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Title page for etd-0122118-183411
Study on the response of innate immunity in Litopenaeus vannamei acclimated to different salinities
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prophenoloxidase activation system, euryhaline, Litopenaeus vannamei
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南美白對蝦(Litopenaeus vannamei),又常簡稱為白蝦,在1994年被引進至台灣,成為了繼台灣草蝦養殖崩盤後的熱門養殖物種。能夠成為熱門養殖物種的原因有以下幾點:(1)成長快速,從苗到上市的養成期間只需要3 – 4個月;(2)養殖成本低,南美白對蝦有著廣鹽的特性,能夠適應1 - 2‰的低鹽度環境到40‰的高鹽度環境,業者可以利用此特性將白蝦苗淡化,以減少佔養殖成本中第二高位的海水成本。由於上述原因,台灣各地使用不同的鹽度環境來飼養白蝦,反觀墨西哥、印度等國家,卻因為水份蒸發率高,養殖的鹽度時常超過正常的海水鹽度。環境、病原、宿主,為養殖的三大重點,三者環環相扣,雖然白蝦能夠適應大範圍的鹽度,但其體內的滲透壓為718 mOsm/kg,相當於鹽度為25‰的環境,極端的鹽度環境對於白蝦而言,可能會帶來生理上的壓力,間接影響到體內的免疫能力。因此,本篇研究將白蝦長時間(2週)飼養在不同鹽度環境(2.5‰、5‰、15‰、35‰、45‰)下,觀察先天性免疫反應機制中的原酚氧化酵素系統(prophenoloxidase activation system, proPO system),相關基因prophenoloxidase 1 (proPO1)、prophenoloxidase 2 (proPO2)、prophenoloxidase activating factor (PPAF)、serine proteinase (SP)及酵素層面的變化,並計算總血球細胞數量(total hemocyte count, THC),藉此評估先天性免疫反應的變化。實驗結果顯示,在15‰的鹽度環境下,總血球數及血球之酚氧化酵素活性顯著性高於2.5‰與5‰的鹽度環境,但在原酚氧化酵素系統之相關基因表現量上,SP在35‰的鹽度環境下顯著高於其他鹽度。根據以上結果,低鹽度環境,會造成酚氧化酵素活性及總血球數的下降,推測因為白蝦需要花費較多的能量在調節體內的滲透壓,而沒有足夠的能量來維持體內的免疫反應。本研究的最終目的,是希望能夠提供養殖業者在選擇鹽度環境時的參考,考量鹽度對白蝦免疫力的影響,提高其養殖物種的獲利率。
White shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) was introduced to Taiwan in 1994 and immediately became a popular farming species after the market crash of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). White shrimp is popular for the following reasons: (1) High growth rate. It takes only 3 - 4 months of cultivation before selling in the market. (2) Low cost of water. Water is the second highest cost in aquaculture. Because white shrimp is euryhaline, it can adapt to a wide range of salinities from 1 - 2 ‰ hypotonic to 40 ‰ hypertonic. Aquaculturists take advantage of this feature and desalinate seedlings, if their aquatic farms are far away from the source of seawater. Aquaculture of white shrimp in Taiwan is practiced in a wide range of salinities. In Mexico and India, the evaporation rate is very high, so the salinity of farming environment often exceeds the value of normal seawater. Environment, pathogen and host are the three main aspects in aquaculture. Although white shrimp can adapt to a wide range of salinities, the osmotic pressure of white shrimp is 718 mOsm/kg, which is equivalent to the salinity of 25 ‰. An extreme salinity environment may bring physiological stress and affect their immunity. In this study, we cultivated white shrimp in different salinity environment (2.5‰, 5‰, 15‰, 35‰ and 45‰) for two weeks and observe their innate immune responses. We estimated the total hemocyte count (THC), expression pattern of gene in prophenoloxidase activation system (proPO system): prophenoloxidase 1 (proPO1), prophenoloxidase 2 (proPO2), prophenoloxidase activating factor (PPAF), serine proteinase (SP), and activity level of phenoloxidase activity (PO activity). Our results showed that in the salinity of 15 ‰, PO activity and THC were significantly higher than in 2.5 ‰ and 5 ‰. However, the expression level of SP was significantly higher in 35‰. We suggested that more energy is required to adjust osmotic pressure in hypotonic environment, therefore organisms have insufficient to maintain immunity. The ultimate good of this study is to provide guidelines for white shrimp aquaculturists while choosing salinity environment for better immunity and higher harvest rate.
目次 Table of Contents
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
壹、前言 1
1.台灣南美白對蝦的養殖起源 1
2.白蝦主要的疾病 2
3.台灣白蝦養殖近況 3
4.廣鹽性(Euryhaline) 4
5.白蝦的免疫反應(Immunity of white shrimp) 5
6.原酚氧化酵素系統 6
Prophenoloxidase activation system (proPO system) 6
貳、材料與方法 9
2.1物種及飼養條件(Experimental animals and environments) 9
2.3總血球數量計數(Total hemocyte count, THC) 10
2.4原酚氧化酵素相關基因表現量 10
(Gene expression of prophenoloxidase activation system) 10
2.4.1萃取血球中的Total RNA 10
2.4.2反轉錄RNA 11
2.4.3即時聚合酶鏈式反應 11
2.5 酚氧化酵素活性(Phenoloxidase activity, PO activity) 12
2.5.1血球細胞 12
2.5.2血淋巴液 12
2.5.3總蛋白質 12
2.6 統計方法 13
參、結果 14
3.1長期暴露在不同鹽度的南美白對蝦其總血球數(Total hemocyte count, THC)的變化 14
3.2長期暴露在不同鹽度的南美白對蝦其原酚氧化酵素系統(Prophenoloxidase activation system, proPO system)相關基因的表現量 14
3.3長期暴露在不同鹽度的南美白對蝦其血球細胞及血淋巴液之酚氧化酵素活性(Phenoloxidase activity, PO activity)的變化 14
肆、討論 16
參考文獻 20
表次 27
圖次 37
參考文獻 References
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