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博碩士論文 etd-0121120-195911 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0121120-195911
Conflict Management in Multicultural Work Teams-an Evaluation of The Leader Factor Transformational Leadership And The Individual Factor Cultural Intelligence
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Multicultural work teams, conflict management, transformational leadership
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卷共有103 名回答者,這些皆為多元文化團隊中工作的員工。作者使
Since globalization and the possibility to work across borders, multicultural work teams
have grown significantly and with them, based on diverse cultural backgrounds, more
conflicts occur in this diverse cultural setting. This paper examines the importance and
effectiveness of conflict management strategies, namely the leader factor transformational
leadership and the individual factor cultural intelligence, when facing task or relationship
conflict within a multicultural team. Furthermore, this research endeavors to
point out the significance of the right application of these two strategies, when aiming
for a positive resolution of a conflict. A total of 103 employees, which are working in
various multicultural teams, completed the online-based questionnaire. The author used
a regression-process model to analyze the data. As predicted, task and relationship conflicts,
cannot be resolved without the intervening from a conflict resolution strategy and
consistent with past research, results revealed strong correlations between a conflict and
its positive resolution and the mediating effect of transformational leadership. In contrast
to what has been suggested in academic research however, cultural intelligence
cannot be used as a solely underlying mechanism between task and relationship conflict
and its positive resolution. Nevertheless, cultural intelligence can be used to regain the
team’s synergy after a conflict, when applied in combination with other factors, as for
example transformational leadership. Moreover, the research states the employees’ conflict
resolution strategy preference, when encountering a conflict, which clearly resulted
in the “collaborative style” as the preferred one.
This paper extends the existing literature regarding conflict resolution strategies in multicultural
work teams and gives a new perspective on the usage of cultural intelligence.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. II
Abstract Chinese ............................................................................................................... III
Abstract English ................................................................................................................ IV
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ V
List of Figures and Tables ................................................................................................ VI
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
2 Literature Review & Hypotheses Development .................................................... 6
2.1 Types of Conflict ..................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Conflicts in a Multicultural Setting ......................................................................... 7
2.3 Styles of Addressing Conflicts ................................................................................ 8
2.4 Consequences of Conflicts ...................................................................................... 9
2.5 Hypotheses Development ...................................................................................... 10
2.5.1 Direct Effects ...................................................................................................... 10
2.5.2 Indirect Effects ................................................................................................... 12
3 Methodology ........................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Quantitative Approach .......................................................................................... 17
3.2 Online Survey ........................................................................................................ 18
3.3 Questionnaire Design ............................................................................................ 19
3.3.1 Measures ............................................................................................................. 20
3.4 Data Collection Procedure & Sampling ................................................................ 23
3.5 Data Analysis ........................................................................................................ 25
4 Results & Findings ................................................................................................. 27
4.1 Supplementary Results .......................................................................................... 32
4.2 Ad - Hoc Analysis ................................................................................................. 32
5 Discussion ................................................................................................................ 35
5.1 Implications ........................................................................................................... 38
5.2 Limitations & Future Research Directions ............................................................ 41
5.3 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 43
List of References............................................................................................................... 45
Annex- Questionnaire ....................................................................................................... 50
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