣新聞報的顧客分析……………………85
伍、 中華日報半世紀經營之策略……………………………86

第五章 結論………………………………………………………94
第一節 研究發現……………………………………………...94
第二節 研究建議……………………………………………….96
第三節 研究限制………………………………………………..98
附錄一 訪談綱要…………………………………………………..104
附錄二 受訪者訪談稿……………………………………………..105
1. 訪中華日報詹天性董事長………………………………………………105
2. 訪中華日報劉繼先社長…………………………………………………112
3. 訪中華日報前總經理&總編輯莊松旺先生……………………………114
4. 訪台灣新聞報前社長顏榮昌先生………………………………………117
5. 訪台灣新聞報前副社長兼總經理楊義雄先生…………………………119
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