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博碩士論文 etd-0123109-083112 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0123109-083112
The Study of the Relationship between Mother-in-laws and Daughter-in-laws of Taiwanese-Vietnamese Marriages
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the relationship between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws
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As the number of foreign spouses is increasing in Taiwan, Taiwan government and scholars have paid more attention to the issue of life adaptation of foreign spouses in Taiwan. The relationship between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws is littled concerned by scholars. This research works on the interactions between Vietnamese spouses and their mother-in-laws. Most foreign Vietnamese spouses live with husband’s fathers and mothers in Taiwan after their marriages. Interactions between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws are an important part of interdynamic family relationship, which generate influence on the harmony of their families. Thus, this research aimed at Vietnamese wivies, and on the basis of the development of interpersonal relationship, to further probe into the setting up and development of the relationship between Vietnamese spouses and Taiwanese mother-in-laws, and how Vietnam wivies face the conflict with their mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws.
As for the research method, indepth interview is taken. Interviewer carries on deep interview with aimed persons under a guide of interview outlines of semi-structured interviews. Study samples were mainly Vietnamese spouses who have got married over two years, and at present live with their Taiwanese mother-in-laws in the Kaohsiung area. Through the way of purposive sampling and snowball sampling, eighteen Vietnamese wives are selected as the interviewing targets, and paid a visit to deeply investigate the subjective opinions of their mother-in-laws, the relationship-build process with mother-in-laws, how to keep the harmony between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws, and how to face the conflicts between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws.
The research shows that the relationship between Vietnamese spouses and Taiwanese mother-in-laws roughly keep the harmonious state. And there are four significant themes during the relation-developing process between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws, they are (1) ‘mother-in-laws take the initiative’ is the first step to establish the relations with their daughter-in-laws. During the initial stage of this relationship, the attitude of mother-in-laws toward daughter-in-laws plays the main factor to influence the relationship in the future. (2) ‘The role playing’ is the basis of maintaining the relationship between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws. In daily life, the role playing is the main way to keep relationship harmonious between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws. (3) The attitudes of mother-in-laws and husband’s family could influence the relationship between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws, and lead to more familiar or stagnate. Due to Vietnamese spouses take the most frequently interactions with husband’s family after coming to Taiwan, the attitudes of mother-in-laws and husband’s family would influence the development of the relationship between moth-in-laws and daughter-in-laws. (4) As foreign spouses have married to Taiwan for a longer period of time, they would take more active ways than those newly married to Taiwanese husbands when encountering conflicts with mother-in-laws.
目次 Table of Contents
目 次
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機 …………………………………………… 03
第二節 研究目的 …………………………………………… 05
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 台灣的婚姻移民現象
第一項、 婚姻移民的形成 ……………………………… 06
第二項、 跨國婚姻的特性 ……………………………… 07
第三項、 婚姻移民之相關研究 …………………………… 12
第二節 人際關係與溝通
第一項、 人際關係 …………………………… 13
第二項、 人際關係之相關研究 …………………………… 20
第三節 婆媳關係
第一項、 傳統家庭中的婆媳關係 ……………………… 23
第二項、 現代家庭中的婆媳關係 ……………………… 24
第三項、 婆媳關係之相關研究 ……………………… 25
第三章 研究方法
第一節 質性研究方法 ……………………………………… 27
第二節 研究對象 ……………………………………… 33
第三節 研究流程 ……………………………………… 34
第四節 資料分析 ……………………………………… 35
第五節 訪談大綱 ……………………………………… 36
第四章 研究結果與分析
第一節 樣本描述 ……………………………………… 38
第二節 「醜媳婦見公婆」-婆婆主動出擊 ………………… 42
第三節 「我們是婆媳」-角色扮演的落實 ………………… 49
第四節 「我可以獨立嗎?」-關係的親密與停滯 ………… 73
第五節 面對衝突的因應方式 ………………………………… 78
第一項、 消極應對 ………………………………… 78
第二項、 積極應對 ………………………………… 81
第五章 結論與討論
第一節 總結 ……………………………………… 84
第二節 研究限制 ……………………………………… 89
第三節 未來研究方向 ……………………………………… 89
附錄一:訪談同意書(中文版) …………………………… 91
附錄二:訪談同意書(越文版) …………………………… 92
參考書目 …………………………………………… 94
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